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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. It has a first person option.
  2. I wouldn't say I'm complaining, I just wish they'd come up with their own ideas. Plus other mods like Duke Nukem Source were shut down if I'm not mistaken.
  3. GRAW is the best FPS I've played on the 360 so far.
  4. I know HL2 has a lot of original mods, but it just seems that the Source engine has a lot of rip off mods than usual.
  5. Goldeneye Source, Perfect Dark Source, now Mario Kart Source. It seems to me the HL modding community just steals ideas away from companies, instead of coming up with their own. Now, I don't really care, but I would like some originality.
  6. Ryo from Shenmue is gay. Women constantly throw themselves at him, and he's always like turning them down. Nutcase.
  7. I can only talk about #2, but I found it to have boring uninteresting level design, crap enemies, crap guns, crap story, crap characters, and for some strange reason the look sens was messed up. I liked the second level in Halo 2, but that was it. I especially hate the levels where you have to play as that other alien thingy.
  8. What would be sweet is if you can some how use the DS as a controller for FPS games on the Wii. That would be totally bad ass.
  9. I liked Perfect Dark's ending. I liked the Aliens too.
  10. Never played Halo 1, but I have Halo 2, and it is an overrated sack of shit.
  11. The Wii-mote vibrates right?
  12. It'll probs be shit. If it is, then I truely hope Nintendo some how get the rights to make all future Sonic games. Imagine if Mario went down the shitter like the Sonic games have? Man, just the thought is depressing..
  13. Last good Rare game I played was on the N64. Starfox Adventures was just a bog standard adventure game with great graphics, and the gameplay in the Conker remake on the Xbox just didn't age well at all. Shame really. Hope Banjo Threeie will be good though.
  14. Google be-heading videos. Watch out, some of them are pretty bad.
  15. After seeing those be-headings on Ogrish.com, seeing that was a let down. Maybe I've been completely desensitised..
  16. I've got a PS2, they're quite good, but overrated. I've mainly got mine for Gran Turismo. Not many other games on the console interest me. Yeah, that's one good thing about the PS2. Dirt cheap games. I've bought mint condition games for 99p from Amazon second hand.
  17. Big Bewbs!
  18. Playing through Shenmue 2 on my 360. T'is quite good, but some of the sound is messed up. Plus the d-pad isn't the best. =/
  19. Not everyone is gonna give X game a high score no matter how good the majority think it is. People are just gonna have to deal with it, and move on. Gamespot gave Rainbow Six Lockdown on PC an 8 out of 10. In my opinion, and in many other's opinions, the game is a piece of shit. Some people just give out weird scores, nothing you can do about it.
  20. WaveBirds are awesome. At that price, I'll probably get an extra one soon.
  21. N64 pad is horrible. It feels too hollow, and has a dreadful analogue stick.
  22. The US Snes is a disgusting piece of crap. Our version was miles better.
  23. They should release some sort of attachment which is shaped like a real golf club, in which you can put the Wii-mote in to. Like the steering wheel Ubi released for their GT game.
  24. Exactly. Using "bits" is a very old fashioned way of measuing a system's power. Don't worry man, I used to wonder what the X360, PS3 bits were too.
  25. Hilary Duff should be the main character. She should look as photo realistic as possible. That would be just excellent.
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