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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Do want. Surprised it's retailing for that price though.
  2. The maturity level was getting high? More like you're getting high Shorty, owwwhhhhh! Seriously though, can we nip the fascism in the bud please? Freedom of expression and all that.
  3. I hadn't given it much thought but it'll be nice to see the consoles handle a 60 player Battlefield match now. Console versions of BF were always slightly borked because of the limited playercount and maps that were designed for larger scale skirmishes.
  4. I usually find there's ample space for apps on phones and tablets, merely for dicking around casually. I'd buy a Vita for the more fleshed out games, but that's where the memory problem arises, because at this moment in time the technology isn't at the stage where memory is physically small but impressive in storage and cost terms. The market has changed. I believe demand for Vita experiences is high, it just needs to be delivered in a less shitty way. Apple wouldn't have put out this sort of product (let's not get petty over that remark btw).
  5. It's something you shouldn't have to think/worry about. Before I buy the system I have no idea what my total expenditure on the hardware will be in the long run. For me it's all about convenience. Plus is gushing with Vita content now, it would be nice to download it all to the system and try the odd new game out when you feel like it.
  6. To store a reasonable amount of games on the Vita you'll want a 32GB card, which effectively adds 25% onto the system's price tag, and even that amount of storage won't be enough for an avid player. The inconvenience of memory is the biggest barrier to me getting the system. Needing multiple cards is fucking ridiculous in this day and age, it just isn't worth the hassle. When I stump up a lot of money for a mobile device (tariffs aside) I expect that to be it, no mumbo jumbo. Call me an entitled bastard but that's the honest truth. Everything needs to be in one place.
  7. That's still outrageous.
  8. dwarf


    Journey, Shadow of the Colossus, The Witness Legit
  9. It sounds like a US sitcom. Change the name.
  10. I fear the little robot companions will screw multiplayer balance like it did in KZ3. There has always been too many pissing turrets and niggling things that can chip away at your health when playing online.
  11. That red controller is rad as fuck like
  12. I'll probably download it only to ignore it FOREVER.
  13. The Stardust sequel looks naughty. Anything else? Don't remember.
  14. Schools and universities are buzzing with students who get the thing day 1 because they care about the latest transfers and additions to the game. It's like renewing a membership except it's much more exciting, most of them won't wait a month or more.
  15. I thought a Fifa 14 bundle was an ingenious move at first, but the people who care about Fifa and the seasons and all that shit will have already bought it for their Ps3/360 a month prior to the next gen releases.
  16. Looks like LBP but less floaty, which is a good thing. I still don't really get it.
  17. That's all well and good, but are there any deals on Worms content?
  18. I can't get over how good that was. I've watched those closing 5 minutes about 10 times now.
  19. Yeah that was one of the strongest episodes of the show. I was really surprised the way they cut straight to it in the first episode after the break, there's no messing around here, which makes sense given Vince's comments about leaving no loose ends.
  20. It's not really my kind of game but I might download Dragon's Crown at some point, looks fun: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/07/31/dragons-crown-review
  21. Nothing has convinced me yet, but I'm sure it won't be long until something does.
  22. I think it's ridiculous to impose your own expectations and preferences of games on the creative industry as a whole, it's bad enough imposing them on yourself. Of course I occasionally buy 'safe' games that I know to be mechanically solid and pleasing at the animal level, but more and more I play games to be surprised and entertained in ways I hadn't foreseen. Being the Pokemon fanatic that you are, I can understand why you wouldn't want to be surprised or challenged by anything, such experiences would probably leave you jaded. As a consumer you are a known quantity, and thank Christ there are others like you who're happy to lay down their cash for recoloured experiences, because that's what keeps the games business going. I tip my hat to you sir. It's worth asking yourself though: why be so blinkered? There's opinion and then there's haughtily declaring every thought like it's gospel. You have a chip on your shoulder. The examples you mentioned are extremely selective. I actually agree with you on MGS4 but it's beside the point really, the difference is that I'd never dismiss that form of expression simply because it was done badly once or twice. Why limit that avenue of storytelling? I'm glad when developers take risks and then learn from their mistakes. The 'Nintendo does gameplay' argument does my nut in. Very vanilla. You're confusing the issues. What you mean to say is that you prefer Nintendo games.
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