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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. These bids are purely speculation. Why are you all losing your tits over it?
  2. I'm rating Elizabeth's look in that. #longing and I avoided being a hashtag wanker for so long
  3. DENIED (spoilers) http://kotaku.com/video-games-best-superhero-isnt-coming-back-from-the-912967293
  4. Yeah I was hoping Suarez would transfer away from the PL or, preferably, from Earth.
  5. Aren't the newer models supposed to be more reliable? I have a super slim and I don't know what it is, but it just seems very compact and durable and something that won't let me down. I've cursed it now, of course.
  6. Motherfu... Was thinking how swell it would be to have one of these t'other day, to have something more mechanical and characterful than a phone, and more quirky than a watch. Ergonomically there's something very pleasing about a pocket watch. Still need to get mahself a lahhva lamp.
  7. Breaking Bad - 12th August Premier League -17th August PS4 conference (with sweet talk from Cerny *crosses fingers*) - 20th August Not bad, August. Not bad.
  8. Grunch has sung his praises for Ghostwritten a few times on here so I downloaded that on the Kindle a while back, but due to some account glitch I wasn't able to actually read it. Being very keen to try a David Mitchell novel though I sought out one of his other works from the library and came back with The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet. It took me a long time to get through it but by Jove is it an extraordinary piece of writing. I struggle to understand its richness in history and detail. It deals in suspicion, paranoia and corruption extremely well, everything is very vivid and real, yet it also pivots on the mystical and the transcendent. Novelists like Mitchell are superheroes. Eager to dip into Ghostwritten now.
  9. We can all intuit the state of the industry after everything goes third party, or after x/y happens, but not even the people working in the industry really know. They'll be puzzling over these questions too because the industry is so unpredictable. The unified model Oxigen is talking about will suit some businesses/developers down to the ground, but it won't suit others. You can say the model will be a benefit to consumers, and you might be right, but the consumers aren't holding all the cards. Sony probably wants to keep the industry fractured because it's still a hardware company at its core, yet it can have the best of both worlds now that they're rolling out the Playstation brand over phones and PC's, and importantly they get to regulate those avenues themselves.
  10. Hey, you got a shiny extra flip at the end of a triple jump too! Really useful.
  11. I'd love to see Fabregas at United, nobody could get near him when he was in the PL.
  12. Bale is unreal. United would be sorted if they bagged him, and it'd be a long term investment. IT MAKES SENSE.
  13. Namco haven't been relevant for years.
  14. Minor spoilers: It's passable but almost everything about it is incredibly naff, the dialogue especially. Not because it's all cliche, although a lot of it definitely is, but rather the phrasing is always a bit off ('we are cancelling the apocalypse!' & similar lines). The pacing was all over the place too, build-up got rushed (like, talk about cutting to the chase in the opening) and then the climactic bits didn't deliver - no time was spent reflecting on what had just happened so it felt like there weren't any peaks. To its credit there was more going on in the film than I expected and it wasn't overly American. The combat was pretty cool. They tried to throw in some oddball stuff with the scientists, but the scenes with them and (randomly) Hellboy didn't really work at all or make any sense. I have no idea what they were going for. Their efforts to inject comedy fell completely flat every time.
  15. If it's a fan going into overdrive that noise will become constant soon enough, and then the system might last a couple of weeks before yellow lighting on you. If you're lucky. The truth hurts.
  16. Lame/jumbled/mildly entertaining idea. Post your: 1) Entrance Song i.e. the song that would introduce you to a stage. 2) Up to 5 of your favourite words. 3) Your most coveted things. One abstract, one real. /// 1) 2) - Ripple -Polyonymous (Having or known by various names) - Rain - Fanfaronade (empty boasting: bluster) - Persiflage (Light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter) Honourable mentions (fuck the rules) - Ruse - Ploy - Silly - Multiverse 3) - A thirst for history/study. I really want to engross myself in a subject at uni and develop an insatiable appetite for learning. - I don't actually find myself wanting any one product that much. One of these would be cool though:
  17. dwarf

    Mad Max

    The driving stuff reminds me of Smuggler's Run, which for the record suffered from the worst cases of rubber-banding and cheap AI to grace a game. Obviously that has nothing to do with this. I see a bit of Rage in there too. Myeh.
  18. I want the second screen/tablet stuff to die off quickly, but I'd actually like Sony to push the camera more. They should bundle it with every console 6 months down the road after a successful launch, subsidise it by exploiting lower hardware manufacture costs. Unlike Cube I actually think the cameras/microphones have some place in gaming as long as they're supplementary and not inhibitive. We've already seen promising uses and the tech is improving, when every developer gets on board it could really add some new angles to tired trends.
  19. Might have to rewatch season 4/5 because they have left it too long.
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