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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. That was my immediate concern too. Sure they're launching with a bang with Drive Club, but I can't see the service being anywhere near as comprehensive as it was on the PS3. I know it's conjecture at this point but I'm guessing those indie games will be the 'free' game' at the end of three different months. Fuck that. Plus might fade away. Niggles aside, it was a good showing. I'm still holding out for that next big IP.
  2. Can't wait to watch it all. Controller £54 though? Fucking hell.
  3. I folded in the end, look forward to watching the conference later. I bet chat exploded with that used games jab.
  4. Yeah, Ted Price actually got Nathan Hale stuck behind a sofa in the E3 demonstration. Had he not untangled himself at the last second, it would've crashed.
  5. Post-conference the developer of Ryse confirmed their game was formerly a Kinect title. It really showed. Nothing happened in it.
  6. The average consumer isn't so specs-driven. Hush yo' mouth.
  7. The Last of Us and BioShock Infinite were 10x more appealing than anything shown here, but I still don't think it was a shabby conference, Microsoft have atoned for their fuckery somewhat. Had this type of conference taken place 5 years ago I would've been left in awe, but these days I want that extra something from games. I want Sony to show me the next Journey or more of The Last Guardian. Fingers crossed. Also -Sony has made the One's sharing features look pedestrian.
  8. The Phantom Pain and the lighting in BF4 have me believing in next gen graphics. If it's this spectacular this early on... phwoar. I suppose there's less head-scratching over the architecture this time round which means there's less room for improvement over time, but dayum, things are looking tasty.
  9. My bet now is that Sony launch at exactly the same price. Sniffing collusion at a time of risk.
  10. This was the most promising game at the MS conference alongside Phantom Pain. Very miffed it has been pinched from Sony platforms. Gameplay could still be terrible though, just look how Fuse tanked. Is Insomniac really fit to handle more than one project at a time?
  11. 4 highlights for me: 1) Phantom Pain. Looks siiiiiick. 2) Insomniac's game. No gameplay but it has great potential. 3) Dead Rising 3. Bar the SmartArse shit. 4) "You guys rock!" ... Edit, 5) Here's the Xbox One not handling BF4 at 60fps!
  12. Yeah that looked pretty damn insane.
  13. That announcement has cast a huge shadow over Microsoft's conference. I see Don blushing.
  14. @Cube Yeah probably for the best we don't have a vocal conversation, above all of the obscenities and foolish antics I wouldn't be able to hear what you guys were saying. Hoho.
  15. PSN group chat during the two conferences? Can't remember how exactly that feature works, just a suggestion.
  16. @Shorty I'm not being serious, it was just a gentle ribbing. I'm not as uproarious as some are over the DRM/Kinect stuff, I just find the backlash amusing. That's not to say the contempt isn't just, I agree Microsoft is far gone. The way I see it, there'll be some bullshit modernising features on both consoles that no sane gamer has asked for, but the fact is I want to play next generation games. If that means sucking a cock or two, then so be it.
  17. This is getting out of hand now. Just how I like it.
  18. I mean the bumptious twat who's been sat on the right for each segment of the latest episode. What are his credentials?
  19. In the same way paying to play online makes sense?
  20. But The Last Guardian was already confirmed to be The Phantom Pain... Also, has anyone watched the recent Bonus Round on GT? The quality of discussion on it is fucking atrocious. They have a 'mystery guest' bloke on it and he's a ginormous cunt for the entire duration.
  21. I might hit the sack in the evening and get up at 2 for the conference. The build-up hasn't felt that intense after having two big conferences already.
  22. Within is a bit weak, but every other song is good/awesome. I've become slightly obsessed with it. Touch is very D.Bowie-ish. I thought Beyond was forgettable cliche crap at first but now it's one of the album's highlights. The shift in vocal pitch is orgasmic. Remember love's our only mission!
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