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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I just finished the game after borrowing it off a friend, I can't say I was impressed by it. There wasn't much 'wrong' per se, but little of it felt fun or rewarding. The 4 main ability unlocks were basically just spammed immediatly after they were obtained and then used very sparsely throughout the asylums facilities. The game choked under the Unreal gas, nothing looked especially great and it was just a bit lifeless. Even though it is in a way a small exploratory environment, I found that the game was very linear unless you wanted to search for riddles which aren't compelling to find because they're all fairly gettable. If you're concerned with trophies I might see the appeal. I'm pretty sure there aren't any intricate puzzles or interesting crevaces I missed out on by ignoring the homogeneous 'riddles'. They could've at least made the effort to make each one unique in appearance ala Uncharted. The amount of vent covers that had to be ripped off was laughable, and I'm not sure what the draw was in having to smash so many walls with the explosive. Or in fact 'deciphering' security doors. Then there's the almost universal agreement about the bosses in the game, which lets face it, are barely substantial enough to qualify as bosses. Recycling is obviously a large part of rocksteady. Quite high on the annoyance meter also were the notices once you die that tell you what to do, coupled with the irritating wait as you sit through a mini cutscene for the 3rd or 4th time. Onto the good things, I enjoyed clearing out large rooms of enemies, especially where most of the guards are armed. The cool factor of inverted takedowns kinda wore thin by the end but general stealth action was enjoyable. As was the combat which was handled pretty well. It's hard to master and I still haven't fully got to grips with it so I'd call that a job well done. Then there's the fan service the game contains. The game has a great script for the most part and I appreciate the tapes and profiles included in the game, however I think this is probably why I've been so critical about the game because I must say, I'm not the greatest fan of Batman and don't know much about it. I feel reassured in saying that part of the reason why the game reviewed well was because many of the ratings came from fans of Batman. It's understandable that with all the hype the game had before release along with the actuality of the game not being crap like expected, the praise for the game was plentiful. It was above all clear to see that the developers had made a recognisable attempt. However I'm looking at it as a videogame and I think that it's just a 7/10 experience. My acceptance of videogames may be Wane-ing (sigh) and it's harder for each new title to cross the threshold seperating the good from the great. Maybe a couple of years ago I would have classified games like this and Infamous as great games, but I feel the standards have been raised by others over this time. Of course, I'm in a minority on this call, but we're all part of a minority with some of our opinions.
  2. It's part of the halloween weekend. Double cash rewarded, 2 'spooky' characters.
  3. Oh I thought the disc release was also for the PS3, my bad. I swear I read somewhere that the exclusivity was timed. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to miss out.
  4. I never bought GTAIV and wondered if it was worth getting this, seeing as the packs got a positive reception from the people that thought the main game removed a lot of fun (that could be found in Saints Row 2) required for the sandbox genre to work. When it falls in price I may have to dip in. Never been that interested in it but now they've downsized the content and seemingly upped the quality, well, it could appeal to me. Also, I'm doubtfull hoping the package has a platinum trophy. Or is it just a couple of silvers/bronzes?
  5. It's quite tense when you know an opponent has an explosive weapon. If they do you basically have to make a surprise attack on them or get an instant kill, like the above. I surprised myself with that, almost a reflex shot. As we said, the multiplayer revolves around finding the beefy weapons. And making good use of the camera.
  6. Oh yeah. Anyway, short story taken from the last game we had:
  7. Had a good sesh on this with the Cookster (I swear you've improved), 'Hat and the 'uhhh, mmm oh yeah he's the uhhh, ummm, yeahhh that one' guy. It did highlight the flaws in the multiplayer but it was a good bash with a few funnies tossed in.
  8. Have you actually seen the video leetpants? Because that's not actually what happens. Face it, you both got dwarfed!
  9. OH SHIT. I seriously forgot. Uhhh, better scarper I guess. Lol jokes Dan that's not what happens, I'm glad I got ya.
  10. I agree with Black Diamond. It wouldn't put me off buying the game but the benefit of mowing down civilians in a game that is striving for realism is unclear for me. It's foolish and unnecessary.
  11. I'm going to protest for equal modding of all topics made. Personal preference should not factor in the enforcement of bans! Some of Uncharted 2 was spoiled for me but did you pretend to give a shit by saying you'd ban those who sinned through spoilerific posts? No. But you are interested in this game and you are modding differently for your personal benefit! I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my forum brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.
  12. Late 5-a-side just got cancelled so I might be able to jump in.
  13. Just platinumed this hoe. Some irritating treasures and 1 annoying weapon trophy but otherwise it went fairly smoothly. Great multiplayer unlocks and single-player infinite-RPG madness to enjoy now.
  14. dwarf


    I'll ask for this for meinen birthdayun. The third of next month should mean I can join you (depending when I'm celebrating that survival achievement).
  15. I think that's testament to how gripping the game is. The chapters merged in a way that made it difficult to stop playing so it's more down to a long session if it became a slog I think. If you complete say, 4 chapters a day, then it'd probably be far more enjoyable.
  16. OK I'm in a way 'catching up' on everyone here, just completed the campaign on Hard. It was bloody brilliant, really enjoyed the dialogue and the flow of the jumping/shooting. For me Fallout 3 still holds game of this gen, but in a way that sort of thing doesn't have to be decided, that's why we have genres to pick from. Uncharted was meant to be a thrill-ride and it succeeded in pretty much every single area. I'm just glad I don't have to pick between the best games on the system Apart from the beta, I've hardly had a go at the multiplayer so I look forward to that. Missed loads of treasures so will have to guide them up, whilst enduring crushing mode.
  17. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Surprising amount of emotion ran through me when I loaded this after a fair amount of time not having played it. Forgot the controls, and the mental map I had of DC has since eroded, so basically I got a great boost of nostalgia even though it's been just months without experiencing the game. Can't wait for that time when the gap has been years worth. Man it's great, so very very great. I've forgotten how to counteract the negative effects on skills (the '-' signs), how do you get rid of them? Can't remember if it's only affected by overuse of drugs or not.
  18. The PS3 is back, was reminded by the constant bombardment of game updates that you have to go through to actually start a game up if you haven't been on in a while. Still, no reason to complain, the thing is functional, and Uncharted 2 should be here tomorrow.
  19. Everything that needed or should've been was said was said, so it almost seems pointless to regurgitate the show.
  20. Might be 18 then. It's almost certainly the account age.
  21. It depends on the account creation - the birth date you entered. For example if you put the birthday that makes you 15 years old, you still can't do Fifa matches online even though its a 3+ game because you have to be 16 to do so, no matter how leniant you make parental controls. You'll either have to make a new account and put in a fake birthday or live with it I'm afraid. Unless I'm mistaken.
  22. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Not like Metroid at all, very few things in that summary would relate to Prime or the 2D games.
  23. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I think the beginning is actually the best part of the game. Feeling vulnerable and getting the odd kill is a triumph with progression really feeling like you've achieved something. Once you're powerful you lose that, but gain the bad-ass status which is very fun also. It feels more story driven at the start, being part of communities and the like. Understanding you can go pretty much anywhere you want to after you've realised you've become fairly powerful is very liberating. Exploring is just so good!
  24. dwarf


    It's not aiming to be a Fallout 3 though is it? I think you're drawing too many comparisons between them and not thinking what this game brings to the table over Fallout. Story obviously wasn't a priority when the developers made it so they've probably concentrated on the RPG side a lot more. Plus real-time shooting is handling much better in this. Fallout 3 is such a massive game in so many ways that it's almost stupid to disregard another title because it doesn't boast the same features. (Not saying you are doing that)
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