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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Hey I was the first one to remember its awesomeness, and get its name right. Talk about getting parred off, Cube.
  2. I was about to suggest you just play 2 instead but then I remembered it's best if I 'shut [my] filthy whore mouth'.
  3. Was trying to search for a tumbleweed video for piss-taking purposes when I came across this: The hordes are coming.
  4. Apparently in the 720 version of Watch Dogs you can hack into and disable your Kinect hardware so that you don't have to use it during the game, or ever again.
  5. You could get rid of the Wii U thread, and Wii board, and just make another PS4 thread in general gaming discussion. I think that would go down well.
  6. You don't actually know what's in the Next Xbox though, do you? If it's similarly built as a PC, it too can undergo change. It's too early to say what it'll be.
  7. Are Microsoft now obliged to pack in 8GB of ram in their machine now d'ya reckon?
  8. The thing about MGS4 is that the tiny pockets of gameplay you do get are slow and wasteful. There's about 8 million guns, attachments, stupid CQC manoeuvres and items and techniques, and yet you only really need to use your OctoCamo and a tranquilizer. Areas that look wide open and difficult for stealth can be shuffled through in a simple way, often by tediously skirting around the outside. There are a couple of interesting exceptions but that's literally it for the most part. Drebin's boss stories are pretty good but every other monologue in the game should be skipped or yawned through.
  9. It really does make all the difference watching it being played by someone who isn't a thickshit, in 1080p.
  10. Not strictly relevant (at all) but now when I use the Youtube search bar in Chrome, no results show. Youtube allows searching in Firefox. Chrome's prone to these odd little annoyances (like maps/main google page not working) but this bug is persevering. Any help? And what's the best solution generally to Chrome being a tit? Reinstalling? Ta.
  11. Yeaahhh ice launch.
  12. I swear I remember you saying it was awesome.
  13. The burst bolt was wicked, as for the the best/most liberating power in the game, that would have to be the ice launch. Sure the tether got you further faster, but you didn't acquire it until late on and it isn't really fun or interactive. Big ice launch advocate right here.
  14. It is a pain, but hopefully the workaround won't take too long to implement. The only positive to draw from this is that, now with PC architecture, this won't happen next generation. Then again, there might not even be consoles next generation.
  15. I think it would be hilarious. Say a friend finds a funny glitch or has found a funny way to dick people over online, or even if they're just trying to convince you of a game's majesty, they can show you there and then after a quick message. And then you can help Daft platinum Wipeout from your own TV. Or chide him. i.e. it's a fantastic feature. As for Miiverse, you're wrong. It's haunting.
  16. I wasn't really enthralled by any of the games (apart from Second Son but next to nothing was revealed there) but I know Sony will deliver come launch-time. They did great things with the PS3. Nintendo don't have the reigns to properties that possess the complexity or quality of games like Demon's Souls or the artistry or creativity of games like Journey. They could change that, but they don't care anymore. Who said a page or two back that Miiverse shits on the PS4 interface? Because nobody's even seen the PS4 interface yet and I already know that's a lie. The Miiverse is just so... naff. It's an insult, frankly.
  17. I think we now expect all conferences to be a tad dull. At this event there was no call for Sony to be charismatic - it was their show and they had a lot to say, even if a great deal of it was standardised mumbo jumbo. E3 will be about the games. People who're saying 'oh it's just better graphics' can leave the room. What are you actually demanding? What concrete ideas do you have? It would take a virtual reality controller or something ridiculous to keep you quiet. The features that Gakai and PSN are offering are plentiful and fantastic and are not to be glossed over. Also worth considering is the improvement in the graphics and physics engines over the life-cycle. The differences between the original Uncharted and Uncharted 3 were plain to see. It takes time to squeeze out the juice. I have no interest in the new Killzone but visually it's amazing, and the system isn't even finalised yet. Arguing about what high-end PCs can do is pointless. It's expensive and mostly hypothetical.
  18. You sound like somebody who just scrolled through live text updates.
  19. It wasn't actually PS4 footage, but it was running on an estimation of its capabilities on PC hardware. Still, it looks spectacular.
  20. So we play as Nix's husband? He looks a little generic but otherwise I'm pumped.
  21. Who the hell do you think you are?
  22. Watch Dogs was just confirmed for the Wii U by the developer. (Will be better on PS4 though)
  23. I think Sony are finally boxing smart now, they're actually delivering the things people want, with class.
  24. LOL. ........
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