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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. That DR Luigi discount price is still higher than the game should have been in the first place! Honestly, Nintendo are just downright greedy at times when it comes to the eShop. It's a puzzler for christs sake. Imagine if Nintendo actually DID release games on iOS, with their current pricing they'd never make it into the Top 100.
  2. These are the same Mario Happy Meal toys they had in Tenerife back in October! I bought 3 Happy Meals before we got the plane back thinking we'd never get them over here :P Oh well, it gave me an excuse to scoff on chicken nuggets. I think that may be a bit optimistic :p But it's a step in the right direction I guess!
  3. For a second I thought that WAS K Rool in tropical freeze and I nearly killed you for what would have been spoiler of the century
  4. I heard they barely made any physical copies. I remember hearing one of the developers say how they couldn't even get hold of a game they'd been working on themselves for 6 months
  5. That's amazing!! And not a bad price either - IM SOLD
  6. That bullet bill t-shirt looks awesome. I was gonna wait it out because the last few Mario Kart games haven't really done it for me but I think I'll have to pre-order now. I wish they did a mega bundle with the t-shirt, key ring, game and shell!
  7. Yeah, I went and got another one. My Wii U shelf is now more impressive than the ones in GAME. ...Though I guess that's not saying much :p
  8. I kept putting weight on because I love food but unlike usual, I couldn't be arsed to eat less and go on some diet to rectify the situation :p So I decided to do a few sit ups and push ups. I started about a month ago doing 10 of each per day because, y'know, everyone has gotta start somewhere and I'm weedy :p I've worked my way up to 30 sit ups and 30 push ups when I wake up and then the same again before I go to bed. It's surprising what a difference I've noticed in just a month. I don't look too different but I'm definitely more toned already and wheras when I used to sit my belly would squidge up, now it doesn't! It's a revelation. I don't know why I didn't start doing this 10 years ago :p Oh wait yeah I do, it's cause I'm lazy.
  9. Before I got my Motion Plus controllers I just got the Motion Plus attachments for my old Wii-motes, got some on ebay for like £5 each. I picked up ZombiU yesterday as I saw it in GAME for just a tenner. I'd always held out because I'm not overly keen on FPS or indeed any shooting games but... I can't believe I waited this long! It's such a fun game and makes fantastic use of the GamePad. I'd almost forgotten just how much potential the thing had. It was really refreshing to play such an ambitious Wii U title, with great graphics, voice acting and multiplayer. So yeah, it was a very bitter-sweet experience. I guess we won't be seeing another third-party game like that on Wii U for quite some time/ever. Also, on the games front, I got Black Flag last week and finally played it a few days ago. It's a lot more fun than number 3 but technically a lot worse. Number 3 on my Wii U is relatively smooth (framerate wise) and looks great, though it is a bit glitchy. But Black Flag looks a lot worse, seems somehow even glitchier and the frame rate is awful. It's like an N64 game at times with how juddery it gets. I was wondering if it's a rushed title and like this on every console or if Ubisoft just took less time optimising this one for Wii U. Anyone played it on another console?
  10. I still haven't played this game, despite being so hyped for it back in 2006, I guess that shows just how much I can push things back :p I haven't got much to say other than, if anything, this game provided us with one of the most prominent in-game shots of the Wii, ever and / nando / beat me to it! That photo is like the wild yeti or Loch Ness Monster shot, it will forever be burnt in my mind. Heck, back then I was so excited for the Wii I could have probably whacked off to that photo. Dat bloom.
  11. Yeah, the online is also make or break for me as pretty much none of my friends like the Smash games. Or perhaps I should just get rid of all my casual non-gamer friends :p
  12. Party games for me have justified the inclusion of the GamePad but the games that do use it are so few and far between that it still seems like a wasted opportunity. As far as maps and inventories are concerned though, I have to agree with Serebii. Wind Waker was miles better for me thanks to the optimised inventories and map... Was it worth the extra (estimated) €100 though? I'm not sure. Either way, judging by sales and consumer reaction, it was clearly the wrong path for Nintendo to take
  13. I'm at World 5 and it's just constantly blowing me away. I really can't believe how much I'm enjoying this, but then perhaps it's because I had such low expectations that for once I really didn't believe the hype and instead have been pleasantly surprised and taken back. I love the new attacks all the characters have and the music is just sublime. David Wise is a true genius. The game is pretty hard but I keep persevering because for the first time in ages, I get totally engrossed in the game. So many games lately have presented me with a challenge and if I haven't been able to overcome it in a certain amount of time I've just thought "man, it's just a game" and given up but I can actually see myself getting to the end of this, no matter what is thrown at me :p Saying that, I've just been getting from A to B on my first run! I've decided to take a break from continuing past World 5 and have re-visited past levels with the help of Squarks now though! I love the unlockable art-work, too! I really can't praise this game enough, it's the true sequel to the DKC trilogy that I always wanted which, if any of you were keeping up with my Retro hatred after Returns, will know is a big deal. One thing that's annoying me is alternate exits. I've found hardly any so far I know it sounds lazy but I wish you could use squarks to find those, too :p
  14. I'm enjoying DK so much at the moment, I've just waited so long for big, HD Nintendo games. If the Wii U continues to do really poorly and has to end early, as some have suggested in the gaming sales thread, I will be incredibly disappointed. This time last year the Wii U was still iffy to me, but right now it's such a good console. Breaks my heart to watch it go down in flames but obviously, I can totally see why it has. Has anything had such a dramatic down-turn as the Wii to Wii U? Back in 2010, I really wouldn't have ever guessed the successor to Wii could have performed so badly as Nintendo were so on form with both the Wii and DS in terms of games (at least until late 2011) and marketing.
  15. Oh my GOD. I've re-visited most childhood shows but I'd completely forgotten about this. I used to watch it with my brother when he'd come home from school, heck, I hadn't even started school then! Oh man, this really melts my heart to watch! And I think I used to be madly in love with silver hair guy (as much as you can be at like, age 5 ahaha). Gosh, I was expecting to find the usual Pokémon and Power Rangers references in here but your post really blew my mind And I started watching Saved By The Bell again about a year ago in an ironic way. Ended up watching every episode from start to finish, probably multiple times, over many months and getting completely engrossed in their perfect high school life. I really have no shame! I even got a Screech t-shirt to feed my obsession. I also watched a few Power Rangers episodes a few months ago hoping it would have the same effect but I wasn't as taken :p It had aged so badly and was clearly aimed at such young viewers that when the nostalgia had gone all I was left with was a very weird show with some terrible acting. That witch lady has the worst voice I've ever heard!!
  16. @Animal After reading that post I whipped out 4 again and shit, man. I swear Beauty and a Beat is just impossible! I used to love the song too but this damn dance is really making me despise it :p And in 2014 I vote for... JUST DANCE - Lady Gaga. We haven't done that already, right? I hope not anyway, because I'm actually not too bad on that one :p and.. You've just described like every Just Dance title there is :p But yeah there are 1D and JB songs on number 4 as well! I noticed it has a permanent price drop on the eshop at £14.99 so if you do like 2014 then maybe you could get 4, too.
  17. @Animal Just Dance isn't on the list so hopefully that's still playable! I know the DLC will still be available but I'm not sure about the World Dance Floor! Here's hoping!
  18. No problem! I should probably wait a while before I buy any more games anyway, I just remembered I also got Metroid Prime 3 recently and whilst I haven't played it before, if the original is anything to go by then I'll be on it for quite some time :p And I really hated Returns. For a start, I couldn't stand the controls. Some people could get used to it, but I just hated having to shake to roll, it wasn't as precise as a button press and felt really gimmicky and annoying. And for reference, I played and loved both Galaxy games and never thought the spin jump was a problem. Secondly, the levels were just too short for their own good. Just as I was getting drawn into a level we'd be at the end. It also seemed to lack variety in gameplay. Not being able to swim was a huge factor but also, apart from some of the interesting mine-cart levels, it all just felt like the same old and it seemed as though they tried to mask this with unforgiving difficulty. Finally, it just didn't feel like a Donkey Kong game to me. The enemies, the fact that DK and Diddy were the only original Donkey Kong characters in the game (and the sad, old looking Rambi) made it feel like a Crash Bandicoot title with DK pasted in. And the music was rubbish, it was all so bland that I can barely remember a single track... apart from what I'd call a lazy remix of Aquatic Ambiance. I'm probably not the best person to ask about the game though, because I really have a grudge against it and whenever I ask other people, they tend to rate the game highly. What I will say is though - pretty much everything I hated about Returns has been rectified in Tropical Freeze, to the point where I love the game. Additional characters such as Cranky and Dixie not only make it feel like a DK game again but also add a lot of variety to the gameplay with their new moves and the return of David Wise brings back some of that trademark atmosphere from the original trilogy. The main thing for me though is the levels. They all have a nice length and are just so fun and exciting - Just as you think you've seen it all, something new is thrown at you. So yeah, give Returns a pop, 'cause whilst I didn't like it, many others did and if you have a Wii U, you must try out Tropical Freeze!
  19. I'm desperate to play this game again, so if you feel like selling you should let me know! Otherwise I'll just get it from CEX. I know your comments on the game aren't exactly incredible but... I'm just feeling really nostalgic! AND - I'm playing Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze! It's so much better than I thought it would be and really has that 'one more stage' feeling to it. Considering I completely hated Returns, this is a really great return to form. Next on the list and waiting in my unplayed pile is ASS CREED Black Flag!
  20. That doesn't really make it any better :/ But I see your point, Nintendo aren't the only ones doing it and seemingly they can just leave it on the box.
  21. This is rubbish and nothing like the original Xbox Live situation. For one, whilst they're not exactly incredibly popular, Nintendo still sell NEW Wii games such as Mario Kart and Boom Street, so surely after May, having 'Nintendo Wi-Fi connection' on the box would be misleading the consumer. How is it even legal for them to promote online on the box when it's not actually an option? If they were no longer selling them new then I could understand, even if it is a bit pre-mature. It makes me worry about the Wii U, too. I bet a few months after the release of their next console, Miiverse will be completely dead on the platform and all the online ga... oh wait, I guess not many games are online anyway :p
  22. Oh man, imagine if that box was a pre-order bonus? And my brother was over today, he has the same initial gripes as me and was moaning about how Nintendo should do more than 2D platformers. But just like me, he was blown away. It was like we'd gone back in time and we're playing DKC2 on my SNES!
  23. I always forget about him being a bit rapey, that is off-putting! I also forgot about writing this, sorry to pester you all with my drunken melodramatic rambling :p
  24. I can't stop listening to this, what a beautiful man. Also this, but mainly for that damn cute bear
  25. I hope this QOL thing isn't their 'third pillar' because the DS was third pillar to GBA and GC and look what happened there, as soon as it gained traction, the classic GameBoy brand was dead in the water.
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