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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I love the look of the new 3DS (the small model, at least), the white one with those buttons, oh man. But I really can't justify a third 3DS. Not only that, but apart from how hot the new console looks, I doubt I'd use it. I'm really burnt out on 3DS atm. As someone who is not a fan of RPGs, there just seems to be absolutely nothing appealing in the pipe-line. And Nintendo are starting to get quiet on the first-party software front, which if the DS and Wii are anything to go by is a very bad sign. Smash Bros 3DS would be an exciting prospect had it have had a year's difference in release, but with the Wii U version coming just a month or two after, even that just feels like an extra, or companion piece, to the 'proper' Wii U game.
  2. Third Party Support isn't dead! But yeah, as a fan of party games, this will have to be amazing for even me to bother. SiNG Party is of such a high quality, and then there's Wii Karaoke U if we grow tired of the songs on there, that this just seems an unnecessary waste of time. Also, Activision are porting this instead of COD for a simple reason: it will actually sell more. The Wii U just doesn't sell those kinds of games. The last COD on Wii U made up far less than even 1% of all sales.
  3. I don't see how being so insular is good in any way. And keeping up with current trends doesn't mean they have to stop being innovative if they want/feel that's what they should do. The Wii is a good example. It sold masses and as has been said, it could have been due to their insular nature. But what I think is, they could be innovative but also take inspiration from other companies. Imagine how much better the Wii would have been if, along with it's innovative remote, it also had an online service and UI on par the X360? Sure, it wouldn't have changed the initial sales that much, but I'm pretty sure it would have helped it immeasurably in staying relevant past 2010, when it really started losing steam, support and interest from the general public.
  4. I saw a picture of AKB48 in Smash and assumed it was just a photoshop job/someone made their own AKB48 Mii's, didn't think it was an actual thing though haha, that's amazing.
  5. As shocking as it first was, and considering we're inundated with 2D platformers right now, and considering it's only been a short space of time, I still wouldn't be against Retro making a third DK game. I wasn't a fan of Returns but Tropical Freeze was heavenly. That said, it's not gonna happen. Again though, I also think it's unlikely that Retro will make another Metroid. I've heard various things pointing towards them not wanting to continue with that series, from the standpoint that they've already made a lot and also that they only wanted to make the Prime series into a trilogy anyway. So yeah, it could be a good thing if NLG have a go with Metroid. It's probably the Other M situation that has scared people into thinking no other developers should try and have a go at the series. And if we're honest, a lot of Other M's hate is people jumping on the bandwagon, it certainly does have many flaws, but it's not as bad as many people make it out to be.
  6. My god that's gorgeous! Saying that, I've used up most of my stars now And I probably shouldn't get even more plushies. But it's just like damn, HE HAS AN APPLE.
  7. @Hero\-of\-Time haha sorry, I literally read it as the opposite, that you'd done loads of the story but not many of the side-quests! I guess in that case I probably won't end up getting it :P And also shouldn't try posting on here so late :p
  8. @Hero\-of\-Time I haven't actually played this myself, I'm waiting for it to get dirt cheap on 360, but I've heard the side-missions are better than the story itself and a lot of fun, so maybe you should just forget progressing for a while and mess around with some of those? If you still don't like it after that then... heck, maybe I won't bother getting it for dirt cheap and just skip it altogether :p
  9. Never gonna happen now then. If it sells that bad in Japan, I can't imagine the bloodbath that will ensue over here. We don't even get the chest, just a fucking scarf. In all seriousness though, there's no hope for this game doing better in the West, surely? It may do decent numbers, but not a million by any stretch. Zelda itself is getting more niche by the year and Dynsasty Warriors was never that big here in the first place. They're throwing a fairly unknown franchise with a dying one and hoping for success - on a floundering console.
  10. It was already highlighted with the EA Gamecube Sports games but... Boom Street Tekken Tag Tournament Rayman Legends Bayonetta Sonic Lost World Lego City Nintendo really don't seem against throwing their IP out to every franchise to help it a bit more :p And this case more than any of those actually seems like a really good fit and beneficial to both parties, a shame it didn't happen. I really don't know how Amiibo's will sell right now. They're certainly not a guaranteed success. Skylanders and Disney Infinity are both good and bad indicators. Good in the sense that this kind of thing can and does seem to be working but bad in the sense that Nintendo, completely new to this whole integrating toys into gaming thing, are going up against two HUGE franchises that have spent years building up their user-base. As has been said, I really don't think they can take off unless they are needed or unless there is a specific game for them. Selling them as just an 'extra' to go alongside Smash and Mario Kart will do jack-shit. It will sell to the hardcore fans who want decent figures, but after that, will fall to the deep depths of Nintendo hell along with Wii Speak and the Wii U's retail shelf space.
  11. I never got very far in Skyward Sword, but mainly because I wasn't into adventure games at the time and really couldn't be arsed with it. Can't say I found many control issues, maybe calibrated once. Do you have the attachment or remote with Motion Plus built in. But yes, Wind Waker HD is amazing. Gotta get back into that at some point. I stopped playing when Sonic, Mario 3D World and The Wonderful 101 all came at the same time and I just never went back to it.
  12. I'm just worried this is gonna be another GamePad situation, we don't see a great use of it for a long time until... ...well, nothing happens and we're all left wondering why Nintendo made it in the first place.
  13. That'd suck if it was October 31st considering that's when masses of games will be getting released (on other consoles at least) and is right next to November - the month of Smash Bros. I think it'd do better as early/mid October and follow the momentum (lol) left by Hyrule Warriors.
  14. I have a job interview on Friday and another on Monday! Exciting! I haven't been to one for ages though so we'll see how it goes. At the worst I'll have an interesting story to post :p
  15. I'm gonna watch the direct also, I wasn't interested in this in the slightest until I saw some gameplay at the TreeHouse Live - From what I saw it seemed to have some weird anti-gravity mechanics that looked a bit like Gravity Rush, not so much the flying through the air but walking on walls and stuff. I hope it wasn't just a one off level. But yeah, as much as anything, this is just suffering the same fate as Luigi's Mansion 2 and Twilight Princess for me - It was announced SO long ago that even if I was excited for it, it would have all but fizzled out by now. This was announced before the Wii U even came out wasn't it? Or at the very least very shortly after. As far as the bundle is concerned, I'd imagine in Europe and America they'll add the first game FOR FREE. Right now they need to do all they can with these more mature type games to get them to sell. I don't know about the popularity of the series in Japan but if anywhere could pull off a double release, one special edition and one normal, I think it would be there.
  16. Didn't realise Splatoon was set for the first half, that's great news
  17. I told myself I wouldn't keep up with these daily posts after the kind of ruined Brawl for me but I think it's too late :p It doesn't help that they're much harder to resist this time around with the likes of twitter and miiverse. I won't read a thing about the Japanese release though and I purposely didn't listen to any of the music when it was posted (apart from the Nintendogs song which I'd been sent, which is beautiful) I'm gonna try block most of it out until release now. Might unfollow Sakurai
  18. When I was younger I'll admit I was a fanboy. Then one day I saw some of my friends getting all wound up over a football match and I thought "wtf, they don't own parts of these clubs, they don't even live near them, why are they so invested?" Then I suddenly saw the hypocrisy and how I was so dead-set on the GameCube and everything else gaming related was the spawn of satan. That's the day I saw the light :p. They're just companies. Sure, I'm still more a Nintendo gamer than anything, but that's now out of choice and not blind ignorance, and getting a 360 along with my Wii last generation really opened up a whole new world of games for me. By the sounds of it, you're really frustrated with the lack of support on Wii U. You'd be a much happier gamer owning one of the other consoles, and it'll probably make you enjoy your Wii U even more too, as you'll just enjoy the awesome Nintendo titles that do come to it instead of constantly being bitter about what it doesn't have.
  19. Barren is a better word. Some good games there but good god, such a lack of variety. The fact that Disney Infinity and Just Dance get such huge spaces speaks volumes.
  20. Shadow the Hedgehog is terrible. But if anything, it will make you appreciate the other great GameCube games even more.
  21. I seriously doubt they'll release it now and if they do... well, that's a pretty terrible business decision. Piss off a few dedicated Nintendo gamers who haven't bought this already? Or possibly make a massive loss from what will no doubt be a huge flop? Sure, it'd be good if this came out for us as Wii U gamers, but honestly, I doubt this will even surpass Wii Sports Club retail sales.
  22. Is the original Wii not sold in Japan anymore? I always just assumed they didn't record it anymore because of the low numbers but the 360 is still on there so that can't be the case.
  23. I actually don't know if I still have it :P I will have a sift through my games and see though. It won't be a pretty sight if I do, mind. As much as I love dancing games, my actual dancing skills leave a lot to be desired: https://justdancetv.ubi.com/nintendo/en-GB/video/index/content/c3VicGxhdGZvcm09d2lpdSZjb250ZW50SWQ9NTA1NA%3D%3D
  24. @Hero\-of\-Time - You're the one that makes me feel so high, CAUSE YOU'RE MY DIAMOND IN THE SKYYYY. And yeah, first time I properly played it was 2011 when I FINALLY got a hold of Sonic Gems Collection, so I think I would have liked it a lot more had I have experienced it back when it was first released. That said, I wouldn't have said it was ambitious for it's time - at all! Take into consideration it came out in the same year as Diddy Kong Racing, and I think it puts it into perspective :p Especially consdering Sonic R only has 5 tracks. Though I suppose the levels are replayable because of the different stuff to collect and what not :p And 'breaking' the levels for racing is what put me off the most haha. It just seems so broken :p Also, what is with Amy?! hahaha, is she just a joke character or what? Her car is so unbelievably slow in comparison to everyone else!
  25. I think they could have moved the ABXY buttons further up and had another slide pad under them, but still a normal size. But they're the ones that get paid masses to design this sort of thing, so it probably was the right thing to do.
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