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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Hmmm but I don't want a refurb. System-locked data and whatnot. To be frank I don't mind too much, it's been broken for so long I'd just like to be able to play some games on it. Has been quite a hassle.
  2. Just one of them, surely there's a way of choosing which systems you want activated? Would they ask to do that just so they could put PSN games back on or something?
  3. Today I wound up calling Sony and asking for the £100 repair. Guarenteed fix and 3 month warranty persuaded me to do it this way rather than the spare parts buying. They said to back up save data just incase it is wiped and also to deactivate account. 2 questions: a) If I've backed up the data to my 250gb HDD and my PS3 has returned with the memory wiped, will I just have to plug in the external 250gb and then transfer it on? b) what does deactivating the account do?/how do you do it?
  4. Oh c'mon Dirt 2 has great graphics and is a brilliant game. Clearly anything non-GT just doesn't cut it.
  5. We all have our preferences. Most games I won't sell because I know that I regret it most of the time. Just having it there in the collection, fitting snug in the corner is just reassuring. If it's a game like Infamous where I think I can get what I want out of it in a short period of time, I'll try to sell on for profit. The private trades board here is quite useful for that. If it's a game like Fallout 3 then temptation gets the better of me and I pay full price, partly because it's just so awesome but also because you get that new game smell (which I swear was more prominent with the Fallout 3 manual - although that could've been the waft of expectation and having an inkling that it would be quite an epic experience.) Renting is a good idea, but I can't guarentee monthly income as of now. Plus games like Fracture and Tomb Raider are games I can really go without, I really couldn't care less aout them. You may have the odd hidden gem that strikes a chord with you, in Daft's case it's XMO: Wolverine, though if I don't know what I'm missing out on then it doesn't matter too much.
  6. Well yeah a friend liked it which I couldn't understand, but each to his own. As for faults, well don't we judge games on faults sometimes. If the core of the game is bad then it's a bad game.
  7. Yeah the game was just a bit off in some areas. Not once did I ever give a crap about the people or story. Why do you choose to rent the bad games?
  8. Hmmm I think graphically and in jokey terms the two are fairly similar, they're both about fighting weird creatures. Same perspective in both. You're right about Infamous missing something but I'd take it over Lord every day. The demo became dull so quickly, just poking your thumb around with the occasional press of the attack button. MEH.
  9. I have to say, I think Overlord games are abysmal. If I was going to go for a game in a similar genre I'd rent Brutal Legend.
  10. Ask 'Hat, he platinumed it I think.
  11. Speaking of PSN, here's a review for Critter Crunch: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/103/1032064p1.html 8.6 is a good score for a game like this. Probably something I'd more readily buy for a handheld though.
  12. Well it doesn't apply. I show a balance of positivity and negativity. You continually try to prove that you're a desciple of a member from this forum. I find it weird how you rate yourself at the top of this great-post hierarchy that you made up in your head. Get over yourself.
  13. That's not really applicable. Maybe if I called Cube an ass you might have a point. I enjoyed reading the two names that thanked the post though, put a wry smile on my face.
  14. What do people think of the Escapist TV news spoofs? I think they're pretty funny, not quite as good as the lethargic gamers show but still pretty entertaining.
  15. dwarf

    Tekken 6

    http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-armor-tekken-6/56851?fbid=EghW8fFE5_G Bad. Ass.
  16. As soon as the 4th phase kicks in, it's too much.
  17. Will anything ever come of these issues? http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/103/1032008p1.html If I replace my blu-ray drive it may corrupt in the future, possibly along with a firmware update. Not sure if the slim has these problems.
  18. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Hmmm that's slightly annoying. Playing co-op with fellow owners in certain games would've been nice, oh well. I can't believe how my excitement for this has just triggered after actually thinking of buying and holding one. Completely stupid, after watching 1 video and hearing Daft I suddenly feel like I should be getting one this year. I want one u_u
  19. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Bloody good idea actualy. If I get a job I may have to shell out for one of these bad boys. Definitely in black. Game prices though :/ Argh, if I get one it'll probably be with Arctic edge, Echoshift and a couple of minis (or classic pick up and play stuff e.g Tetris). How does PSN work on the PSP? Do you still have friends list on the right, and can you send invites etc? I think aesthetically the thing I like most about the Go is the fact that the controls are sperated from the screen.
  20. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Yeah I'd agree with that. It's just a neat little unit. Having games on there all the time spares hassle and the game content is quite high. If they lowered the price I may have considered asking for one at christmas or something.
  21. True. Constant negative attitude. It got boring a while ago.
  22. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    No I used to have you added but there was an accidental deletion. Since then you haven't accepted my request to re-add I don't think.
  23. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    Eh? That didn't make sense in general but I don't even have the game... I did add you a while back but you seem to have missed it. Btw if I send a request to a forumer I put '(dwarf)' in the message.
  24. dwarf

    DUST 514

    Fair enough, didn't know complicated stuff like that existed, I'll have to watch some videos. And yeah I'm kind of talking greater knock on effects. At least starting with 1 person controlling armies of people in real time is a very vast move, even though the FPS side of it is very unreal compared to EVE. I'm confusing myself the more I think about this. I think I'll stay away from the whole VR medium.
  25. dwarf

    DUST 514

    Yeah but if you think about it atm the options are very limiting. Restrictions on the amount of actions (i.e controllers) etc and very little entrepreneurial stuff you can do. Very 2 dimensional. Pretty much everyone has equal opportunity in EVE I take it, in the real VR there will be poor people. They have to do the boring jobs like refuelling huge space ships etc. I don't know why I'm saying this, it's so obvious and it's basically me pointing out the difference between Eve and the real world. Imma shut up.
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