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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Director: Darren Aronofsky Have watched all of his films now (not including shorts). He's an amazing director, I really like his style and all of the little idiosyncrasies that subtly creep their way into his work. He doesn't overcomplicate things, he just isolates a key idea, a key character or two, and explores them in depth without spreading the icing too thin. He shows a discipline and understanding that Tarantino seems to have lost. That nob-end has grown so self-indulgent now, his running times take the piss occasionally and you get the feeling he's just dicking about, sacrificing the heart of his films for the sake of a laugh. I get the impression that Aronofsky dreads ageing or deteriorating. With the exception of The Fountain maybe there seems to be a great emphasis on characters who are in physical or mental decline, who're past their prime. In Requiem you've got the mother who's obsessed with TV and who desperately wants to fit into her old dress, in Pi you have the old mathematician who was disillusioned by his work and gave up his pursuits, in Black Swan you have the jealous and capricious mother who used to be a ballerina but has had the title of princess stripped from her by her age and the birth of her daughter, and then finally you have The Wrestler, which seems to me to be Aronofsky's biggest directorial departure, where the whole story is about the collapse of an old wrestler and his love interest, a lap-dancer, both of whom are in danger of losing their ability to court the crowds they depend on. Those stories will always resonate with me, and I'm only 20. If I were to rank his films: Requiem for a Dream > Black Swan = The Wrestler > π > The Fountain That Pi symbol is pathetic.
  2. This actually looks...interesting.
  3. The 3G advert with the moonwalking Pony. Advert ends with the hashtag #danceponydance Saw someone I follow tweet the hashtag, so I responded - 'I thought it was an odious and cynically conceived advert purposefully targeted at crowd-following, meme-guzzling idiots.' Hated it.
  4. Looks like the Unreal Engine just discharged the vindaloo it had yesterday.
  5. Nah the second game improves upon everything, and it has an amazing power called Ice Launch.
  6. Urges for Resistance 3 multiplayer and BioShock Infinite. Just need my damn controller back! We will then Unch once again.
  7. The word 'gay' ideally would never have developed into what it has, it shouldn't have ever evoked negative images - there's just no benefit in it having negative connotations when something serious actually rides on it. Use another word, surely? I'm perturbed most when I see it employed in that derogatory manner by a child or an adolescent, because it halts change, doesn't it? As long as it still carries a negative meaning amongst the young, progress and tolerance for gay people is adversely affected - it's de-accelerated, delayed, or prevented, all of which aren't acceptable, especially because the eradication of this secondary meaning would damage nothing or nobody. One day I hope the act of 'coming out' isn't a thing anymore, I hope gay people sweat less about mentioning their sexuality than when they do their dietary preference. I hope they get the rights they deserve, and I hope there'll be no vicious stigmas in the future. But as long as these terms are used, these goals are only impinged. And any justifications I see for them are simply not strong enough. At a stretch, use these terms amongst your friends if they're comfortable with them, but don't use them publicly. As for the 'no-homo' thing, and it being fine because 'no-hetero' wouldn't be offensive to heterosexuals, that is garbage. Stewart Lee phrases it well when he says that 'all pressure should be applied upwards, not down'. Respect the minorities.
  8. I was going to close by saying that they aren't exactly going to regress now are they? Build, build, build.
  9. Yeah, Ascension is going to tank horribly. I'll hopefully get to play it at some point down the road though.
  10. Daz, you're delusional. Nobody's bashing anything. The dialogue here concerns Sony's seemingly new approach to the console market, how they're actually listening to user feedback and how they're implementing the right things. I'm not sold on the line-up so far but I'd be an idiot if I was expecting to be. All that matters to me is their commitment to gaming, you can see it every facet of the PS4 - the games themselves, the hardware, the new features; the whole shebang. And why would I have any reason to doubt them after their performance this generation?
  11. Upgrade your grenades and spam them at its face, done.
  12. I'd probably play through Sleeping Dogs if I got it on Plus, but aside from that I don't think we're on the same page.
  13. I'm pumped, going by the Twlight Zone-ish trailer I posted and all of the in-game world I've seen, I can only see it being awesome. Actually wish I'd not looked at so much footage now.
  14. This just went gold and it releases on March 26th. Who's game?
  15. Yes please! I have eyes for BioShock Infinite, haven't bought a game since Dark Souls. Am now borrowing a PS3 from a friend so I'm back in business (when somebody returns meinen controllers). What came out last year that was worth playing? People have mentioned Dishonoured and Far Cry 3 but anything else? Can't really be arsed to play Farcry.
  16. After watching Black Swan, some shady Youtube videos, and now that, there's strong evidence to suggest I'm trippin' balls. P.S. those high scores are blatantly hacked.
  17. EA is to gaming what bulldozers are to forests.
  18. Judgement of God: Gearing for the Ascension of War Resistance That's where the industry's heading. And I can't wait.
  19. Yeah it doesn't actually look graphically superior to 3 in any way, which is no insult of course. Also, somebody's getting a lot of pay for little work I feel. Resistance 3 Gears of War: Judgement God of War: Ascension
  20. EA are cunts.
  21. Don't know if this ever found its way into the thread: Awesome.
  22. Reading that was cathartic.
  23. I'm trying to think of a release that would make me want to buy this thing on or soon after launch but I honestly don't know what I want anymore. Surprises for certain.
  24. A shit one apparently, it's like a weird explosive glide thing (I'm only going by footage and I think Yahtzee said it was pointless in his review)
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