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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Sweet thread. - 4 Player WarioWare (Mega Party Game$) - especially Wobbly Bobbly, that shit cray -
  2. Nice Chinos.
  3. PS3 & 360 versions are £34.98, you basically get a free crap T-shirt included (it's £26.98 for PC). Free digital downloads of BioShock 1 if you pre-order a PS3 or PC copy. http://www.thehut.com/elysium.search?search=bioshock+infinite That seems to be the cheapest of all the major UK online retailers. Any advances, you let me know! Columbia trailer part 2:
  4. I ordered that 12GB PS3 off Shopto, cheeky little deal I reckon. Will upgrade to the 250GB drive straight away. Excited to be a gamer again.
  5. The lack of buzz for BioShock Infinite is appalling. I'm not even going to be able to play it and yet I'm going nuts!
  6. I'll just say now that you shouldn't get excited about the platforming in Uncharted or compare it to PoP's. Platforming in Uncharted is used more as a glue to tie the game together and control the pacing - it's never challenging. The camera angles when you're performing leaps serve up some sweet vistas though.
  7. Don't bother with Drake's fortune, if you're unsure about the games, play the best entries. It cuts out time and money.
  8. I say it all the time.. : peace: You just don't fucking know. Among other games, Shorty suggested: Fallout 3 Infamous 2 Dark Souls Uncharted 2 Those games are bloody exceptional. Between them, those four games crush the entire Wii library.
  9. I think Sony shat on the competition this gen, but each to their own. (I don't speak for handhelds, I don't do them)
  10. MGS4 is interesting, it isn't a must-have by any means.
  11. Yeah I saw that 12gb offer on shopto... Might go with that as I have an empty 250gb HDD knocking around.
  12. Hey Retro, would you mind editing the title of my thread in gen gaming to 'Game Development'?

    Ta muchly!

  13. I'm looking to buy a replacement PS3 for cheap, and preferably one that's new (but a slim/super slim so that it's not liable to YLoD). Where's cheap?
  14. I've just watched a Ken Levine interview, the lead designer of the BioShock franchise. He's by no means a genius, but he offers some rare insights into the development, marketing and tinkering that goes on behind the scenes in videogame production. As gamers we don't tend to pay too much attention to the craftsmanship involved in games because, for us, doing so inevitably shatters those illusions that developers struggle so strongly to uphold in order to keep us immersed. I might add that it's usually a losing struggle to mask these technical flaws from gamers even in the finished product, and it's these technical flaws that prevent games from attracting serious attention and criticism in the mainstream media. So I understand why sometimes it's better to turn a blind eye to all of the cog-turning because it can spoil the magic somewhat. At other times, it's dead interesting. So here's the interview with Ken Levine: I also think this is a great read on the creation of Crash Bandicoot - how the title evolved and what it represented in terms of the success of the Playstation and its competition with the inexorable Mario series. http://all-things-andy-gavin.com/2011/02/02/making-crash-bandicoot-part-1/ And finally, one of the more exciting ways I've seen developer/gamer interaction is in Valve's developer commentaries. If you bought the Orange Box hopefully you would've taken the time to play through the Half-Life games a second time round, which gives you access to orange dialogue boxes as you play (as shown in the vid). So much thought goes into the design you just wouldn't imagine, you gain a real appreciation for how games are simply unable to make themselves. Whether the commentary is basic description for the way lighting can be manipulated to guide players to the next location or if it's about effective ways of implementing narrative, the whole experience was really engaging and informative, and I think other developers would do well to emulate Valve in this area. I'm not usually the type to care about technical, mechanical things but I love games to the extent that the education becomes addictive and entertaining. If you've found some interesting developer reads/watches, or if you enjoyed any of the above links, do share your thoughts.
  15. Back in the day Cooky and I tore it up on Pacific Rift. I ploughed a lot of time into that game but I always felt I was putting in more than I was getting out of it. It was missing that little something. I approved of the sluggish vehicles but at the same time the handling lacked a sense of freedom, and the races a sense of speed. Maybe the boost didn't have enough impact or there was a lack of a satisfying drift mechanic. It played much faster in the cockpit view but only idiots use that. On the plus side, some of the tracks were incredible and they were joyous to behold, some really memorable architecture. The converging nature of the courses sometimes made it hard to tell which paths were worth bothering with I guess, and that made it a painful grind against the merciless AI. Anyhow, Apocalypse looks to have strayed from the mould, it looks more solid, frantic and fun, but at the same time seems to have lost its identity a fraction. As I say though, look forward to giving it a go.
  16. So if Plus is downloaded before March is out, new users get: PS3 Mass Effect 3 Joe Danger 2 Dead or Alive 5 Mortal Kombat Guardians of Middle Earth F1 Race Stars Quantum Conundrum LBP2 Motorstorm Apocalypse Infamous 2 Vita Stuff: Puddle MGS HD Collection Uncharted: Golden Abyss Gravity Rush // I don't think I'll bother with Mass Effect 3, haven't the patience for something like that right now. I'd give Joe Danger a spin, I'm definitely keen to check out Motorstorm, might have a bash at Quantum Conundrum and perhaps go through Infamous 2 as an evil bastard. The rest...mehhhhh. I remember being so excited about LBP before its launch, but I have zero desire to try the sequel. I did have fun creating levels in the original it must be said. Any good lingering Plus discounts? Or were all the deals recounted in that long quote on the previous page?
  17. Bewildering. GAME never do good deals, but now they've just offered the deal of the year. I wonder what loss they're making on that.
  18. It would be irresponsible to snub that deal. So I now have 13 months of Plus membership but no controllers to make use of it, LOL.
  19. These knives man! If anyone here bothers playing Gunslinger, even when it goes free on Plus, I will be extremely disappointed.
  20. Is it doeeeee? I feel like there's been nothing interesting to talk about since the 20th.
  21. Choze I got a diagram from VGChartz and transposed it here. Console power: Wii U: -- 720 /: ---------------------------- PS4 /: ------------------------------ I'd hardly say that was 'bang in the middle', you nutter.
  22. It's not going to be like that at all. If the specs are true it'll probably just mean the PS4 has the slight edge when it comes to maxed out first party games.
  23. Sweet! From Thomas Anderson I think I've only seen The Master. Visually it's incredible, the performances are superb and everything, but I didn't think there was much of a pay-off / gratifying story arc. But as long as I find a film interesting I don't mind so much, and it certainly was interesting. I've heard it was his most obscure and difficult work so I'll definitely look into his other stuff
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