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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. I've had my little baby GameCube since launch day in the UK, and now I think it's slowly dying. It keeps making clicking noises as it tries to read the disk, and then an error message comes up. This is a shame, because my GameCube is getting much more use than my 360 at the moment... I'll take a picture of my baby later, and post it up... I still maintain the GameCube is THE best looking console ever. Yes, better looking than Wii and the 360 to me.
  2. Still yet to play this! Waiting until I get a Wii before I do. Are the controls as great as every one says they are?
  3. I've got Shenmue 2 on the DC and Xbox. Sorry, not selling. I'm a fan too. >8) If you think the Xbox version is hard to find, try getting the DC version! I bought it last year for collection purposes, and it cost £25 second hand, and considering how expensive it CAN be, that was cheap!
  4. Mikey

    GTA IV

    No planes, no other cities. These were in San Andreas.
  5. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Sounds like a step back in many ways.
  6. Kick their asses, dude!
  7. I actually had the idea of Nintendo re-releasing the N64 pad with better materials and an improved stick. Heh.
  8. The N64 controllers were good for their time, now they're shite. Good god it has a nasty analogue stick, even when the thing hasn't been worn down.
  9. Hmm, I'm pretty sure they are legally bound to replace broken items. That's how it is here in the UK anyway...I think...
  10. That's fucking gay! (why not take it back to the store by the way?)
  11. Plus if a guy is shagging her from behind, he won't want to be looking at a picture of a boy.
  12. Even more bundles available from Game right now. Looks like the shortage is beginning to stop.
  13. I tried Resi 4 on my HD TV with the RGB cable. It looked nasty. I quickly took my GC down stairs, and played it on my Sony CRT, and it was all sexy again. I'm going to be keeping my CRT TV just for my GC and when I get one, Wii.
  14. They can just restrict this shit so that 360 players can choose to only play with other 360ers.
  15. You must have missed what I said. I'm pretty sure I said several years ago.
  16. Chavs are easily defeated by telling them to get off the dole.
  17. Yes, but at the time it was not their policy, and they bitched at me about it..
  18. Looks like my decision not to buy a Wii on release has paid off. I'll go and buy one in about 6 months, and enjoy it much more than I would have if I bought one before now..
  19. Never been interested in this movie. I'd rather just play a good game than watch muck like this.
  20. Zelda Wind Waker with the collectors disk. Zelda collector's edition F Zero GX Resident Evil 4 (you may as well wait for the Wii version as was stated before) Metroid Prime Mario Sunshine Wave Race Blue Storm (severely underrated)
  21. I respect their right to do it, but I don't respect their choice to do it at all. I'll just keep on with my boycott, and tell people to shop else where online, like http://www.amazon.co.uk I know my boycott won't do much, but I won't be rewarding low tactics.
  22. There's a fuss because it's a scummy tactic. When there was a fuel strike several years ago, some petrol stations put their prices up to take advantage of people, and people boycotted certain stations. This is no different in my eyes. I'm boycotting Game.
  23. Hey mate, do you know if the extras from the PS2 version will be bumped up graphically to meet the standards of the rest of the game.
  24. Jet Force Gemini. Man, that was a **** to complete. Hardest game I ever played..
  25. Keep your GC title, mate. Resi 4 on the GC may become very rare in the future.
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