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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Being the hazard that I am, I can't post this in the WiiU board so I had to come 'home' instead. You'd think several years' penitence would waive my ban but hey.
  2. A new Unreal Tournament is in development, with Epic apparently working in tandem with the online community. Potentially nom.
  3. The hardware is a problem for Nintendo in that they don't have the muscle to compete as a multimedia platform. The brand, however, is enough to push consoles if the variety of games is there, but it simply isn't there at the moment. Nintendo need to change their approach and recognise that they rely too much on nostalgia to push sales. They need to maintain their key franchises as well as create new ones, they need to be at the cutting edge of game design again. If they can't change approach, then going third party seems like a fruitful option. Chasing trends the way they do is a risky practice. My bet is that they will resign the home console within the next ten years.
  4. And the ethos of the system finally fizzles out.
  5. You have to look at the revenues as well. As long as the loss is controllable and their investors are confident of making an eventual return, then it might not be curtains for many of the divisions that seem to be flagging. Mass lay-offs are more telling, 'cause then the shit hits the fan. The Vita is a drop in the ocean for Sony, but as long as the gaming tentacle remains profitable as a whole there is no threat for us legends here at the N-E massive who want to play that lovely next level shit. (That isn't true, because it might have to be sold off, but yeah. Don't listen to me)
  6. Yeah I agree with you, I just failed to write properly.
  7. It would be sweet as fuck if TLG finally made it, but I can't shake the feeling that it will be horribly outdated, and not merely in graphical terms. The style is still ace, but, man, it's been a looooong time. They'll probably have to put it on PS4 to recuperate costs, assuming they're ludicrously high.
  8. I don't think I'll ever buy a pre-owned console again. Costs have exceeded savings in the long run.
  9. Wise choice, the Dogs have probably tapped your computer. Why do I even post?
  10. Wipeout with PS4 visuals and particle effects in zone mode. All I'm sayin'.
  11. I'm surprised they haven't done one in which you fight in multiple eras. Open with a medieval mission or something, working through the two world wars and then up to today's conflicts, asking questions about what has changed about war and what has remained constant (war never changes). The early Call of Duty/Medal of Honour campaigns were actually pretty damn fun in split-screen too, they should bring that back. Ultimately, though, I don't really give a damn.
  12. Make a US account fella (unless that doesn't work on the Vita for some reason?)
  13. Does the lack of an interconnected world detract from the game when compared with DS1? I can't help but feel they churned this game out a little bit, From knowing full well that they could only get away with using this engine once more as the old gen cycle dies away.
  14. It's almost sickening how you can just turn up late, Flink, and reap the rewards without any drawbacks. You are in for a fucking ride, son. Having everything at once can be a burden, though. Ration the games out. I'd drip-fed myself a smattering of good games before I found I was really wowed by the system, so by the time Fallout 3 came along I felt deserving of something epic, and by fuck is that game epic. It was almost as if my entire life had been building to the moment I loaded that game for the first time. Gross exaggeration, but you know what I mean. If you bought everything Sheikah mentioned in his 'starter kit', (what a vomit-inducing phrase, btw) you would not be able to fully appreciate the games. Play one or two at a time and savour them while they last.
  15. I see we've got a big man in the room! I got 1800 on my first try, which is roughly 30,000 points closer to 2048 than your score. Better luck next time, eh?
  16. Any PS4 owners here that aren't happy with the console? Or even if you do like it, what drawbacks have you noticed? Just curious.
  17. I remember in world 1-3 or 1-4 where you baited someone at the end of a narrow corridor and I stepped out from an alcove and mullered the cunt with a meat cleaver, although only after you'd fallen down a hole or been stabbed to death. I was the summoner though, so it was fine, and lols. I also remember that guy and not finding his attack very funny. Edit: thought I'd repost this for reasons
  18. Oh yeah, forgot about that game. Gonna hold out for the 9/11 Complete Destruction Edition. What is it with the word fall these days? Titan Resistance Zone in the Sky: Fall of Towers
  19. Not that you were saying this, but attaining max soul level is a bit of a pointless objective in the series. Only morons persevere for that long.
  20. There will be certain things you can do with it (like dropping it in particular areas, like a nest) that might bring you some rewards. Otherwise, discard the chaff when you've amassed it. You may as well keep one of every unique weapon/shield/armour set, especially in case your stuff gets broken. Mixing and matching your armour can often be useful too by the way.
  21. No, you've trolled yourself you stupid fackin' cunt!
  22. One of the few series around where tips/strategies/online communities constitute a major part of the experience. It's fucking awesome in that respect.
  23. @The Bard is a pussy. The latter half of Sen's Fortress shouldn't pose any problems as long as one concentrates. When you have another go I'm sure you'll reflect back on your melodramatic guff and blush. There's a really useful bonfire hidden at the end of the Fortress outside on the ramparts though, baffling decision by From to obscure it with a sheer cliff face, but hey ho.
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