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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. @Cube - Thanks, thought as much. As nice as they look then, I'll avoid it. I've never had a good experience with third-party controllers.
  2. Holy cow, how could I forget about that! I think I actually left mine on a camping trip Also, BOWSER punching bag! Though given it's size, only feeble punches. It was just pretty awesome to have this blow up bowser on my desk :p again, don't know where that ended up either.
  3. I would be tempted but I assume officially licenced is slightly different to just official? Because they look a bit fatter than the official GC controllers. Still, would love them to go with my Wiimotes.
  4. Holy mother of pearl! Forget what I said in the other thread, I'd pay £30 for this thing :p Just imagining DK Tropical Freeze with a GC controller... oh man, the wait for a true DK experience is finally over. Will play the shit out of that again now. Hopefully Nintendo will realise the error of their ways and make the next console have an improved GC controller. I never did like the 'classic controller', even the pro version, glad I didn't buy another Wii U specific one now.
  5. I hadn't played it for a good month, fired it up yesterday though whilst recovering from Smash Bros claw hand and had a lot of fun. It's deffo worth firing up now I have a lot of Mii's on it, and the StreetPass gifts are cool. I wouldn't bother if it was a cart but being on my system all the time it's cool to just put on every now and then to see how all my mii's are doing
  6. I had to scoff at that too. That Nintendo difference. ;D I'd say £22 GameCube controller with adapter would be reasonable.
  7. There's no doubt there will be a time when Xbox and PS magazines go too but I still give it a few years. Ninendo gaming itself is dying along with the magazine industry so that didn't help, heck, I'm pretty sure there are still some unofficial Xbox ones out there as well as the official one.
  8. I think there's a higher chance of Nintendo going third-party than there is a new F-Zero game :p (so yeah, it's still quite likely HAH) I'm still dumbfounded by how uncertain the whole Amiibo situation is, it's like Nintendo really have no idea what they're doing with them. Finally, there's a release date for them but we still don't really know what they do and on the video it says "Designs not final"
  9. Holy crap, think I still have that somewhere, I watched that DVD so damn much, don't think I've been so excited about a console since.
  10. Wow, a final release date is great, even if I was hoping for mid-November :p Really surprised they didn't announce this in a Nintendo Direct
  11. Yeah hopefully, if Tomodachi life can have legs then hopefully Smash can too
  12. @S\.C\.G - Some of their free gifts in the GameCube era were crazily good. I still have my SMASHING LIVE cd, best free gift from any magazine, I'd say. But yeah, they had all sorts of crazy stuff, Zelda playing cards, Zelda through time CD, Animal crossing key chains. Sadly even the free gifts had gone to pot the last few years. Literally every month was either a free poster or 3ds skin
  13. It's a sad day for Nintendo as the last remaining Nintendo magazine in the UK (shocking to think there were once 3 fighting for our attention) will come to a close this month. The website is due to close shortly after in November. No staff are to be laid off but instead moved into different areas in future. Apparently this was a joint decision between Future and Nintendo, not one or the other. The website doesn't seem to be working right now but there's this from GO Nintendo:
  14. Just as with Wii, Nintendo failed to see the big picture and didn't make a console that is future-proof in any way. Now, as well as sales, it's weak hardware is against it. What a mess.
  15. Yeah, there has to be a direct soon because these things still seem so pointless even after reading the smash usage. I mean, is it just another CPU that you somehow train up? I don't get it at all. A direct HAS to happen in a few weeks, we're already in October! The things are little over a month away and we still know barely anything and have seen no advertising. Then again, they seemed to take that stance with Wii U in general so why would Amiibo's be treated any differently? :p
  16. I'm really surprised it's that low actually, I guess it doesn't help being released just after FIFA. But man, the UK's obsession with FIFA is beyond me.
  17. His first book was okay but it was 95% the same content as on the website, even felt as though it was just copy and pasted without thought. This second book is amazing though, I've been laughing the whole time and it's 100 times better than the first. While there is again some recycled stuff from the website, it's all amazing quality, and there's a lot of new content here, the best parts being really personal stories about his life which are often amazingly funny. Probably the best part of the book was when he was explaining how the original cover with the penguin on caused so much fuss and how it ended up being the random cat photo.
  18. I haven't created any custom ones either, wasn't sure you could use them online so didn't see the point. I'll have a look into it though. Anyone played Smash Run? Ugh, such a chore. I wasn't sure on it when it was announced anyway but after playing through it 3 times I really hate it. It just feels like a pointless waste of time, the upgrades don't seem to make much of a difference, the world is so awkward to navigate with most fighters and it just feels like a cut-down adventure mode that doesn't know what to do with itself. The one didn't even end in a fight but a race to the finish type thing, whaaat. All that upgrading shit just to be running to a damn finish line? It will probably be more fun multiplyer, so I'll wait and do that. As for the fighting, in all the Smash games so far I've much preferred the big stages where you can jump around and stuff changes (for example, Pokéfloats is literally one of my all time favourite levels) but on this game I'm the complete opposite and only really like the final destination type levels. I thought it was a weird inclusion when I first heard it, but I'm actually really glad they put FD versions of every level in now. I think a lot of it is to do with the smaller DS screen and me finidng it way harder to jump this time around. Also kinda hating most of the items in this game. Again, they used to be my favourite aspect of most Smash games, but it's quite hard to tell what the hell is happening sometimes and I think about 50% of items are ridiculously over-powered now. Also, the bee's and cuccoo's are just annoying as fuck :p I like the game a lot, but I just like the game for the complete opposite reasons that I thought I would. I'm treating the DS game a lot more like an actual fighter whereas the console ones have always felt more like party games to me. I even prefer matches with just 2 or 3 people but in the old games anything but 4 players seemed wrong. Also, I wish the general online was better, it just needs more options. I really love friend games, whenever my ds gets an orange light I try and set up a match with whoever it is. The random online is atrocious though. Literally no options, not even the most basic of Worldwide or Continental, which given the constant lag complaints would surely be a great addition. Speaking of lag, again, in friend games it's barely noticable but in random matches it's actually unplayable. I'm gonna avoid even playing random matches now, I did it a lot with Brawl and I think that's what put me off the series for a good few years as it left such a bitter taste in my mouth.
  19. That's terrible that they never rectified the situaution for you! But yeah, their delivery system used to be terrible. They said it would take about 6 weeks but I swear something I ordered took about 2 months. I'd actually forgotten I ordered it because it took so long.
  20. @arab_freak totally agree with you on the character front. Melee just felt so much more 'Nintendo'. Starfox was the one we knew and loved from 64, Mario had his super happy italian voice and no tacked-on FLUDD crap, and Melee's announcer was just heavenly. I never like the Brawl announcer and this one seems to be the same, or very similar. Same as DK actually. With the DK rap in the background, his big grinning teeth and agility, he seemed a lot more like the actual Donkey Kong from Country and 64. Now he just feels like a generic ape with a tie.
  21. So I finally watched this (and have just read through the past 5ish pages of this thread :p) I hated the way the ending was executed but kind of liked that he ended up with robin... kind of. I always thought robin and Ted should be together until about a few seasons ago, when it finally seemed as though, yes, barney does seem like a much better fit and it just makes sense. Had we have had this ending 2 or 3 seasons ago, I'd have been very happy about it. What annoys me though is that in this last series especially, we finally start to see how Ted can move on from Robin, and the chemistry between him and the mother is amazing (despite the terrible old lady actor, the scene with him and the mother under the umbrella was amazing) We slowly start to really get to know and like this mother character, and she really seems integrated into the whole friend group as well. It also made the whole love story seem... more realistic? Yes Robin was probably the love of his life, but such as in life, it's not often you get to be with that 'perfect person' and so its bitter sweet, he does eventually get over robin and finds new love in this mother. Then the last two episodes they just shit over everything. Barney's character is (for me) just destroyed. Those years of character development were for nothing. He was redeemed ever so slightly by the baby scene, but the whole way in which he gets a baby in the first place feels so forced. And the return of the playbook and everything, the fact he was 'banging' as many chicks as possible in his 40's made him go from... this kind of funny 'awesome' 20-something to a sad, lonely 40 year old man who just seems creepy. The mothers death, oh man. That was SO bad. I've never seen a character tossed aside in such a dismissive way in all my life. As some of you mentioned, the whole Marshalls dad thing was very emotional, so why they don't even bother for the mother is beyond me. The ending scene, like I said, I would have liked it, but after the big wedding with robin and barney, and the fact its like years later in the future, the fact she never seemed to change. It just seems like a really sad, defeated way to eventually get with someone you once loved immensely. And it was SO rushed. Had the focus of the last season been on those last two episodes, I might have been more impressed, I think everyone would, but those last two episodes seemed like the most rushed episodes in any series I've ever watched. The ending does make slightly more sense now I know it was recorded back in Season 2. But still, I think they should have just left that ending out of it and done a more fitting one. If it was recorded all that time ago, it's no wonder it feels contrived now. The show has changed an awful lot since season 2.
  22. It gets the occasional good thing, they just seem to sell out quick. It's still a lot better than in the Gamecube days, I don't think they sold anything physical back then, it was all just screensavers and mobile phone wallpapers/polyphonic ringtones. I think the peak was like 2007/8, I remember there being all sorts on there, plush Pikmin, golden link statues, DS branded earphones and with the Wii being new, the Wii points thing didn't seem that bad either. They even had a few GBA games on there for a while.
  23. I'm not sure about the other characters but pretty sure Bowser Jr is just random. I haven't done classic mode with Bowser, I was testing my new Mii character today on the normal Smash solo mode and he popped up at the end of that battle.
  24. @RedShell my old 3DS broke and I had to start fresh StreetPass was the most heartbreaking, but I'm nearly over it now... after like 2 years :p
  25. @Serebii I don't think it's contracting at all, it's just far more diverse. It used to be nearly completely focused on the big 3 and PC, wheras now smartphones host a lot of indie titles, and as oppose to what used to generally be a hardcore audience, a huge amount of people now play games on PC thanks to the likes of Steam. Just look at the two billion dollar sell out of Minecraft or these huge releases such as GTA5 and Destiny, you'd never have had anything on that scale 15 years ago. Specific hardware might not be doing as well as before but I'd say gaming as a whole is a lot bigger now.
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