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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I want moar!! I need info for this game, it looks so good and I'd like to see some confirmation if the game will promise stuff that I want from it.
  2. It's pretty cool how devs and managers etc come by forums to talk briefly, even if it's just to advertise a bit. We had that Shatter developer come along and now this Eurogamer dude, any other interesting games industry people? Excluding you Daft n_n
  3. dwarf


    Forgive me for not wanting to waste dosh on it, and therefore further the cause for developers to make more of this tripe.
  4. dwarf


    I know Stranglehold was trash but it looked better and ran smoother than this game I feel. As for the quick-time bit, the developers didn't really think about the background colours when the button flashed up on the screen when you had to jump off the lorry. The red bit - meh. All you had to do was mash square whilst running. Unlimited ammo would have been cool if it felt like you were firing a gun.
  5. Tanks are brilliant for kill streaks. I used to prefer the Rifleman but seriously, once you get bored of that, using the sniper is awesome.
  6. dwarf


    It's because it's so poorly put together. In Stranglehold things at least it looked good and ran smoothly whereas this just feels really cheap. I won't be surprised if it rates in the 6/10 region, I think this particular game can be judged by it's demo.
  7. dwarf


    Oh dear. X-Men maybe, but you serious? I thought everyone here would be slating it, maybe you're all massive Eliza Dukshu fans. I can just tell that the game is going to be pretty much the same throughout.
  8. dwarf


    I thought it was shite tbf. Not surprising though, seeing as though I disliked Stranglehold a fair bit.
  9. I don't think it did a whole lot. Playback improvement I think. Whatever that is.
  10. You get the feeling that they released it prematurely. I don't think I've even seen all the maps yet, and don't really intend to. The only thing that desperately needed fixing was the controls. They are simply awful.
  11. I wouldn't think they would release 2 firmware updates within a few days of each other. If it is a firmware update it will be the 3.0 patch I assume, since the slim ships with that version as standard.
  12. Cheers. Do you reckon that could possibly be firmware launch?
  13. ^ But having it on your lap take away why the thing is good. And the other problem with it is that with the mouse, noone stuggles with it - this is partly because of the tremor thing, but also because you can turn quicker as if you move your mouse far to the right and it will turn, whereas you can't do such a quick turn on the Wii remote because the remote would lose connection with the sensor bar. And Zechs you are a complete fuckwit. I've completed Corruption on hard mode, and whilst the controls are great, there is no doubting that for turning it is not so perfect. In so many videos, even of experts, they have trouble when trying to turn and shoot at something off to the side. You're having to point to the right of the screen, wait for the camera to turn, stay still somewhat, and then try and shoot accurately. Because the mouse is so easy/speedy to manipulate, you don't get this problem.
  14. My friend was trying to get online today after getting his replacement system, but when the chose the 'use existing account' it gave him an error. He couldn't create a new one either. So is the PSN under maintenance? That's what the error code suggested when we googled.
  15. It's 'Demon's Souls' goddammit! I'm thinking this will likely get a release over here.
  16. Hmmm not sure it was wise to mention the price point, and they could've mentioned the games a little bit more. Still, better than 'This is Living'. @ Flameboy - they haven't actually released any new stuff about Gravity Crash, the Gamescom trailer was an old one. Looks good though. As for me I think that Dead Nation looks pretty pants.
  17. I was saying it more in the way that I wouldn't want the Wii controls so that I would be able to shoot more people, I'd want them because pointing in shooting is a bit more fun/realistic. Do you have any explanation for the turning problem?
  18. Sorry I didn't understand that post Daz. What I find annoying is that Zechs Merquise completely over-estimates the brilliance of the Wii remote in FPS. I'd rather have the pointer, but 10x better/faster than analogue (he says in the WaW thread)?! I don't even think there's any difference in speed. After playing corruption and WaW what I did find a problem with is the problem with the camera. I've had the boundary box thing on the minimal amount before and whilst this makes turning easier, it does make the camera quite shakey. And no-matter what setting I've tried (they may have fixed this) a problem arises where you go through a doorway but can't see what's to the left or right of you quick enough to shoot someone as quickly as you'd like. I think the reason why this doesn't happen when you use a controller is because the reticule is always centered. With the wii controls you have to aim to the right of the screen, then the camera moves, but it doesn't happen that fast, so once you're through a doorway or going round a corner it's awkward trying to shift at what you're aiming at. If you put the boundary box to minimum there is still a problem because the reticule has to be off to one side. You can probably see what I mean by the general awkwardness in the turns from this Corruption gameplay. Is lock on a viable fix? Edit: just thought about it a bit more, and it's partly because on the fly it's hard to judge your aiming when you're moving and changing the camera angle, because when you aim at something, the camera turns slightly and so it's not infrequent tht you miss your target for a bit, so that's why they resorted to using a general lock on - it fixes the camera. It's great for a campiagn but online not so much. You have to compromise either awkward aiming as I've described or you have to use the general lock on thing, therefore getting crummy Echoes like mutiplayer. Plus it would make sniping overly simple.
  19. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Yeah but it'll be a lot fresher if you play it and haven't seen the settings/characters. I get your point but I'd rather have just picked up the game knowing nothing about it. (OK i might not have picked it up but you get the point)
  20. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    To be honest I'm not sure what the point is in them revealing what may happen in your playthrough. It's worse than a film trailer in the spoiler department.
  21. Before looking that site I didn't know when firmware 3.0 was coming along. I do now! Amazing.
  22. I think LBP could quite easily be the most rewarding editors if I truly grabbed it by the scruff of the neck. As it is I made a couple of good efforts, nothing that amazing, but still pretty damn technical/clever. I feel like I didn't get enough out of the thing and it seems a bit late to try now.
  23. I don't really no what to think of the game. Personally I think the track editor will be abit limited, and with so many online tracks, people will get bored of the racing part. It works for LBP, but I think lack of ideas and options will be the death of this. Mario Kart > Modnation. Simply because Nintendo can work on each individual bit of the circuits.
  24. I like the Wii controls on WaW, but when I'm playing an FPS on the PS3 I'm not thinking 'damn I couldn't shoot that guy, I wish I had pointer controls'. They're something that may eventually find their way into PS3 FPS and I'll enjoy it if/when that happens, but when you're part of a massive online game that is packed with detail, gameplay objects (turrets, vehicles etc) and brilliant sound, one thing I won't do is get off that game to play a standard affair call of duty that could be achieved on a PS2. I like knowing that a game is with the times and maybe that's something you'd agree with if you spent time playing stuff on other systems. And since when did better controls mean better gameplay? If anything raw power of a machine means more stuff can happen on one screen and one map which means many new things can be accomplished, take MAG for instance. Not that I like the look of that game, it'll probably turn out shit, but it's going somewhere beyond what you're expecting to see this generation. And Zechs, I don't think the PS3 motion controller was made with the intention to satisfy or improve FPS games for 'teh hardcore' or whatever you find funny to call normal gamers. I think it could come out with some cool new stuff but it's probably to cash in on the Wii audience.
  25. I've heard people say that it's one of the best games on the system but I think a lot of that is due to those people liking the feeling of exclusivity of owning the game. From videos it looks a bit clunky and appears like it could become boring with the similar setting throughout. I'm still tempted to get it at some point. But paying full price because it's a special, relatively unheard of import title is something I won't do.
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