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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. That doesn't make sense to me. Can someone clear this up? Cooky told me that instead of buying an external hard-drive (of similar size to my current system i.e 40gb) AS WELL AS a new bigger HDD, all I had to do was buy an enclosure for my 250GB HDD. So what I've done is stuck the 250GB HDD in the enclosure, connected to the ps3 and backed the ps3 data onto it. Now what I want to know is if all I do now is replace my 40gb HDD that's in the system with the 250gb one. I am confused.
  2. So it's all backed up on the external thing, now I take the HDD out of the enclosure, install it into the PS3 and then when I turn it on it will give me the option to restore onto the system and I will then have everything set out like normal, but with more space? Wah!? I swear I only needed this enclosure and the new HDD...
  3. I won't post my exact opinions as they won't be wanted. Let's just say I laughed at Daz's post. 70-80 Wii games... I don't understand that. Anyway, basically I'm happy with my 1 console. There's the games that someone else mentioned with campaign/co-op and competitive stuff and it's amazing how you can get some of this stuff for under £20. All the genres I need are here, it feels good to be part of PSN 'community', which sounds queer but in a way it's kind of tucked away and not spoken about and it feels like I'm a figure amongst a niche gathering or something along that line. I like not having enough money to buy all the games I want. I see the list of stuff coming out this year and the fact is I'll have to miss out on most of it for quite a while. I hate these economic choices! Yet they are healthy because when I do get a copy of something it does seem special. Take something like Heavy Rain, a game that's out of my comfort zone but could well be one of the most awesome experiences, something I could buy but at the expense of something more obviously playable and immediatly likeable. I think there have been some awesome posts in this thread though that I'd wholeheartedly agree with, I just can't be bothered to thank them. It seemed to me Flink that there were more than 1 or 2 ideas rolling through your head and then you mentioned all of them under 1 title that wasn't quite broad enough. Happens to all of us when there's so much to think about.
  4. Hi Flamey, some help pray? Basically atm I've just formatted my PS3 HDD to Fat-32, it's in the external case and I'm now backing up the data onto it. So I started looking around for the steps I need to take after this and got a bit confused. I thought that once this thing was backed up, because this external drive is the drive I'm putting in the PS3 (obviously without the case so it isn't external) I wouldn't need to worry about anything else in terms of backing stuff up. Then I read this: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=ps3&thread.id=4051380 and that guys advice has just confused me...
  5. Having said all the above, I may feel differently if it was another game. I don't know what that game would be, I certainly wouldn't have paid that RRP for any PS3 games despite many of them being awesome. Maybe the coming of a new... I actually don't know what would justify this shit! A game with a 4th dimension?!
  6. Well IGN works in conjunction with Fielplanet.com I believe, IGN usually informs everyone when there will be a beta key give away on it, so if you sign up to fileplanet you have a chance on getting some betas. Then there's the official playstation website invites where you ust have to give your ID details. Past that there are people here that manage to worm their way into betas through means that are too complicated for me to comprehend (As in, I don't know how). Occasionally you get betas with a pre-order too.
  7. I assume Choze also doesn't vote when it comes to election time because 'it won't make a difference'.
  8. It's nice to know you aren't part of that tosser's success though. If I ever get it, I'll make sure it's second hand.
  9. I thought it sounded pretty shit, going by the IGN review. If there's no proper motive to race then they've failed I'm afraid. Sometimes you have to accept that Choze.
  10. Well my download won't finish for one reason or another, usually my PSN times out so I'm going to try it overnight and hope for the best. What's cool is that I may be able to install my 250GB HDD tonight, I'll give that a go later.
  11. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
  12. That's how I felt. I didn't really take the 'story' in and the deaddrops can suck my balls. It kind of improves, but the demo shouldn't have dolled out so many powers. Still, I managed to sell it on for a £5 profit, now that's better than renting!
  13. ^ You're joking!? Fuck sake I was going to play it today. I guess the 300MB download was too good to be true.
  14. Same! Yusss! Team Americaaa!!!
  15. Damn. Bad Company 2 is slated for next March. Hmmm, maybe I won't buy an FPS between now and Christmas then.
  16. I'll say that as of now, my money will be going to Battlefield: BC 2 and not this or Mag if that comes out. That means I can buy a shooter and another game instead of one wayyy too hyped FPS. I hope people are disappointed with it so that everyone stops banging on about it.
  17. Slumdog Millionaire 8/10 A tad overrated but it's a pretty good watch.
  18. I've played a lot of Batman round a friend's house, plus I did the demo a while back. The best thing about the combat is the weightiness you get which sets Batman apart from most beat em ups. In recent news, my PS3 no nlonger registers my controllers for some reason so my PS3 is now truly redundant. Nothing happens when I connect via cable either. The system turns on when the power button is pressed but thats as far as it gets. Edit: After a plug-pull it's fine.
  19. Nah that was just me stating my thoughts. There's a lotta variety in Yakuza, just read a review detailing how you can level up, learn special moves, get different swords and then use those environmental pickups etc. They said you could play the game for 20 hours and still not see all of the fighting moves. Awesome.
  20. Yeah I was just thinking of redownloading that demo, loved the fighting in it. Better than Batman I reckon!
  21. That GT review makes me want to play it.
  22. I played the demo earlier, seemed OK, nice shiny graphics with a cool but rock solid boss. Very similar to the previous NGS demo though.
  23. Daft is back. Hi Daft! Nothing really happened, Uncharted got reviewed, but that's about it.
  24. Laughing is not something I would do if I saw a post by stuwii. Only regret.
  25. (Ignoring the intro)
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