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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. The rate they're spunking these out makes me physically sick. Do they even enjoy developing the games any more? I'd be interested if it was more than just a new lick of paint.
  2. This makes me want a new WipEout
  3. Can't wait for The Last of Us 6 tbh
  4. This has the whiff of a publicity stunt. Why would you not want to play it? Even if it was just to gauge the zeitgeist and experience a near-flawless technical showcase.
  5. On my PS3 leaderboard I think it says your max was 105, so not too shabby. It actually annoyed me for a while when my max was 104, FYI
  6. He was asking Jim specifically I've put in a stupid amount of time into it, and managed to build a clan of 129 the other day. 1337. Bought some of the individual perks as well - agility and executioner are super useful.
  7. Ubisoft emailed my student paper email address a couple of weeks ago to say review copies of Rogue were available for request. Am I fuck going to do that, though.
  8. dwarf


    Now live: http://www.twitch.tv/chessnetwork
  9. I feel like there's some trickery going on with that trailer.
  10. dwarf


    Anyone else pumped for the Carlsen vs Anand world championship? (Doesn't start til next Monday, but still)
  11. And you could just play a GIANT MELEE!!!!!!11 with Pokeballs and Bob-Ombs if you wanted to make it stupid.
  12. You live a very boring life.
  13. Yeah I have no idea what's going on.
  14. Damn, and I've always hated gullible people on Tumblr. This was the post: http://deggowaffles.tumblr.com/post/101349894715/draculas-cigarette-deggowaffles 'These are the photos they chose to be inside the actual article.' Still funny either way.
  15. Hilarious. Why is Daenerys trying to kill airport tarmac?
  16. dwarf

    Drive Club

    I don't understand your disbelief. As Daft said, they didn't forecast these issues when they announced the free version, but they need to be dealt with now they've arisen. If it's broken, what would they achieve by releasing a nerfed PS+ edition? It's really that simple. Also, why is Liger still a member? He has zero interest in this game and yet feels compelled to add nothing to the thread, or any other 'Other Consoles' discussions. I'm not angry, just bemused.
  17. Fuckers...
  18. Christ, it hasn't even been out a year. You knew what you were buying, Daz. There's no need to throw your arms up every month asking where the games are. Some people are waiting for the fruit to ripen, but you bought the console anyway in the face of the facts, and you're now staining the forum with mock surprise. All console launches are the same. They take a couple of years to build momentum. Plus, it's not as if the system is harming you by sitting there unplayed. You've got both Nintendo and Sony to choose from when a great deal of people have neither, and the PS4 has kept its value anyway. The Xbox is hardly producing a glut of megat0ns. Ebbs and flows Daz, ebbs and flows. No need for the hysterical panic.
  19. I want to see Uncharted 4 gameplay.
  20. Just got an email through from Curve Studios saying I set one of the high scores on their game at the Play Expo event (Iron Fisticle). They said I can have a free code for one of the following, are any of these good? Which should I choose? I'm thinking of plonking for Iron Fisticle because it was a solid little arcade affair. Similar to Boxheads: More Rooms if you've ever played that flash game.
  21. Yeah I found that it was more educational than fun, was hoping for more big upcoming releases. I saw a Bloodborne poster at one point and was terrifically let-down when I realised it wasn't at the show. Also, the PS4 games on show REQUIRED sound to be enjoyable, so I was more than miffed after plugging headphones into the controller that I couldn't hear anything. Massive fuck-up to be honest.
  22. Dewd, I know. They had 3 Oculus headsets there and there weren't any first-person games on show. The Virtual Boy wasn't that far behind technically.
  23. Yeah but your disappointment is now registering in spam territory. The forum isn't that big, I don't understand why you're so surprised and angered about low participation all the time. I've lost two days of my life on The Last of Us online and yet it is extremely obvious to me that it isn't for everyone. It can be very unforgiving. I have a pretty handy K/D of 1.6 (blows trumpet) and I still find it to be a demoralising experience occasionally, getting rushed and having my head caved in by someone's boot on consecutive spawns. Other games like CoD are less off-putting because death is trivial and you can get back into the action straight away, whereas in this you can't rush and you can have a long trek around the map collecting items only to be trashed by Molotov that comes out of nowhere.
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