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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. (is that the party line?) Yeah we won every match with aplomb.
  2. That choir version was in-game. It was my favourite part - floating through the paradisal Columbia in the pod before descending slowly into the darker chapel, complete with stunning candle reflections in the water. And it is the better version. Edit: Booker also sang with her in production but Levine opted against it in the end. That's also on Youtube.
  3. Soundtrack alone made that game worth playing. Time for some BioShock Infinite love. The whole area before the baptism with the candle reflections in the water... magnificent.
  4. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Placed lord vessel. Where/what next? Soul level 50ish now, have only learnt Iron Flesh, Fire Orb, Fireball & the elementary soul arrow job. I have NPC's on tap in Firelink Shrine but I don't know what's worth doing. Where's second chance & poison mist? TA!
  5. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    I slayed the wolf and travelled back to Blighttown to ruin the fire spider with the help of Mildred (would've been a cakewalk without him in all honesty). Benefit of doing the second Darkroot section early on is to obtain the well-hidden Wolf Ring. Been playing all day - managed to get through Sen's Fortress and I've finally added lightning to my Uchigatana. Haven't attempted the boss(es) yet, I get the feeling they're going to make me homicidal unless I summon that Solaire fellow and enter rinse mode.
  6. Lab is Mag 5 and SAS i.e. awesome. If anyone wants to do some of that & plunder then I'm available for most of the day. Forgot how satisfying a 5-4 plunder win is.
  7. Terrible people are the only people worth bonding with. I just think there's a massive gulf between the WiiU and PS4, it's like they're from different epochs. Also, why would Banjo be a game-changer after we were 'blessed' with Nuts and Bolts? On a different note, I've now made use of my Plus subscription - downloading Joe Danger 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse, Okami HD, LBP2 (because I can, if for no other reason) and inFAMOUS 2 (to do an angry cunt run-through). All this for £20 and I'm only a month in. Daylight fucking robbery!
  8. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Sprint past the projectiles and cubby up in the semi alcove on the right hand side, a few yards from the wall, wait there with your shield raised. They will only rarely fire projectiles, if they do, roll forward (but don't end up in the drink). The different heads will launch themselves and should only connect 15% of the time or less after you've taken out the first few. If they do hit, it shouldn't inflict too much damage, especially when shielding.
  9. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Aye. I actually visited D.root garden, killed the optional hydra boss, and I'm currently getting murked by the wolf despite having a powerful glove with fire orb and iron flesh. Will persevere. Where in Blightown? I've explored all of the upper wooden walkways but haven't bothered traversing any of the swamp. Guessing that the bent tree stump thing is a path to a boss, can't remember if I took it last playthrough or not.
  10. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Right. So far I've defeated the Capra Demon, the 2 gargoyles (rang the bell), the moonlight butterfly and the gaping dragon. What should I do next?
  11. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Oh yeah, I defeated that twat last time. Tried again 3 times a couple of days back... such a ridiculous fight. Tiny room, bum rushed by dogs, get rinsed in an instant. I now re-hate this game. I can't be arsed. I really can't. My character is so weak compared with the one I had.
  12. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Where's the key for that? And finally, why are all these flies ceaselessly respawning near the bonfire in the big swamp area? I have no internet for patches so am I right in thinking they fixed that because I dont remember having to destroy a hive or anything. Actually one more thing, is it only the special type of purple moss that cures toxins? P.S my hatred for those mukojins has reignited, no time for them at all
  13. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Whete are these depths you speak of?
  14. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    I had to restart this having lost my save file and in error I chose the thief class as I thought it was the only master-key class. Humbug. So now I need a pyromancy glove - where do I get one? Also, what do I need to make a lightning weapon? Im curently back where the blacksmith is, the one by the lightning trident beast thing. I was able to dick on him when I had pyromancy last time. Also I reread Sheikah's tip essay so no need to go over those again
  15. What vigors did people rely on? I found myself spamming shock jockey and murder of crows for most of the game, occasionally thowing in devil's kiss and possession. I fully upgraded return to sender after collecting it late on, which did make a mockery of some sections, but otherwise I wasn't very adventurous. Barely bothered with the combinations but for crow & shock traps because they ripped everything to shreds. Not sure why youd use the barge/pull powers?
  16. None of the Uncharted games would make it into my gaming top 10 but 2 should be played purely for the spectacle. 3 has provided immense multiplayer moments to its credit.
  17. (paraphrasing Fitzroy?) Have you ever seen a bee take a day off work? Have you ever seen a bee fake illness? Of course you haven't! So the lesson is: be...a bee!
  18. I thought the opening hour or so was incredible. The pacing, the artwork, the Prophet reverence and exploring the ultra-intense vibrancy of Columbia. The combat definitely picks up once you've acquired a few vigors and you get the hang of everything (you can take that literally, the skyline fights are usually the most entertaining). Elizabeth was brilliant throughout, usually I find character animations, facial especially, really jarring and awkward but there were probably only a couple of instances where it wasnt seamless. The story turned a little incoherent from about the half way point but the ending was still satsfying. I dont have any major gripes with the game, only niggles. I forgive it for its faults because the world they created was such fun to be a part of, sure under close scrutiny the distant islands and textures are poor (noticeable most when aiming down iron sights) but visually I thought the bloom was gloriously appropriate. Difficulty wise Id say hard mode was near perfect - I died roughly a dozen times of which only a few deaths felt cheap. I cant see myself suffering through 1999 mode because I imagine the patriots/handyman/l.comstock's ghost to be a pain the arse. Collecting vials/gear was as addictive as it ever has been, although maybe they could have made backtracking more open/obvious. A solid 9/10. Loved it
  19. Hmmm, I think I can wait because I'll have all that Plus stuff to download, including the latest Motorstorm. And we can Unch from Monday evening, finally! It's been pipe dream stuff up to this point.
  20. I pre-ordered the PS3 version at The Hut with that incredible grey fitness t-shirt for £34.98 Pumped. I didn't even get on with the original BioShock but everything about this looks incredible, the detail and everything about Elizabeth's animations is awesome. GIMME!
  21. Yoshi's appearance in that vid might be explained by way of referencing the star colours. If you have not collected a star, it will remain yellow in the ending cinematic, likewise if you have collected it, it remains blue.
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