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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    Whaha, bless must be the most patronising word in the dictionary. Enjoyed that.
  2. dwarf


    Mehhhh I'm only 23. Don't mind power levelling towards you people if I'm being honest as I'd rather it be a blast to play than a small 'poof'.
  3. There aren't really any games on the system that I'm really looking forward to. That could be good in order to prevent me getting hyped but the following list highlights games that I'd consider buying (some released, some not) yet I'm not experiencing any anticipation.
  4. Going by this video of Bad Company 2, I'd take it over Modern Warfare. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/africa-harbour-battlefield-bad/58728 Then again I haven't experienced what it is like to be a codder so what do I know eh?
  5. dwarf


    Sounds like a good idea. And yeah I wanted to pick the siren or berserker but I am a man of comfort zones unfortunately. I used to savour critical hits with my sniper but that stopped being special 10 levels back.
  6. dwarf


    Thing is they don't make it ultra clear which are the main ones. I guess I'll have to pick them by level/difficulty. I must admit my experience with the game recently have been poor. Single player is deffo grating and both online matches tried have been laggy. If Daft's connection is as good as he said it is then I might be able to get away with co-op.
  7. The Men Who Stare At Goats Quite funny in places but it thought it was funnier than it actually was. Didn't really make me laugh out loud like with Zombieland, just a smile here or there. It's a pretty damn weird film. Don't know what score to give it really. Probably wouldn't recommend though.
  8. dwarf


    Bit of help people. After playing online with some people I've suddenly got all these quests available that I don't want to see. Any way I can go back and choose the right ones?
  9. dwarf


    That's poor. 'Hat managed to join me but it was barely playable lag, in the end he quit. I tried joining him but it kept timing out so a big fail all round really. My connection is shit so I'm not surprised. Atm doing the connection test gives me: Download: 798.3kbs Upload: 321.0kbs Yummy.
  10. This is going to be so much better than Killzone. The graphics are better too.
  11. dwarf


    Stop smirking. I pray 3/4 player co-op is going to be a romp. I have a pretty poor connection but haven't played a proper co-op game for a while. If I steam through it and finish getting the platinum, I'll probably sell it along with Uncharted 2 in order to buy Modern Warfare 2 that everyone at school is raving about. Or a more deserving game, whatever that may be. Certainly won't be Tekken after it's reception here. Fallout 3 GOTY needs to be mine, but I'll probably leave that for a while.
  12. dwarf


    Team ammo regen... Awesome. I can bring 3% more XP from kills to the team. Go me! Looking forward to seeing what Sledge is like.
  13. dwarf


    There seems to be enough side missions to get me a level or two above the recommended ability to fight sledge so I'll be fine. Level 18 and still gaining XP fairly quickly so should be good to go soon. How does the co-op work? Does one person set the mission and then you go and team it up or what? And can you get 2 vehicles going at once?
  14. dwarf


    Would it be worth all of use waiting at level 25 roughly (Daft's at 27, Goafer 24) to then do some insane (lag-filled) 4 player co-op or anywhere below? 'Hat, you do some serious playtime, I'll do a fair bit, then around Sunday we could initiate this shindiggery. That'll give 'Hat some 2 days to co-op before he fucks off to play some game where all you do is kill civilians.
  15. dwarf


    Thoroughly enjoying it, done it solo up to level 17 but it's getting a bit tedious so hopefully I'll get to do some co-op soon.
  16. dwarf


    Stick with it, personally I have enjoyed almost all of the 5 hours I've spent with it, and finding better weapons is so good. Snipers must be the most rewarding types of weapon and the process of upgrading is one I don't think I can tire of.
  17. dwarf

    PSP Go

    I'd like to borrow a PSP in order to play Echoshift. Other than that there's no desire to shell out money for a system. If I was going to get a PSP it would have to be the same size or smaller than the GO, otherwise it's just too annoying to carry round. Success of handheld games machines is always limited (OK the DS is remarkable) due to the lack of phone/text applications, for most people there is no discernible reason to buy a PSP unless they have that taste for games. It's hardly the 'Whole world in your hands' as the adverts try to imply so really unless someone comes up with a device that can compete with model x of the iPod touch that boasts really good games, then the next batch of handhelds could struggle.
  18. I would suggest Crash Commando but you may have that already. It's good fun for a few days.
  19. I thought you could only use voice by making 'calls'. Choosing the person and then calling them. Probably wrong.
  20. dwarf

    PSP Go

    Aha, love it.
  21. dwarf


    Managed to nab this today by spending BD money. Should be good. I'll probably learn the ropes to start with and then any PS3er that wants to start a new co-op character can join in.
  22. That video is awesome. Well made, really highlights how poor the conference was.
  23. I would barely reccomend it at that price. The original PS2 game is better by far. I won't be buying the CiT but the hover boots look like a good addition to make things a it faster paced. Too combat heavy, especially seeing as the formula is quite basic with minimal depth.
  24. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    A friend asked me about that after recently buying it (I kinda forced them to) as well and I couldn't answer because I don't remember seeing that myself.
  25. Reminds me a bit about MGS4. Yes it's a great game but the acclaim it got definitely boosted my perception of it. When Yahtzee's review came out I thought that yes, I probably overlooked a lot of the problems because it was such a massive release. That game is still brilliant, but it's not a 10/10 game.
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