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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. When did you get your system S.Cookie? Was it after E3 this year, and have you got a huud tuuv?
  2. Is this game going to be a 1 sitting affair because it's so good? I'll probably buy it next week.
  3. dwarf

    Tekken 6

    I'll give you the low-down. I'm gonna upper-cut you in the stomach, keep my fist in your stomach, then maniacally laugh whilst throwing you over my head and into the floor. Then whenever you feel like you can get up there's a flying leg kick for you to endure.
  4. dwarf

    Tekken 6

    Just thought about the game for a moment, and came to the realisation that for me, no Playstation system will ever be complete without this game. I look forward to the time when I come to look through the collection and see that Tekken's box is lying there, always ready to be played. The series really is great, just not really appreciated by this forum.
  5. Whilst not playing disc games for however long, I've not really been anticipating playing the major releases. October has kind of crept up and Borderlands has popped out of nowhere and nudged its way into the 3 or 4 games I'll buy this this year. I don't think people have come to terms with how badass that game is going to be. It's going to be similar to last year where I read up a bit about Fallout 3, suddenly it came out and I realised I could buy it. Hotly praised, expansive 3rd party game - just like Borderlands, in the shops at a similar period of time. I'll be enjoying that in the relatively near future that seems pretty distant as of now.
  6. Speculation around the web always means that curiosity kills the twat. I just can't help myself - kids can't be deprived of their candy, especially when it's viewable through a misty yet transparant window. Edit: Even if it is bad for their teeth. Yup, that's a surprisingly good one.
  7. I'm not sure, I'm just following Jayseven's ghost and reading through the Boderlands Wiki. Still very sketchy information, not just this site either. More games should keep the info lock down like this, that way I can play through them without knowing who dies and who shags who.
  8. I can understand where you're coming from Daz, I think others just need to accept that stance. Even if it is complete bull and you're probably going to pass on it for those reasons. Not even sure it'll turn out that good. The screenshots promised more than the videos, in fact it would almost have been better to just leave that screen of the hero overlooking the 3d castle realm and label it fan-art, so that everyone could've dreamed of this being real. It's definitely unoriginal, but maybe the unique stuff will set it apart enough. I personally wouldn't mind playing an updated, prettier version of a 2D Zelda and seeing as I don't own a Wii, and seeing as Nintendo aren't making anything like this, then I welcome this game.
  9. Yeah whatever needs doing I'll do (as long as I want to do it, so that's slightly limiting) but yeah, Borderlands co-op review sounds good. Unless I've read it wrong though, I think the 4 player thang is just an option - you play the campaign on your own but can let people drop in and out if you wish (and occasionally duel if bored). Still, official headset would be good, hopefully I can convince a couple of mates to get it. Still feel slightly uncomfortable when conversing to forumites especially when games seem the ony topic of convo. That's partly due to the shitty nature of my Jabra though so everything seems awkward when I have to resort to remaining silent after I say 'Sorry, can't hear you' for the 5th time.
  10. Ah right how did you guys come to know each other then? And yeah, I'll just be the dunce in the corner chiming in whenever I feel like I have something worthy of saying to my superiors. May do something on Borderlands' potential, the more I see the more excitable I get. So excitable I am. To think I was considering getting a job to pay for a PSP Go recently... You seen any of the Lethargic Gamers episodes Daft? Not sure I've mentioned them to you but they are quite impressive, check Flamey's sig.
  11. You sound as if it's a big organisation that only let's in the best of the best, although the standard is great to be fair to yourselves. Obviously for articles I'd ramp up structure and lingual skills and use metaphors to make it hilarious to read, as all satirical writers understandably 'resort' to when composing their new piece. I'll post you one some time, don't expect anything majorly soon, but I wouldn't mind having work displayed/appreciated in some form, for starters I find it easier to write about videogames but also there's barely ever an opportunity to do so unless it's a short forum post. And it helps me excercise my narrow experience of journalism, if you can call 'waste that.
  12. When's the next lethargic gamers? Looking forward to it. And Daft, any chance I could write a piece or two for remedial-waste? Nothing regular, just a contribution every now and then? PS. Borderlands is going to be fucking awesome.
  13. dwarf


    No wonder you love your Wii so much. Ohhhhhhhh!!!
  14. dwarf


    Yeah I'd be up for some co-op nonsense. Really like to get it this year, would be better playing it through at the same time as everyone else so that our abilities are even somewhat.
  15. Yeah some of those are weird, some are entirely normal.
  16. Just saw it, was pretty shit. I jest, the film was funny, especially the badass cowboy dude. Definitely an 8/10, slightly too short but there were a bunch of laughs to be had. When asked about this theme park the badass guy says 'That place blows ... my mind!' Good stuff.
  17. dwarf


    Bar the DLC part, that's kind of what I was thinking. But being to similar to Fallout 3 should be seen as a great thing, especially because Borderlands is doing a lot to set itself apart. The art-style is just about different enough, kind of like a more realistic Timseplitters but with even greater variety. The more I learn about it, the more I think it's going to be better than most other games in the late-year rush.
  18. dwarf


    It looks awesome, I just don't know enough about the single player campaign and haven't watched enough videos to make it exciting. If the campaign is big enough and draws inspiration from the Fallout 3 realm I'll definitely get it. 4 player co-op could be sublime, especially if each person has vastly different weapons. Just thought, do you reckon it would be a good idea if before the co-op mission there was a brief introduction for each team-mate showing what weapons they had and what they as a character bring to the table? Maybe have a brief recording via headset when your character is shown or something.
  19. I enjoyed the demo but it wasn't that good. He must've been joking.
  20. I will eventually. Eventually being the key word with most good games coming out late this year and early next year, because bar the very top titles I really don't know what games warrant a purchase above the next.
  21. I'm thinking if they could make the competitive mode a bit more robust and less uhh, nichey? I played the competitive stuff so much but understand why it didn't take off with everybody. I believe it was partly down to the rough presentation of the game, if they made the interface a bit more friendly, along with maybe making it easier to jump in as a newbie then I think it could take off with everyone here. Maybe it's the arcadey style that deterred NE. Although I wouldn't want them to take that away, it does seem like a bit of a brick wall. Polish the graphics up, make the objective-type modes more meaningful, in the style of battlefield perhaps, then we could be onto a winner.
  22. I think you all know that I would've been damned excited when I saw that. Not sure if it's a genuine announcement, but if it is then WOOP!
  23. dwarf

    Tekken 6

    Tag was probably the best of the bunch. Will definitely pick this up this year though, really feel like it's time for me to master a fighting game, especially one from my favourite series.
  24. Imitation is the sincerest....
  25. They said it'd take between 1-3 weeks after they collect it on Tuesday. I seem to remember someone saying it took 6 days for them, but whatever it is, I can't help but feel that it's gonna be a while before I get to sit down and plough through Uncharted 2.
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