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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. When are they announcing the delay to 2016?
  2. What's the low down, Bornians?
  3. Grrrrrr this looks fucking ace. The change to a more attacking playstyle is enough of a gameplay tweak to make it fresh, it's signicantly more gothic and gritty compared to previous worlds, and the graphical boost is bonkers. @The Bard , bullshit can you resist this. You know you love the pain.
  4. (maybe not obvious enough, or funny for that matter)
  5. I look forward to enjoying my digital copy of Battlefield 1943 forever, even when they take the servers down.
  6. I think it really does come down to preferences and expectations. The sales success of the PS4 proves that there are plenty of games that are built competently and solidly and which satisfy the cravings that were catered for and made possible by the previous (online-focused) generation, but now with added firepower. And that is fine for most people, and explains high sales. I think the problem might be that Daz expects too much of the mass consumer. They aren't connoisseurs, they simply want to play games; it doesn't matter if the games fall securely within their comfort zone. That's not to say you guys are wrong about there being a range of good games at the moment, but I share Daz's view that the games we're seeing this generation aren't exactly inspired right now (and that goes for the industry, not only PS4). Sure, there might be a handful of quality indie games and PS+, but that isn't explaining the rocketing sales figures in absolute terms. Perhaps it is mostly down to the strong third party support (I concede on this side of the multifaceted argument), and something nobody has mentioned so far - the growing market for games generally. The teething of the younger, tech savvy gamer. It's fucking ridiculous how popular eSports are today, for example. [Different arguments going on: absolute sales comparative sales quality of games stage of console's life all of them linked in some ways but not in others] It's virtual reality that has me on the edge of my seat at the moment.
  7. Yeah, but as has been mentioned, PS's pinching of Xbox customers has been extraordinary. The two systems have such similar player bases, and such similar games, and the reasons you've given for the PS4's success over the XB1 (so far), like its strong indie support, are not so pertinent to the masses. A great many of them want new consoles because they are new consoles, there doesn't have to be a ton of promising exclusives or third party games for them to get on board early on. They want the new consoles so that they are current. There's pressure to do so because their friends are upgrading, and they won't be able to play online with them if they don't follow suit. The question early on isn't 'should I buy a console?', it's 'which console should I buy,' which is why the role of marketing was so massive this time (true, it generally is at launch). The gulf between the campaigns was so marked this generation, it was enough to convince established consumers of one brand to jump ship, despite the incentives Xbox offers for consumers to stay with them (like Gamerscores). My view is that the reason for the shift is as much to do with public perception as it is to do with the hardware and software advantages of either. In the long term, indie support, exclusives and extra features hold greater importance because they have more potential to attract buyers who might have otherwise neglected to buy any console at all. Of course we're at something of an impasse because the weightings of each factor aren't measurable.
  8. I think Daz has a point. Of course a solid console with a bright future is necessary to convince buyers, but I went to a university gaming event recently where Team Xbox were surveying public attitudes towards the main consoles, and how those attitudes were informed by positive or negative publicity on social media. I'm sure Nintendo and Sony are conducting this sort of research as well, but the nature of the survey was quite telling. Microsoft is still feeling the consequences of its original marketing fuck-up, and sustained antipathy has been reflected in the media. Some of that antipathy is due to its slight deficiency in hardware performance, but a good deal of it is residue from its infamous inauguration at E3. And Sony have completely dominated the marketing space with its 4theplayers strategy. I remember the Playstation ads and their aesthetic, but I don't remember shit about the Xbox campaign.
  9. Eurogamer.
  10. I'm retarded so I struggle to 'look' with shift and keep my aiming and walking synchronised. I'd probably perform better on a pad, but as I say, I'm retarded. Seems like more of the same, and I still feel like a slut for camping at the corners of doorways for easy kills. Appreciate the 90° difficulty curve between the first and second level, in recognition of the player base. Still hopeful, but I did question myself over the price once I started wrecking faces again. I'd like to see some different mechanics or more novelty/stealth levels over the course of the game.
  11. Rogue
  12. The Zechs 'APPEAL TO AUTHORITY' retort tickled me enormously.
  13. "I want to drive petrol cars. I like the sound petrol engines make." "Yes, but by driving them you are contributing to CO2 emissions and therefore climate change, which could have disastrous effects in the future. We should look at alternatives." "Oh don't get all high and mighty with me. I like my petrol cars, so with all respect we will agree to disagree." "..." -------------- All we're missing is for Daz to come in and say the words, 'straw man,' and thereby win the argument automatically. P.S I'm high.
  14. Good to know.
  15. Bethesda are holding their own E3 press conference this year.
  16. Extension of previous level demo
  17. What a dismal package this is. I'm going to throw it out there - Borderlands was the most overrated franchise of last gen. There's nothing fucking to it. Senseless and monotonous drivel.
  18. That was an aesthetically pleasing post.
  19. I don't suppose anyone has spare keys/codes for Papers, Please? It's £6.99 on Steam atm but I really don't want to pay that much right naaw.
  20. How would you guys respond to these criticisms?
  21. Yeah this looks cray, Virtua Fighter AND capping bears in the nuts - I'm in.
  22. Has that 'minimal benefit' rating come about through detailed number-crunching? It seems like another worthwhile measure Sony are taking to ensure they stay ahead. Would be silly to get complacent. The hardcore appeal of the franchise also fits in well with their whole marketing strat #4theplayers
  23. I had my suspicions when he tactically used a space in 'Street' and brutalized the spelling of 'exclusive.' A shifty bugger for sure, keep your eyes peeled. With regards to this news - a wank move on Sony's part, but what can ya do?
  24. You're being very generous to III there.
  25. I wiki'd their page earlier and saw they had about 8 or 9 developers on the franchise, but I assumed they were just mobile/port developers for some reason. Either way, it seems there is a ton of asset sharing between the releases and not enough emphasis on innovating the core game.
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