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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I support any woman who doesn't scream (lol). It's damn unnecessary and fucking irritating. I rejoiced at Federer's defeat, amazing match!
  2. I think the DS3 looks really good personally, there's a case of stiff nips about the new model. S'all about the feel & build though so I'm not bothered. Have never understood the stick placement criticism. It's what I'm used to.
  3. The opening 10 seconds - one of the funniest gaming moments in recent memory.
  4. The games showcased so far have convinced me the upcoming generation has great potential, but there isn't one title in particular that I really want. Had I not subscribed to Plus I would've toyed with the idea of selling my PS3 on too, despite only buying one a few months back. I've played what I needed to play - Dark Souls, BioShock: Infinite, Journey, The Unfinished Swan, The Last of Us and Shadow of the Collossus, and now the console will only really be useful if I fancy the odd burst on multiplayer. I'm not huge on GTA, Beyond looks skippable, and there doesn't appear to be a swan song on the horizon. I guess for me, it was The Last of Us. I would be perfectly content for the current cycle to end on that note.
  5. Well I've got 10 hours from it which is respectable entertainment value when you think about it, but because the gameplay is quite slow and the variety is thin on the ground it doesn't hold you in the way Uncharted does with its frantic medal and kickback systems as well as the different objective modes. I swear down, ND had probably finished the other maps and modes before it came out. Hate their multiplayer support.
  6. Graham Linehan on Twitter: "We would have got away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids." - Microsoft.
  7. Think I'm done with the multiplayer. Played it a fair amount and it was good fun, but there aren't enough maps and matches become very samey. Will obviously join in the odd N-E fest if/when people are ready for that.
  8. It's the right move, probably their only move. In the eyes of gamers the damage has already been done, but I think it's going to be a much more competitive system now.
  9. The game has taught me one thing. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, just look for the yellow tape.
  10. So after Beyond and GTA V, will that be it for the PS3?
  11. Yeah, that was superb. Campaign was much longer than I anticipated. Oxigen, it's like you're overcompensating on the criticism as if to bring down its inflated meta-score, that's the impression I'm getting. I agree there are too many weapons and there are a couple of tedious sections, but I thought there was plenty of downtime throughout and the gameplay was pretty much as polished as they could make it - the infrequent technical flaws barely warrant a mention.
  12. Might be worth pointing out - can all N-E players choose the Fireflies for their multiplayer faction? It's locked in until you either complete the 'story' or your 'clan' gets wiped out. Cool.
  13. Heralded as game of the generation by some, Super Mario Galaxy actually left me feeling a little jaded. Some of the levels were indeed fantastic, majestic in moments even, but many of them were too simplified and failed to take the gravity mechanic to the places it did in my imagination before the game was out. The scale of the worlds was cosmetic; there weren't any incredible mountain-scaling missions or deep ocean dives of the likes we saw in 64 or Sunshine, its ambition was tempered. However, I can't criticise it on the grounds that it didn't provide an evolution to the series. Galaxy 2 tweaked a couple of things and raised the difficulty which the original was much in need of, so that's all fine and dandy. Those two games thoroughly deserved recognition. Progression is what we're looking for. So can someone explain to me why Super Mario 3D World was green-lighted? I'd like the think the designers behind the non-Fludd levels in Sunshine are still employed by Nintendo. I really would.
  14. I think it could've been condensed into 4 or 5 seasons, the ratings rather than plot development dictate the recommissioning. It's addictive as ever but they really are drip feeding the meat of the story. More than ever I'd label it a classy soap. Great TV, but it needs to wrap up soon. Still looking forward to the last episode, who knows where the bang is coming from?
  15. Had one of the best multiplayer moments ever earlier. Reinforcements for both sides were depleted and I was left as the last man standing against two others inside the same building, one was on the top floor with me and the other was on the ground floor at the end of a long room. I was cacking it and had no idea what to do. So eventually I bring myself to sprint down the stairs and take a pop shot at the guy below, we both miss each other a bit and we find ourselves crouched behind cover. But this is obviously no good for me because I'm now on the radar and there's a bastard making his way towards the stairs down to where I'm sat, so I flank down the outside of the room, sprint past a pillar and catch this hidden dude completely unawares with a few rounds from my revolver. So I turn around and sure enough the second bastard is coasting down the stairs to close in on me. We exchange a few shots, each connecting with one bullet but misfiring several times out of anxious haste, because this shit was for the match brethrens. There's 20 seconds left on the clock, and my team is pegged to lose on time unless I finish the enemy off. Thinking he was just camping it out so as to win on time, I go into the backpack to buy some ammo only to find out I'm out of cash. So fuck it, I thought, I'll upgrade my melee weapon and hope he misses the shot when I rush him. I craft it and dart forwards. Just as I'm in limbo between our two cover points a molotov cocktail loops over my shoulder and crashes down behind me, which allows me just enough time to vault over the sofa and deliver a bludgeoning one-hit blow to his skull with a spiked baseball bat in the last second of the match (and that's no shitting embellishment) . I received a prompt PSN message of congratulation from a squad mate. Fucking annihilation. Games, motherfuckers. GAMES.
  16. The lyrics to Comfortably Numb wash over me but they're really good if you take a closer look. Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone home? Come on Now I hear you're feeling down I can ease your pain Get you on your feet again Relax I'll need some information first Just the basic facts Can you show me where it hurts? There is no pain you are receding A distant ship's smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move But I can't hear what you're saying When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like Two balloons Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain You would not understand This is not how I am I... Have become comfortably numb The Scissor Sisters cover is awesome.
  17. I think it's already evident that it won't be a Goldeneye. The actual shooting is so...flat. That's the best way I can describe it.
  18. What was predictable? Dwarf's multiplayer guide/tips: -Downing enemies, executing enemies, healing allies, marking targets and crafting items (generally playing well) gives you cogs/money which tallies up during a match. If you go to your inventory and hit R1, you can buy ammunition, armour, or upgrade your weapons. If you have a 'purchaseable' weapon in your load-out, this can be bought as well. -The little white dots on the map signify tool kits. Open these up with triangle and press triangle repeatedly to collect the parts that scatter from them. When you first spawn there is always one nearby, make sure you use it. The tool kits are individual to each player so you won't miss out if other players use them before you. It takes a couple of minutes for each kit's supply to replenish so it's usually best to work your way round the map in a circular fashion to find more. - The contents of one tool kit are usually insufficient to craft an explosive, but you'll probably be able to craft a shiv or a melee item. Shivs are used for stealth killing from behind and are therefore rarely useful. Melee items give you a 1v1 advantage in a fist fight against anyone who doesn't have one, and when upgraded they are devastating. -Two tool kits will always supply you with enough items to make an explosive. The bomb is the most lethal and versatile explosive in my experience. You could also make a medikit but doing so is normally wasteful as these can be found around the map. If you're severely injured but have found a safe spot, then obviously do it. It's much easier to do this by pressing up on the dpad and holding X to craft one without wasting time in the select menu. - Stay within the same third of the map as the rest of your squad. This obviously helps with reviving, but even if you don't reach a bleeding ally in time, enemies are sitting ducks if they attempt an execution because it takes several seconds to perform one. - Sprint marks you on the radar. Sprinting is best used sparingly in situations where you're getting surrounded and you need to rush back behind your squad, or if you need to close the gap on an unaware enemy and either shiv or melee them. Shivs would be much more useful if sprinting wasn't penalised in this way. - 'Hearing' with R2 lets you see through walls for a short distance, but only for a couple of seconds unlike in the campaign. You won't get spotted through walls if you're completely stationary while crouching. For this reason I almost always equip the Covert Training booster in the load-out. This booster can be levelled. Level 1 spawns you with a shiv (meh) but Level 2 means you can crouch-walk without being 'heard'. Can't remember what Level 3 does but it probably chews through more load-out points than is worthwhile. -Explosive expert is awesome and only costs one load-out point. Explosives can be hard to use without this damage radius buff. - Mark your targets with R3 as often as possible. If you spot an enemy from afar but know you can't kill them before they get to cover, save your ammo and keep yourself off the radar by marking instead of shooting. Upgrading the relevant booster to level two increases the duration of a mark and also gives the target a heat signature, which makes pinpointing them much easier. -Be patient when shooting. Most guns have a sharp kick so you need to wait a fraction of a second before each consecutive shot. - Headshots reign supreme, and they aren't too difficult to pull off either. Lethal headshots also give you more cogs for spending on upgrades. The standard rifle is a monster when scoped in because headshots kill in a single hit. - The revolver is better than the pistol. - Consider using load-outs that don't have secondary &/or purchaseable weapons. After one or two kills/revives you will be able to upgrade side-arms and these can be extremely powerful. By doing this, you can save points for a couple of insanely powerful boosters. You'll likely have to purchase ammo as you go and scavenge, but it's a viable option. /// That's the bulk of it. I haven't tested the support side of the multiplayer and I'm yet to try some of the exotic purchaseable weapons. They aren't that great value but if you're having a stormer it's fun to splash out on the sniper or machete. The longevity is going to be questionable if you don't have a season pass. Having forked out full price I'm hesitant to get one.
  19. OK this game just turned fucking immense.
  20. Buying Killzone for the single player is a very interesting decision.
  21. 12 downs, 11 executions, 1 death. I haven't been able to stop. The single player will have to wait.
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