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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. He despises Hank. Wasn't going to happen. Gilligan is purposely avoiding all boring or predictable options (derrr)
  2. Closed beta coming to PS3 on October 5th. http://www.gamefreaks.co.nz/2013/08/...playstation-3/
  3. Thought I'd leave that there to simmer.
  4. But c'mon, it's the most risible attempt at counselling I've ever seen. Considering how touchy people get over their own body image I actually find it hilarious someone would go about delivering advice in that tone. Genuine despair-LOL from me.
  5. Do you work in counselling? Bloody hell!
  6. No. They don't just look superior graphically, but they look superior in every other conceivable way.
  7. Yeah, Ghostwritten is unbelievable. I'm on part 1 again. It's completely transformed my idea of what a novel can be. It feels like I've had an epiphany, although I have no clue as to what that epiphany really is. I understand so much and so little. Blargh.
  8. It has a certain Halo 4 sheen to it. Noiiiice.
  9. The multiplayer is worth a look, it has its own feel. Only slightly less bullshit than Cod though. Ignore the campaigns.
  10. LOL. Just realised it boots you out at rank 10, which I reached when I last downloaded it. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh.
  11. You've made me want to play KZ again, ffs. Such a love/hate relationship. Downloading will take just shy of 2 hours.
  12. Dear Man City, Wheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Yours, Dwarf
  13. Based on the first video (people might have mentioned this stuff already, plus I'm sorry if I sound like I'm speaking with any authority whatsoever): I think you just need to focus on your writing a bit more. The premise has potential, and the voice fits, but more attention needs to be put into identifying exactly what makes the situation funny, and there needs to be funnier word combinations for the punchlines. After aunty gets munched I think something like 'it's a bit of a downer really' would work better than 'it's a terrible situation'. Or something like that. You get where I'm coming from. A little tightening and you're there, cut any flab that doesn't add anything to the comedy. Some phatic is useful of course. The tiger is too much (like The Hangover), dial it back. The first couple of messages need to be somewhat innocuous before they build. But you were pretty much on the right track. Example idea - Dad calling about the bath being unclean and asking Simon to rinse it out after use. Then leaving another message the following day explaining how 'the plughole is blocked and I'd rather not bathe in another person's pubic hair. I'm not saying it was you Simon but if you find out who's responsible please get in touch'. Round it off with something along the lines of, 'Simon, I speak urgently because this is getting rather out of hand. It's like a flatulent raccoon had a haircut in here and then shat all over the cosmetics. There's excrement everywhere. After using the loofah I looked like a danged aborigine. Now I know for a fact that this wasn't your mother because I demanded she trim her Eden before we went on our Wimbledon weekend away. Hmm. Having said that it did get stubbly again quite rapidly... Anyway, do call back as this is a matter of priority.' That would obviously need work and racism is kinda cheating, but that piece is already comedic in the first call - why would a father call his son about the condition of the family bathtub? Alan Partridge is worth looking at closer because it's all about those funny little words you don't often hear, it's about minute detail, and it's about personality. For me, I find it hard to remain consistent when I try to write a piece of comedy. Sometimes I'll think of a funny line that simply doesn't fit the character, and I'll shove it in anyway. If a character is inconsistent and self-contradictory, they are no longer credible and they stop being funny. Some ideas HAVE to be dropped. If you're lucky the idea will give you a better angle and you can frame the whole piece differently, or the joke can be reworked.
  14. New Stardust is free? Fuck yes. Back when I was cool I used that 'bleep' as my text tone. Playing KZ2 whilst in a text conversation made it feel like I was getting mega kill-streaks in the match! But that was only for one day when I got message offers from Vodaphone and Dominoes, it hasn't happened since.
  15. @Cube @ReZourceman @Daft @Cookyman @Rowan @MadDog @JonSt @MATtheHAT Unch multiwin at some time this week?
  16. Was planning to but I tried Rayman Origins first and then realised I wouldn't have to play another 2D platformer ever again. I'll give it a go. Ibb and Obb was shit, don't bother downloading the demo. I thought it was that awesome looking Hohokum game and I grew seriously disappointed very quickly
  17. You're an idiot, past me. Play the demo.
  18. dwarf

    Drive Club

    The trees in driving games have always looked terrible, it's especially noticeable in GT because everything else looks so shiny and detailed. The trees in this are decent though. ORDERED! (lol)
  19. Christ, can't they just release this already?
  20. They extended it to assault rifle users too in the third one, shambolic design if you ask me. Doorway campers are 24 carat twats.
  21. Yeah the custom multiplayer stuff could make this game the absolute tits - no more cloaking or overpowered C4 ftw. Would like them get a bit more inventive with the weaponry (i.e. more stuff like the bolt gun).
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