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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I picked up Mystery Dungeon on 3DS, I'd never played one before and it looked decent enough. It was also part of the 3DS promotion, so if I got that, it meant I could download Fire Emblem for free (which I actually wanted). I played it for 2 or 3 hours, waiting for things to pick up but they just never did. Such a crap game. But I sold it on eBay for £24, so I only lost £6 on it and got Fire Emblem in the process. Wasn't too bad of an outcome. And @Serebii - What's the likeness that this will be a game/actually come to the west? I'm really hoping it's not some movie, or animé reboot (again?). Or even worse, something that looks amazing that doesn't come out over here. I'm still upset about Hey You, Pikachu!
  2. In my bid to play every Sonic game there is, I did end up buying Shadow the Hedgehog and the 2006 'Sonic The Hedgehog' for 360. Both are really bad games but possibly not the worst I own... As much as it pains me to say it, as I adore the soundtrack, and I know there are a lot of fans of the game... Sonic R. It's just so bad in every way, terrible graphics, even for the time, everything is so hard to make out, awful controls and a stupid concept from the get-go. A racer where you have to find hidden chaos emeralds by jumping up into things and having a billion different ways to go on a course and just ugh, can't stand it. But that's probably not the worst either... Sonic and the Black Knight was pretty bad from what I played but I only put about an hour into it :P I might go back to it to see if it gets any better but the setting alone was absurd enough for me, possibly more-so than what we saw in Sonic 2006. But yeah, they're still not overly bad compared to some of the tat I have accumulated. I think the worst game I have played, ever, would have to be Kylie Dance & Sing for Wii. Now, it sounds like a cop-out answer, as most people would assume that to be a bad title anyway, but take into consideration that I love the Just Dance series and Kylie Minogue in equal measure, so I was actually really looking forward to this... But man, if there was ever a game that flippantly just didn't give a shit about what you were doing with your Wii Remote, it was this. I'm actually not even sure if it tracked your movements at all or if it just handed out "good, bad, great" icons willy nilly. To start with, the menus are hilariously bad, like something made on Powerpoint in 2 minutes. But then the dancing, oh god, the dancing. It's like they quickly found some random dancer and told her to do what she wanted to like, what... 7 Kylie songs? All of the backdrops are terrible, the kind of green-screen you'd expect from a Sega CD game and the overlays were nothing like the cool colours of Just Dance. I realise it wasn't by Ubisoft, and just a cheap rip-off, but c'mon, there's cheap rip-offs and then there's THAT. Also, Rabbids Land on Wii U is pretty bad, but it is at-least presentable and has decent controls which is more than I can say for most of the games in this list. It's just incomprehensibly boring, which is especially bad for a party game. A party game that says it's 4 players but only allows mini-games featuring 2 people at a time.
  3. I still don't really see what Amiibo's offer anyway, what is the point really? All I've heard is some vague 'save custom move-sets on them'. And what exactly would they do for Mario Kart? Or are they for unlocking characters? But then what Nintendo game would require you to UNLOCK Mario as a character?! I'm lost as to why anyone would really want them other than for the fact they look like nice figures. On the DLC front, has there been any word on if we'll get it for Mario Kart? Or even a hint? I really hope we do, especially for some proper battle levels. It will be a massive missed opportunity if they don't release any.
  4. I think part of the problem is power, whilst a lot of what we saw on GameCube came from an existing franchise (Wind Waker and Prime) or was a direct sequel (Sunshine), they were all different to what we'd experienced before and I think that's because, before the GameCube, these games literally would not have been possible. Perhaps Sunshine could have been done on N64 at a push, though those levels were pretty big so it might have been scaled back a bit, but it was clear that everything was bigger and better than the N64. You really don't get that with any of the new Wii U titles. They're all just HD versions of what has been done, now countless times, on the GameCube and Wii. The new upcoming Zelda is the first Nintendo game in a very long time that seems to be doing things differently and really getting people excited and that's because it will be open world - something that wouldn't have been possible on previous (Nintendo) consoles. If Nintendo had have ditched the GamePad and gone for more power, I think it would have given Nintendo so much more freedom to create exciting new worlds that we all really want.
  5. And on the GamePad front, I find it fine if I'm just using buttons, but whenever I need to hold it and use a stylus, my god man.
  6. Im getting worried about my Wii U, it's done a full system crash twice this week, where I've had to just go and turn it off at the power button. The USB has stopped working and crashed the console twice this week too, which has never happened in the 6ish months I've had the USB (and weirdly it shouldn't have been in use at the time anyway, first time I was on Netflix and the other time a disc game). Worst is when I went to play the Wonderful 101. The 101 icon came up but then when I clicked it came up with an error message. Click again and it says the disc may need cleaning. I had a look and I'm not kidding, it was perfect, not a single scratch. Tried it 3 more times and the same happened, on the 4th time the 101 logo didn't even come up, just a question mark saying the disc is not recognised.
  7. Captain Toad looks like a really fun game, but, along with the upcoming Mario Maker and Super Luigi U last year, felt like a filler title to compliment other big releases. But again, much like what happened with Luigi U and Wind Waker HD, there's so little being released that it's now being treated as a huge release (and no doubt being sold for £40), especially now they've purposely delayed it. I'm just confused as to what Nintendo are doing with all their staff. This year, the only real AAA title we've had from Nintendo is Mario Kart 8. In fact, it might sound like I'm being a troll, but Mario Kart 8 feels like the only real AAA title Nintendo have given us in the Wii U's lifetime. Pikmin 3 was a Wii title with updated graphics, New Super Mario Bros was a lazy update, Luigi U even more so and Mario 3D world, whilst fun, was by far the least exciting and most disappointing 3D Mario title to date, and was clearly made in a strict time-frame. Every other 3D Mario title has been made with love and broken some boundaries but 3D World, from the levels which were all very grid-like, to the fixed camera and lack of exploration, was cleary rushed out. So yeah, it's not like Nintendo are making many AAA titles apart from Smash Bros right now, so the fact that Captain Toad, which again seems like a cheap money maker, is being delayed is worrying. What the hell has happened to Nintendo and all of their staff? Are they all busy molding Amiibos?
  8. A lot of people moan about the quality of the Wii U GamePad screen, and yeah, I think it looks pretty bad sometimes too, but I think it really depends on the software you use more than anything. I know the worst experience I've had with it is on Sonic Racing, where it literally looks as though you're watching a 360p youtube video, but then Youtube on the internet browser (when set to 720p) and Netflix look genuinely great on the GamePad - Bright, clear and crisp.
  9. The last few weeks I've just had fairly simple but eerie dreams that have totally freaked me out. A few nights ago, I can only remember one part of the dream, but I was stood on a path looking to the other side of the road and that's where I saw myself walking along in a world or my own. I was like, oh shit is that ME!? Was very bizarre to see myself from the perspective of someone else. My most recurring dream is that I have anti-gravity jumps, sometimes I can stay in the air and get really high for ages and sometimes, no matter how hard I concentrate, I just go back to the ground really quickly. I tend to be being chased by something and just before the creature/thing kills me, that's when I manage another super anti-gravity jump and get away from it. The worst one I had in the last few weeks was when I woke up in my bedroom and saw this horrifying ghost just floating above my bed, looking face down at me. I tried to scream and move but I was paralyzed, it was fucking awful. Then I ACTUALLY woke up! Didn't get back to sleep for like an hour after that. If you'd have seen the face on it that I'd seen, you'd understand!
  10. I would throw my Wii U in a fire if this happened to me. I've worked damn hard on my 1098 score.
  11. Tomodachi Life really is crazy, I never expected it to sell this well, especially considering it debuted at like... #14 or something? Still, it's good news all the same. Hopefully means we get to see some more quirky titles make their way over here.
  12. It is by far my favourite system ever, both in terms of nostalgia (as I did get most of my Wii enjoyment from my college days which are by far the best of my life) but also just from the sheer, incredible variety of games on offer. Even if actual Wii games didn't exist, it would still be one of my favourite consoles simply for the superb Virtual Console. Not only that though, but I did tinker with my Wii a bit, and it introduced me to a world of games I used to only dream of owning and playing. Making it region-free introduced me to the Japanese and American versions of Donkey Konga 1, 2 and 3, which blew my mind as I played the first 2 games to death and always dreamt of one day having new songs to play. Not only that, but what was once a Japanese mystery is now 4 Wii games and 3 Taiko Drums sat in my room - Taiko No Tatsujin! And what an AMAZING series, seriously, the art style, the crazy music, the DRUMMING. Bliss. Then, after a year of getting heavily into J-Pop, they only released a japanese version of one of my favourite party games - Just Dance. Drunkenly dancing around to Aya Matsuura and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is something I couldn't have envisioned I'd be doing on my Wii when I got it in early 2007 (I didn't quite get it at launch, had a wee baby Banjo to pay for) but I'm very happy that's how things turned out. But heck, that, along with the biggest surprise game for me, BOOM STREET, were just highlights of 2013 for the Wii in my eyes. I often forget that this console with all these crazy awesome party games and peripheals was once also the system I used when I was sat in my old bedroom in the last few months of school, browsing Scatman John on the internet browser and being blown away that I could connect a bluetooth keyboard and chat away on the Euro-Fusion forums, ALL FROM MY NINTENDO CONSOLE. Between all these gimmicks, the introduction (for me) to Netflix and what seemed like a new generation of games, Guitar Hero, Wii Sports, Let's Tap, games I'd have never imagined could exist in the GameCube era, were the stone-cold classics that we were all expecting that somehow outdid themselves - Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii. There's so much more I have to say about the Wii but I must dash for now. But yeah, by far the best console I've ever had or ever will own.
  13. I'm going to see this tomorrow and CAN'T WAIT. I was never a huge fan of the old films and the 2000 (ish) remake, but the 2011 film was awesome so the fact that most of you like this one even more is great. The last time I saw Rise was in cinemas though, and I saw it on DVD for like £5 yesterday, so might nab it today and refresh myself before tomorrow!
  14. Oh damn, certainly won't be paying full price for it :P In that case, it's sadly off the cards for now! Not off again until Sunday and I feel as though that will be a curtains drawn, Monster Hunter marathon of a day.
  15. I was considering buying this today and thought I'd just skim through this thread to see what people think and... This was not the reaction I was expecting :P Is it really as bad as you're making out? I mean, I was tempted because I generally love puzzle games, and especially liked Pokémon Puzzle League, mix that with the discount price and I nearly just got it without checking any reviews or even this thread. Not so sure now. If it stays sunny it means I'll have an afternoon chilling in the garden so I might just get it for that anyway.
  16. So, Wii sports club released as a boxed game in the UK last week (appareny, totally passed me by!) It didn't do very well though, there's no official numbers but it failed to make the UK all format top 40 and even failed to break the Wii U top 10.
  17. Hasn't the Wii U one been in development for like... At least a year longer? Is it really that hard to develop for? This all sounds like utter bullshit to me.
  18. I'd have thought the success of Wind Waker HD (which did really well as a Wii U release) would have really given Nintendo the incentive to do more HD Remakes. There are plenty of titles from the GC and even Wii era that people may have missed out on and everyone's screaming for HD GameCube titles - It would have been a quick and easy way to fill release gaps whilst pleasing fans. I mean for gods sake, what could have been better, around about now or next month, than a HD re-relase of Melee? Really get people hyped for Smash 4. Or would it burn people out on Smash? I'm not sure, then again, I guess that's why I don't run a games company :p Either way, SOMETHING should have been done.
  19. Thanks guys!! And also @S\.C\.G that's the cutest Aiai I've ever seen! Where's it from!?
  20. Omg thanks guys <3 Best part so far has been singing High School Musical with @Animal over skype, he makes such a good Vanessa Hudgeons! P.S. Zac Efron in that video, omg, can't breathe
  21. Yeah, that's really annoying, ESPECIALLY the Motion Plus aspect. My god, the amount they were pushing that for Wii, and for what? Wii Sports Resort and a god-damn sequel to Wii Play? I love Motion Plus, but I'm livid they haven't used it more. I'm a really big fan of motion controls, but they seem to have given up past 2010. I'm happy that the Wii U at least had a few great uses, such as Metroid Blast and Spin The Bottle! What annoys me more is the potential that's there. The Wii Balance Board for example. Nintendo literally just used it for Wii Fit. When SEGA used it on Monkey Ball I was impressed, it was really fun to use, a good work-out and a great example of how certain franchises can be really improved with new technology. Did Nintendo take note? Nah, just another Wii Fit and that's it. Don't even get me started on Wii Speak. Nintendo is like a spoilt kid. They hype something up and say how amazing it will be but when it finally comes to fruition they seem interested for about 2 weeks and never touch it again.
  22. I think the problem with Nintendo and controllers is that, instead of improving upon something that is received positively, they have to completely re-write everything each time. Sony have continued to improve the same basic template of the original PS1 controller over time, as have MS with the Xbox Controller (more so 360, that huge original xbox one was crazy :P) Ever since the GameCube, they should have used that as their template and just improved upon it. Instead, they created the Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro, Wii U Pro Controller. The fact that people keep going back to the GameCube controller, on Wii through the ports on top of the system and on Wii U, having to create an actual GC adapter, should be a big enough sign that they should go the MS and Sony route, hear what fans like about their controllers and stick to it. Just give us a god damn wireless GC controller with clickable analogue sticks. And those L and R buttons... that click... hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.
  23. I really like Iwata, but personality-wise more than anything :p I still think that he is a good leader and he just got the Wii U wrong. Sure, there's plenty wrong with Nintendo, namely online, but it can't all be blamed on him, I think it's a bigger problem that won't be solved by getting rid of one guy. Most people seem to really dislike his decisions, and I can see why, but I think he's done way more good than bad. The DS and Wii pretty much put Nintendo back on the map, and he dragged the 3DS from being dead upon arrival to, obviously not DS levels, but a very good system as far as steady sales are concerned. And I probably wouldn't still be gaming or have ended up posting in here after the age of 17 if it wasn't for all the weird, party, dance crap that came out on Wii. And let's be honest, releasing the Wii was one of the ballsiest moves anyone has done.
  24. Thanks to @Ike's heads up yesterday, I ended up downloading this off iTunes in the early hours of this morning :p All I need is you! For always and forever! All you need is me! Remember when I say! All we need is love, for us to be together! 'Cause you're my number one!
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