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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I just disapprove of people calling him a smug wanker etc, the guy is brilliant. People trying to undermine and dumb-down the event are the one's that probably aren't that sure for themselves and so instead of imprinting your comments detailing how you're unimpressed on the forum why don't you just congratulate him for a good trick. Obviously people may well have worked out the shenanigans by then, but confusing and questioning so many people about something that's seemingly impossible is a win in my book, there's nothing to complain about. It is interesting to see how it's done and I look forward to Friday. (Far from a perfect post, but I can't help but find the reaction irritating)
  2. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    I'd be interested in seeing how the 360 degree control thing work, and also to see if they've improved the shooting, it was way too floaty in 09.
  3. I will join you later maybe, got to watch footy and my Jabra is dead from ages ago however.
  4. That bundle is guarenteed to sell like hot-cakes.
  5. You sound like an optimistic youngster that believes there's a proper PS community here. There isn't really, bar the occasional game of something. I would help you out with R2 seeing as I'm a top-tier medic in that co-op stuff but I probs couldn't be bothered if my system worked anyway. My final, final moan at Fat Princess - I'd try to prevent most people from buying it. People want to think it's good but there's no bone to the game. And a point I haven't picked up upon which I should have mentioned earlier is the problem with feeling like you're part of something. You can appear to be working as a team and building towards a tame victory but you never really feel more than a small cog that rotates in a machine with online games. The bulk of the issue is that depending on your mood you could really come just about anywhere on the leaderboard if you trained on constant healing and killing, but when there's nothing to differentiate you and your skills with the next person then you may as well not be there. Battles that consist of holding square, running away, pressing square again... There's nothing there to make you stand out of appear talented at the game. With shooters you get that satisfaction out of winning against your opponent as you cap them in the skull and then pull off some insane manouver, with Fat Princess 'lives' are just expendable and I generally don't give a toss if I slash an opponent down or if I get murked by an arrow. Overrated game of the year, and a big disappointment for me despite not paying a penny for it. And have fun doing whatever it is you're doing, Daft.
  6. Yeah, the whole thing is looking pretty glum on my end. This format's at it's last 10% now btw. Problem is, it's going to be a week by the time my Dad gets round to using this HDD so there is no point in putting it in the PS3. Then I've got to sell some stuff to make money for the blu-ray repair parts, but even once I get those I don't know for sure if it'll solve the disk issue or not (I'm not really sure how reliable a fix it is, the walk-through repair is rated 5 stars but I'm still unsure if there's much proof) and then there's those minor errors I've mentioned above that could be all sorts of little things that are either down to the system or my internet connection. Then there's the hint my mum dropped earlier about the new slim ps3 she'd heard about in an advert for a lower price, which I don't really know if she'd take up and it'd probably be a while before anything happened. There's games to buy in the next month or 3 and it'll just be me buying one or two but missing out on most. Technology will kill me at some point, I've had so many hardware issues with various things for no particular fault of my own. Meh meh meh.
  7. I've always noticed how bad goalkeepers of the female variety are. You'd think they'd make naturals but every one of them i an amateur (in more ways than one). But they kind of make it fun to watch so go them.
  8. There are tons floating in my head but I'll just post one:
  9. This is a ball ache. Just trying the stuff on a link within the link Deathjam posted about getting the PC to recognise there's an external HDD. It said it installed stuff (as this link points out - it's helping me trouble-shoot) but it won't appear in my computer or whatever. Now I'm stuck because I'm not sure how to get my HDD recognised, nothing about my situation is coming up, so it's going to be more gruelling google time. Before converting it to Fat-32 my Dad needs to borrow it for the laptop though so it's just frustrating even if I do make a break-through, plus I don't have a disc-reading PS3 along with there being fairly frequent PSN problems where it signs out, sometimes the friend list doesn't show up etc so generally I'm pissed off and in a bit of a sweat, especially because there's work that needs doing. ARGH! Btw atm it just says that the space on the drive is unallocated and the only option that loks like it may lead somewhere is the partition wizard. Edit: hmmm I think I can do this by going down the primary partition path in the wizard and choose the format type and assign a letter, so hopefully it'll be recognised. Edit: I think it's formatting to the thing I want (NTCS or summut) so that my Dad can use it for this computer data and then I can change it to Fat-32. The format is taking ages though.
  10. That's just dumb. No really, it is. Just live with it, being on one screen is good in a way anyhow because you can show someone just as you're about to launch a rocket into someone's grid from 2 yards. A cable... Another TV within close proximity... Damn no.
  11. Well just so you know there aren't that many and they're not specific parts of the story. The only story to them is the text screen at the start so don't go expecting anything special. It's pretty entertaining though.
  12. Online split-screen multiplayer is the way forward. As for shooters including this feature, Resistance 2 was brilliant. MK Wii had success in this field too.
  13. Just received the HDD enclosure I needed for my 250GB I bought off Caris. I've done pretty well for myself on this deal - Got the 250GB HDD for £22 and the enclosure on eBay from Hong Kong for little over £3. £25 to install a massive HDD for the PS3 is quite competitive, now all I need to do is get some videos on how to tackle this stuff. Something about cnverting to Fat-32? I'm gonna be busy so any advice muchly appreciated. Yeah it's an awesome game. Online multiplayer is still awesome on it, getting the 10,000 ranked online kills was a pleasure and not a chore. I got to 9000 without realising there was one for it. The ol' dangling carrot saw to my addiction.
  14. Yeah someone's told me that a few posts after. Doesn't disprove him having a rubbish survival instinct though, does it?
  15. Choze can you just clarify your opinion of the whole thing? Do you still think you're correct?
  16. I think what needs to happen is for everyone to read Charlie Brooker's articles on the Guardian website. His stuff is just untold genius, remarkable being an understatement. Read his article about the ITV programme The Cube and try not to laugh, I dare thee. Concerning ourselves with what could be a 10/30 year old petty poster is fun but more of a waste!
  17. Bumpety. Funny article by Brooker that sort of relates to space and his confusion: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/sep/07/charlie-brooker Brilliant.
  18. The Gadget Show 9/10 Always awesome, Ortis Dealey is brilliant. As are all of the presenters.
  19. It's all about the Wipeout platinum, I think Zerolaff would agree. If I get Dirt 2 I may try for that one. Daft can carry on 'platinuming' stuff like Call of Huarez . And Jesus Aimless has a lot of trophies/games. I've seen a few of them before but I'm surprised each time by the amount of platinums.
  20. Dunno if posted, it's pretty old, but v.good.
  21. If I was unhappy about the games for this system right now I'd be talking about how well the system is doing 24/7. Reminds me of another board... Still, that means Sony is losing money very rapidly, the thing that matters is software.
  22. You won't be able to convince Daz otherwise. He loves the Wii
  23. The opinion thing: I don't go round telling everyone that it's just their opinion, I know how a frickin forum works. I've only mentioned it 3 times or so where people have been a bit too confident in their analogies so I reaffirm what I think. Obviously the general response to this is 'oh do I put IMO on everything?' which is stupid and no that's not what I'm saying. Not everything anyone says has to be distinguished by themselves over whether it's opinion or not, stating something as though it's black and white however needs to be shown. Jesus Christ stop getting petty over it, it's just another way of showing if you disagree. I can tell when people are saying it as though it's 100% true and that was certainly applicable to the above.
  24. I was half waiting for you to come and give me advice but it's just a personal bug, and tbh the specific line I quoted doesn't sound like opinion.
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