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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Despite being very generic and graphically underwhelming, I'm left wanting more after the FUSE demo. It's a 4 player co-op third-person shooter in a similar vein to Lost Planet 2 but tighter and with more focus on working as a unit. If I don't get it at launch, I'll definitely pick it up when it hits the bargain bin, which will probably only take a few weeks.
  2. I was about to point out the apparent trend of games taking on security/privacy themes, what with Infamous, Remember Me and this coming out, but then there were dragons.
  3. Damn why can't they give us the PS3 version of Origins too? Can't complain though, SotC ftw.
  4. And it's Fifa. (I actually like it, but there's your mainline continuation)
  5. Sony should've abandoned that survey when RPGs polled highly. I don't want RPGs. It's all about what I want.
  6. Even though I spoiled the last few areas of the game by playing it at a friends', I bought Journey and floated through the first half. The part where you're sliding down the glistening golden sands (from rights to left) as you gaze through the temple columns at the imposing mountain top is jaw dropping. Gee. Most beautiful moment in a game?
  7. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    The ending was shit. I put about 50 hours into that game and it replies with a 20 second cut-scene before fading out. Felt like a slap in the face frankly.
  8. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Finally beat this bitch. Spent way too much time exploring and finding useless items but hey ho. Am I going to do new game + ? No.
  9. dwarf

    Short Circuit tee is rad


  10. As long as I'm wowed, I'm happy. I've always been wowed by freedom in games with each generation: N64: bounding around Bob-Omb Summit in Mario 64 Cube: being able to morph ball around the space station in Metroid Prime PS3/Xbox/PC: staring out into the wasteland in Fallout 3 for the first time. It was all there and it was all mine. Tons of current-gen games use sky boxes to trick you into thinking the world is bigger than it is. We'll always have them, but these false promises are everywhere. With more power and more memory, I want the next consoles to take me to those distant skies and show me how real they can be. Blow my mind.
  11. The GameCube design screams 'games', 'fun', 'excitement', 'nostalgia', 'childhood' etc etc. The purple was perfect. The aesthetics and toyish buttons were perfect because everything about them was superfluous. There was a shameless, infantile gloriousness to the thing. A little mysterious box that transported you to virtual paradises. It begged to be stroked and admired. Leagues ahead of anything else in this thread.
  12. The Unfinished Swan had a few cool ideas, not convinved it deserved all the plaudits though. Felt like a tech demo in that it was almost awe-inspiring in places, it just wasn't a cohesive game overall. And after an extended hiatus to beat Infamous 2 and this, it's time to get monstered by a cheap boss on Dark Souls for the 15th time. Edit: I think grating my own face off would be more enjoyable than this. THANK SHIT! Done it. Bed of Chaos goes down as the worst boss I've ever encountered.
  13. If I'm not mistaken they were all decommissioned very shortly after being introduced (at least in the UK) because they so heavily violated prisoners' rights. It removed their every privacy, except for the privacy of their thoughts. No consolation because the prison would've turned them insane before long anyway.
  14. Ubisoft are simply cashing in on the PS4 release, the game is bound to be lackluster.
  15. I took a sociology module at uni that touched upon the Panopticon. A devilish piece of architecture for sure.
  16. This has me yearning for a new TimeSplitters.
  17. I'll be the judge of that, you beardy cunt.
  18. It was L2, so you were way out :P . Anyway, it wasn't a problem because L3 could be used to show electricity sources on the radar as well as L2. With this shitty new system, you have to take both thumbs off the analogues, so you can't even inch closer to the smoke source if you press it and you aren't quite within its vicinity. They will change this. Mark my words.
  19. Yes at SotC. That's the one game I feel like I missed from last gen. I still have Demon's Souls on disc from when I imported it, it was such a joy to play when everyone was getting to grips with the online mode and little was known about the core mechanics and mysteries. It actually felt like a privilege to own because it wasn't released for some time in the UK and very few were talking about it. Didn't they take down the servers though? If you enjoyed Dark Souls you should obviously give it a try. I think I prefer it to Dark Souls because the hub works really well and it's a more manageable length (LUL). It has a disappointing 'final boss' but the environments are more intimate and sinister.
  20. No. Nothing to get excited about yet but it's all in the playing with Infamous.
  21. Reminds me of that 3D dildo game that came onto PSN a couple of years back. LOL
  22. I think we got terrifically lucky when that happened.
  23. The powers already evolve in the way you mentioned. Maybe they call for less obvious tweaking. Amen to the random events, I was actually thinking they could shake up that stuff too - it gets tedious seeing the same symbols prompting you to stop a mugging or defuse a bomb etc. Take that crap off the radar and make the occurrences more exciting and less scripted, like a building collapsing (OK that would be scripted but it should happen without warning or narration) or a new enemy showing up from what appeared to be just another innocuous looking pipe. When you design an open world game there's so much you can do with it, and it needs tons of little details and events to keep you entertained otherwise it feels bland and unlike any world you'd actually want to participate in.
  24. It's passable at worst. A couple of moments are done really well, especially the interactive evil ending in 2 / the scene with Cole/Zeke chilling on the sofa. They should throw out the karma system for this. The whole point of it is devalued somewhat if they're continuing the franchise as if that particular ending was the 'true' one. Also, instead of unlocking slightly useless powers and having to switch between them, have the powers stack so that they are better in absolute terms. They should try to avoid the Infamous 2 power menu system altogether. Say you wanted to use kinetic pulse for lifting without having to swap out Firebird, only allow the Firebird to be used when in mid-air and then there's no reason to switch. Makes everything more fluid.
  25. I hate myself for my Internet addiction. There is a Ted Talks by Philip Zimbardo about the technological rewiring of our brains but I can't find it. Being a psychologist he does talk a lot of shit but some of it makes sense.
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