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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. @martinist - Tell me what you think, it's all I ever bloody hear about in NEO :p @Emerald Emblem - What a deal! I hope you enjoy it Some of the 'House Party' games are especially fun! And heck, even if you don't, at that price it's worth it for the Wii Remote Plus alone! Aaaand, I was gonna get the physical copy but it would have took ages and I'm not sure about the shipping/customs and all that shit (though I wish I did get the physical one as I could have salivated over all the posters and crap that come with it) - So instead I once again gave myself a hefty iTunes bill :p
  2. Oh man, if only I was a bit earlier! I have 101 and Pikmin but would have been tempted by Mario and Luigi at those prices! Also, I'm shocked that Nintendo actually acknowledged Nintendo Tvii, I thought they were just going to quietly let it die, I guess maybe there is hope after all. But man are they bad at this kind of thing. More than a year later were still waiting for something that should have been available at launch :p I guess with that kind of thing though, it's always with America in mind, and then we get it afterwards. Heck, I remember the wait for netflix to release over here, but my god, when it did, I barely left my chair for a month.
  3. I have finally got used to the controls, though the run button is still pointless. I'd almost forgot about it, just because I automatically hold it down now. A silly addition, in my eyes. The one other thing that annoys me is the camera angles. I just can't get the depth perception right sometimes, it's a lot harder to try and do platforming when you're forced to view it from a certain angle. I wish there was an option to be able to view the world like in Mario 64!
  4. I was coming in to drop a nice quick post about the eShop music and man, what happened here? What was going to be a 2 min post ended up being a good 40 min read :P it was interesting though! I have to say that third-party story was interesting, the times it took for a response from Nintendo are pretty shocking. It really does sound as though they don't care about third-parties at times. And why would mothers care about the size and noise of a Wii U? I thought most had no standards for technology. My parents are still using this HUGE telewest tv box, it's literally bigger than an original Xbox. I always tell them "you can get an upgrade for free, it will be way smaller and load the on demand stuff faster" and all I get it, "why, this one still works?". I mean bloody hell, it changed to Virgin Media years ago now. Anyway yeah, check the new eShop music, it's fantastic:bouncy: On the subject of looks... I loved the look of the original Wii (when it's in its silver stand) and my Red Mario Wii is by far the most fetching thing on my shelf (out of the consoles I own) I was never a huge fan of the Wii U look but my good, the PS4 looks even uglier than I had initially thought :p I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't for that big nasty crease. And don't get my started on the GamePad, I like it as a controller but man, it's ugly as fuck. I think I actually prefer the original DS. It doesn't help that I have the Wii U GamePad upright on the stand and then my PS Vita lying down in front of it. The Vita just looks so sleek and shiny in comparison to that plastic beast. Oh man, I thought I was the only person in the world to have this It's lovely indeed, I got it off my brother with a Mario plush last Christmas! I sure hope he didn't pay the full RRP though, thats a shocking price! I usually plonk my Wii U on the charging stand when I'm not using it (comes in handy for Netflix as well else that just drains the battery) but I usually go to some friends house once a week with my Wii U and its very handy for keeping the pad safe on the journey there and back!
  5. I was fairly critical of this to begin with but I adore it now....
  6. Oh man, we need another Pokémon Snap, such a magical game! I can't imagine how nice it would look on Wii U as well The Wii U is powerful enough for gorgeous looking Pokemon as it is, but an on-rails game would make it even easier to squeeze some great graphics out of the system. And I just wanna hear this tune again, in higher quality:
  7. I don't have enough But that's one thing I miss about my original DS, I loved just plonking it on that thing to charge. Do they even sell XL cradles?
  8. The filthy trumpets, the weird suit, the wonderful dancing, and headband, so many conflicting emotions, yet I just love it.
  9. I don't know much (or really anything :P) about the development side of things, so thanks for giving some insight into why they charge the extra, I suppose it does actually make sense, but I feel as though, for being a long-term supporter, they should offer it for free anyway. It's not as though they'd be making no money, they'd still be making money from the new Wii U purchases.
  10. Don't change your opinion just for the N-E public, Ashley, I know you love it really. And honestly if you don't like it, then I feel as though I've been lead astray, pahahaha. I just finished episode 4, I can't stop watching. xoxo
  11. I finally started watching Gossip Girl (after I'd heard our Ashley and Mexican boy speak fondly of it) and whilst I didn't think I'd be too impressed, I actually ended up loving it! I don't know if I'll watch another tonight, as my other friend has told me to start watching New Girl, but we'll see. I might put that on the back burner, if I start too many shows at once I end up watching a few episodes of all of them and never completing any.
  12. Yeah they do have the VC, it's a shame they are fucking it up so much. Everything is over priced and there's barely anything. We get weird and completely random NES/SNES games that hardly anyone wants or the same crap that we always get. EarthBound was a refreshing break from the usual, so I hope we get more bold moves like that. If they really pushed the VC, that'd be something. Reduce the prices for a start, then get a healthy dose of N64 titles on there (and classic SNES titles like the DKC trilogy) and then for a final blow, GET GAMECUBE GAMES ON THERE! EDIT: But considering I waited 7 years and still didn't get Diddy Kong Racing or DK64 on Wii, I'm not holding my breath. Also, paying to update your Wii purchase to a Wii U VC game? What's up with that?
  13. I don't see why we're always so optimistic about third-parties before a console release - This always happens. When Iwata and Reggie were banging on about great third-party support for Wii U I knew it was bullshit. We've heard it before with the GameCube, then the Wii and once again, we're somehow surprised. If Nintendo couldn't get third parties on board with one of the best selling consoles of all time, then they sure as hell aren't going to do it with the Wii U. I think you just have to accept that you buy a Nintendo console for Nintendo games and then get an Xbox/PlayStation for the third parties. It's been this way since the N64 and Nintendo being Nintendo, it isn't going to change. I could change 'Wii U' to 'GameCube' in every post in this thread and it would look exactly like the GameCube general discussion from Cube-Europe (though the GameCube wasn't quite as doomed :P) and I'd wager that I could come back on here in 10 years and everyone will be having the same conversation about third-parties on the Nintendo WiiUO2Lite Or y'know, this will be Game-Europe and we'll be talking about Nintendo being a great third-party developer - I went there :p
  14. I arrived in 2002/2003! I was redirected here when those awful forums on the official Nintendo website were about to get closed. There was a thread telling people where they should go and I'm glad I stumbled upon it I loved reading about all the upcoming GameCube games and downloading all those awesome wallpapers. I used to sit and think "man it must be so fun to work in the Cube-Europe office, playing games and making wallpapers" This site has seen me through many awkward years and I'm sure many more to come! So thanks to everyone that helps to create such a great place! -bstmte ______ Chek out monkey mad forumz for a grt time nd to tlk about donkey konga!!
  15. Lol I thought that was the song name, I see I was wrong now :p
  16. Duck sauce is just dance 2014!
  17. Thanks to the both of you, I now have both the themes stuck in my head. And I suddenly thought, if I do ever get another pet (I'll ask Banjo's permission first) should I call it Mojojojo? Wait, I already know that's a bad idea. I'm gonna go to sleep. But also, Edd has decided we've gotta get married. I said, like Pheobe, it has to be New York. He said that's amazing, he'll get his maid to come along too. It was tongue in cheek to start with but now I feel as though we're just humouring each other :p
  18. Oh noooooo! I assumed being a free download we'd be fine! ButI forgot how iffy the Wii is on that kind of thing! So...duck sauce
  19. Damn that pesky PSY! And I downloaded a new song today, it's a pretty awesome dance, I recognised the song but didn't know the name so trying to recall it is tricky :p Something like "Dont you worry child". When I first saw the title I got excited, thinking it was that one dance song from Donkey Konga 1, alas, it's not, but probably sounds better for it :p ANYWAY! THE NEXT SONG! I wanna hear you guys ROAR (So let's do Katy Perry!)
  20. God damn! I've played this game pretty much every other day since I got it but with work and Christmas I had left it for about 3 weeks... and ZELL has gone! He was the best villager, so funny Reading his goodbye letter was like stabbing myself in the best multiple times.
  21. I'll check my Wii U later, I forgot that also has an activity log, should be interesting considering the crazy amount of games I got for it. My 3DS was the opposite, I've barely played it this year: 3) Luigis Mansion 2 - 5 hours 2) Colors 3D - 10 hours and... oh wait, I played the shit out of one game... (and thanks for gifting it me @Ashley - It's the most fun I've had gaming all year ) 1) Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 118 hours shiiiiiiiiiit
  22. I was gonna post yesterday but thought I'd let the puns continue :p His actual name is Edd!
  23. I usually just smash the GamePad on the side of my desk until it turns off.
  24. I like puzzle games but THAT PRICE, MAN.
  25. Happy new year guys! Im back in bed nursing my bad head. Mixed too much wine I think!
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