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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. So what's the crack with multiplayer then? Usually I like to have a stealthy, silenced smg class and a stealthy, non-silenced sniper class, what are my options?
  2. And we're in with a chance of winning a 20th Anniversary PS4. Imagine the scenes*.
  3. Cheers skrub
  4. I had silently written off Playstation VR until I saw that video. Bruh. Bruhhhhhhh.
  5. Interest is piqued.
  6. + + = OM NOM NOM
  7. I've heard Knack is really good so I'll get that instead.
  8. That was my thinking, I've kinda missed the boat on Destiny and I don't think my friends are overly keen. There's a bit more buzz about The Division what with it being so new, and I'm getting the impression it won't be such a slog to complete.
  9. I'll be getting a PS4 in a couple of weeks, so holla if you spot a juicy bundle. Knocked up a list of games I'm considering: Bloodborne (can borrow from a friend so it would be rude not to) Black Ops 3 The Witcher III Resogun Volume Towerfall Rocket League The Division No desire to play through Uncharted/Last of Us again, and I'll only look to MGS5 if I'm short for choice. I played through Ground Zeroes at a friend's and found the controls/movement frustrating. Plus I know the story aint gonna make a lick of sense. Let me know if there's anything a bit quirky I've overlooked - saw Tearaway Unfolded for a tenner but would need convincing. Mostly waiting for Uncharted 4 multiplayer amirightguys?
  10. I snapped a raccoon and a butterfly on my travels. (agree with you though)
  11. Not sure if this was ever posted, but 100% worth a reminder. Absolutely howling.
  12. Finished it.
  13. Played through the first day and enjoyed it. There seemed to be a hitch with the first batch of dialogue, so that had my eyebrows raised early on, but since then the game has been smooth and fun. Pacing has been perfect. A welcome palate cleanser after the disappointment of Fallout 4.
  14. I'll be hitting the gym soon to try and put some muscle on, so I'll put a stop to my current running 'regime'. What's the crack with protein shakes, in terms of when to have them and in what quantities? Obviously depends on diet and weight etc (I'm around 75kg). Also, anyone tried vegan protein shakes? Recommendations?
  15. A couple of friends and I are looking for a meaty co-op game to get our teeth stuck into but it's been slim pickings so far this gen. Despite being soulless The Division looks worth a punt.
  16. Battlefield: Ad Company - Produce viral ad campaigns in a bid to win an arms deal with Saudi Arabia Tim Splitters - An epidemic suffered exclusively by Tims has been discovered. Split Tim open and cure him. Dial O - A Warioware minigame that requires the dyslexic player-character to finish dialing a telephone number by pressing O. The game simulates dyslexia by scrambling the numbers and populating the screen with rabid ants. Second Ight - Establish a rapport with skinheads by repeating their greetings back to them.
  17. 1080 SnowBarding @The Bard - Attempt to ski down a hazardous black run while an avalanche of criticism is barked at you by an angry but eloquent forum user who struggles to get out of the house. 080 Snowboarding - In which you take on the role of a physically-impaired MS sufferer as he tries to make it onto the regional news by performing a forgettable 80 degree turn at the local dry slope centre. Each level is an hour long and tracks improvement in the player's confidence as he gains the ability to stand, then walk, and then balance on the snowboard. After the player's hard-earned success in performing the 80 degree jump, the final cutscene unfolds: a reporter regrettably informs the MS sufferer that the snowboarding footage won't make it into the daily coverage because it has been pushed out of the running order by a breaking story of child rape. 1080 Now Boarding - A short flash game in which you play as a hapless passenger as they try to catch their next train, due at 10:80pm. The game ends when the player realises his ticket is a misprint, and has the wherewithal to seek assistance at the ticket office.
  18. I think JW went through 3 or 4 different screenwriters - no wonder it didn't make a lick of sense.
  19. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    That was a roller coaster.
  20. A New Hope worked so well partly because it didn't explain everything to the audience. It was chock-full of references that were left unexplored but that only added to the mystique, to the feeling that the Star Wars universe existed beyond the two hours of the film. Abrams has said he followed Lucas in this respect. Thought the new one played it safe, which was somewhat expected, but what was there was executed brilliantly. New actors fitted like a glove, action had physicality, and the series' magic made me feel ten years younger.
  21. OK so it turns out I've actually been playing on very hard. Ffs. Since dropping it down it's been fairer and more enjoyable. I've found the legendary weapons and armour mostly useless, and besides, it's too irritating and time consuming reapplying apparel for each limb when most decent one-pieces are sufficiently similar statistically.
  22. The one that erks me is 'ONLY A COWARD HIDES!' Get rekt u skrub
  23. Does anyone find the sound design in this game frustrating? It's difficult to gauge enemy whereabouts by listening out to them because there seems to be no correlation between the volume of their facile threats and their proximity to your location. Also finding the frequency of legendary enemies is too high on hard mode - they're bullet sponges of the most tedious kind and most of the time I end up just sniping them, quick saving, and then waiting for my 'caution' status to return to 'hidden' so I can critical them from a safe distance. Agree with the criticisms about the lack of variety in questing. It's really only redeemed by the gorgeous world design.
  24. I think I have a submachine gun for that, think the ammo is mainly there for use against vermin/swarms of low-level enemies. Edit: I lied, subs don't use that ammo.
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