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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I want it to happen, but it almost deinitely won't work. I can picture the scene now: Some people jokingly say they can't stand up, one will try and convince that they are genuinely stuck, then the rest will be all triumphant about how it didn't work and call Derren a prick. Then you'll get people saying that he wasted an hour of their time, despite them knowing it may not work and despite them making a conscious decision to watch the programme anyway.
  2. Played my first match on this. It's pretty tense but that's partly because it was an RPG only game. Takes quite a while to get into a game but there's no lag and it's very nice visually, water effects etc and general movement are great.
  3. Hmmm I too love R2 but I'm not sure what you mean by it showing the power of the console. It's not what I'd call a 'beautiful' game, although nice in places. The online multiplayer is brilliant though, even the small deathmatches. Splitscreen 60 player snipe battle online with a friend is awesome.
  4. Eighteen quid?! Jeepers. Yahtzee wasn't didn't favour the game too much, and I know he's wrong a lot of the time but he made a point about him not really progressing how he thought he was supposed to which I think is quite accurate going from videos.
  5. Well you need this (swear it was cheaper the other day) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sony-Playstation-3-PS3-KES-400A-Laser-Lens-SE-GA0029_W0QQitemZ170373876124QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN?hash=item27ab13099c&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 And one of these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRI-Wing-Screwdriver-for-Sony-PSP-PS2-PS3-Wii-Lite-Tool_W0QQitemZ220478760539QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN?hash=item33558ee65b&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 Then you watch one of those tutorial videos. Be warned I'm only 90% sure that those are the right parts for the job.
  6. This is where Sony fail I'm afraid. Mine has been broken for almost 2 months - it doesn't read any discs despite saying that it loads (icon in top right glows) and it seems to be a really common problem. I called them recently but it was out of warranty according to the serial number, although it could have been sold after that date of manufacture - they needed a receipt in order for me to prove it was inside the warranty but I didn't have one and thus was told it would be £100 for a fix. So what I'm doing is going on ebay to get the blu-ray lens thing and a specific screwdriver, which I'll import from Hong Kong and then I'll repair the thing myself. Overall it'll cost £40.
  7. Oh no, Erin has leaked into this board...
  8. Sounded like you're having knock at it in a discrete way, as if to dumb it down. If there is enough variety it might be worth buying soon after launch.
  9. Tasty stuff. That's going to look good on an HD TV for sure.
  10. Yeah he's the one with the Falco (Lylat Wars/Star Fox) avatar. He hasn't made a peep since adding me but hey, another person who I can spy on what they are playing.
  11. Crash Commando - 7.5/10 It's a cool 2D online shooter. Once you get into a game it's very good and frantic, although some sort of rewards system would make it a bit more playable. Plenty of weapons/attack variety. However very few on the OCs board have it, so I think more sales would help the developer to improve on a possible sequel.
  12. Sorry to say but I called it: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/102/1024000p1.html
  13. dwarf


    Just to point out, it's easier doing harder difficulty when playing as evil, but it's too late for that now. Personally I didn't feel that it was worth playing through a second time doing the same side missions and getting the same blast shards etc. Unless I was playing for trophies, which, telling by your PSN comment you are, then I wouldn't want to go through it all again. Glad you enjoyed it though (Y)
  14. I meant turning it off for the match you tool.
  15. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    2 things I can take away from it, usually whenever you block tackle the ball flies away and another player receives it automatically, and it's pretty damn easy to score because either the keepers are a bit slower or because the shots are really that much better. I do like the shooting improvement though. Already scored some quality goals.
  16. There's a 'forgot password?' thing under the PSN section on the XMB so once you type in your DoB and answer your security question correctly it will send you an email with the password.
  17. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    The game seemed a bit weird when I tried it last night. The shooting is definitely an improvement but the tackling seemed off, like there was no space on the pitch and I just kept running into people. Didn't notice the 360 dribbling thing. Will have another go now.
  18. My PS3/PSN can't count. In the top-right box it says there's 8 friends online, yet in the list there are 10. Another issue where I'm not sure if it's my connection problem or a hardware problem.
  19. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    Yeah that's probably the reason why they have kept it the way it is, but the shooting just seems a bit too luck based at the moment. Obviously timing is key etc and the angle you shoot at (+ placement button and turning for those 1 on 1s for slotting almost every time) but there isn't enough there to make you feel like you've just rocketed a screamer from 30 yards. Not that it's possible to score convincing screamers on Fifa 09 from that range, if it happens usually the keeper just acts like a tit and doesn't dive or something. Just thinking about the animation thing... If they made it split second sort of timing it may be possible to implement, say 0.2 seconds a slow shot and 0.4 seconds a pelter. Then the variable stuff in between. You'd have to wait for a shooting position but that's kind of what happens now, like timing headers etc.
  20. dwarf

    Fifa 10

    In 08 and 09, maybe others too, if you pressed L2/R2 or the triggers on the 360 pad (you can figure it out) then your player stops the previous action you pressed if it doesn't happen quickly or you change your mind as the player is running for it. Then there's the fake which is when you hold down circle but then press x. These aren't really effective because dummying has no use against AI or human players. What they should do for shooting is animate the shooting leg movement from every stance a player could be in and when you hold the shoot button you see the leg pulling back and then as you let go the boot swings. At the moment the leg moves after you've let go.
  21. OK that's enough, someone got 11,000 + on yube, but it doesn't exactly ramp up or change. There's parts where you can't really do a whole lot and dying is sort of inevitable.
  22. Just got 2811m but could've easily got further, I fell at an easy bit Still I think I got lucky with the level too.
  23. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=371774 This page on Neogaf has a bunch of new pictures including an ice/snow sort of level and a dungeon with fire in it. The thing looks damn awesome. Along with this there is new music on the official website and info for the editor. In fact you may as well go here: http://www.3d-heroes.net/ Click the blue box button in the top right and you can see the images scroll, as the BG music plays (1 of 4 options at the bottom right)
  24. But surely there was an on/off option, giving you the best of both worlds? In that case it's a bit of a letdown, and if you're only on a small map it's not bad to see how you got creamed, especially in 2 player.
  25. I thought Hesky made Emile of that tonight. Dunno what you saw in his performance today Flink, I thought he was pretty poor. Nonchelantly floating offside, apparent lack of work and just not being that effective at what he should be excelling at.
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