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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. It's better played in first person but you can play it in 3rd person too. Helps to switch between them, 3rd is useful for stealth and appreciating perspective in terms of the size of your character vis a vis the wasteland. You missed out.
  2. Just bought this for £4.67, the game is 50% off this weekend with a touch extra discount if you have Plus. Will give it a bash tomorrow.
  3. And Fallout 3 remains the game of the generation for me. (sure it's 3rd person too, pedant)
  4. Playing evil on Infamous 2 is as rewarding as playing hero in my book. Yeah the Ice Launch and Shield powers were mint but the Firebird can be used continuously for cross-city flight and the Kinetic Pulse & Rocket variations are much more devastating when you're a bastard. The ionic drain is actually pretty rad as well.
  5. This looks amazing. Love how they've brought back the same obstacles and sprites that featured in the original game.
  6. Played the original and no.4. Both awesome in their own ways - loved the world map and secret paths in 1, and the puzzle rooms and music of 4. The crunch sound effect + rumble really gave those butt stomps a kick. I remember the original gave you the ability to pull coins from your pocket for throwing at enemies/opening areas, which was really damn cool. You could tell the level designers were avid gamers.
  7. http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/cgktb9/not-funny--gt-gta-v-pre-order-blues
  8. You did it again Coob.
  9. Zeitgeist it will be. The original MW revolutionised the online shooter (and actually had a decent campaign), MW2 made it bat-shit crazy in both a good and slightly shitty way, and Blops nailed the formula. Now there's nowhere for that formula to go. MW3 was atrocious, haven't played Blops 2 but I imagine it's equally dire. The ludicrous amounts of customization options coupled with the irreparable imbalance in the maps has made it a thoroughly irritating experience.
  10. dwarf

    Where did you pluck that preposterous statement from? I am no doubter

  11. dwarf

    Get Lucky really is the tits

  12. Finally, the foolproof business strategy. Nintendo are wiser than I give them credit for.
  13. This would be good if there was a library of games to make use of.
  14. Trevor looks like a G. This could well be my first GTA game.
  15. I think there's a serious point to be made about that though. Games like BioShock have intricate plots and very detailed characters that aim to elicit emotional responses, but there's a huge disconnect between those aspects and the bulk of the game which happens to be (and often is) blowing off people's heads with bullets and/or magic spells. You can tell great pains have been made to iron the creases between the interactive story moments and the core game, and that stuff is exceptional in Infinite - moments where you're learning vicariously are dotted about all over the place, padding out gaps in the history and whatnot. Where does it fall short then? It falls short when the gaming side butts in and undermines all the preceding subtlety. I wouldn't want this game to play differently because I received precisely the package I wanted; a fun shooter with a compelling story set in an interesting environment. It's attracted so much attention because it does have those tactile, addictive mechanics that make shooters so enjoyable, all whilst handling a complex narrative with panache. But you can only take it so seriously. Take away the gun-play and you have something approaching art (define art, blergh dee blergh, you know where I'm coming from). It wouldn't be 10% as enjoyable if you simply trimmed it but it comes close to an ideal I have in my head about what a game can be. I don't know how it would work or what the gameplay would be, but there must be some way of reconciling those two components in such a way as to have you engaged with the material from start to finish. Something that was still clearly a tactile game, but something the film industry and the mainstream press couldn't ignore. I'm not talking Dear Esther, where you do fuck all and fuck all happens, and I'm not talking Heavy Rain, which granted did a few things right. Whatever my 'vision' is (God I sound like an arse), I wouldn't put it on a pedestal. I still want my shooters and RPGs, but I think there's some method developers haven't explored yet which will can give us both halves of the cake without compromising either one.
  16. There's still DLC to come so it might pop up as an unreleased level?
  17. Have there been any good local multiplayer games on the PS3? Discounting Fifa, I struggle to think of any that contend with the games on the Cube/64.
  18. So a Ratchet film and a Heavenly Sword CG home-video release both in the works. Will definitely check out R & C. Hoping for a Groovitron montage with nonchalant wrench finishing moves. And gore.
  19. Don't worry, it's nowhere near as hopeless. I found it frustrating but I felt like I could mix it up more, whereas the sections you mention are plain cheap. That said I think I only died twice to Lady Comstock. Without spoiling anything about the climactic fight, consider using a ton of shock traps in the centre and use the octopus bash at the perimeter for the tougher enemies.
  20. Are you on hard mode? You might find the ending sequence challenging too for the same reasons, although it's much more doable and gives you a chance to deploy some sneaky tactics as well as learn from previous mistakes.
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