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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. He turned things around, no doubt, but it's not like Nintendo were going out of business. Nintendo have always made a profit.
  2. It's fucking annoying to be honest. The console came out months ago, and you still can't buy it anywhere.
  3. Mikey

    GTA IV

    That looks really sexy.
  4. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Traffic jams in a video game would ruin the playability.
  5. Mikey

    GTA IV

    I'm very disappointed in the fact they've chosen New York AGAIN, but in my experience of playing GTA, the city doesn't really even matter. It's not like they'll be using the same map as the previous GTA games which used New York.
  6. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Graphics are miles better than I thought they would be, but still not "amazing". Still nice though. There was no action in the trailer. I wanted to see some gameplay.
  7. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Get it on fucking youtube someone!!!!!!!!!1
  8. Mikey

    GTA IV

    Tokyo would be the best. Imagine if they managed the make the game look as good as PGR3. That would be amazing.
  9. Heard some mixed reviews about this game, is it any good?
  10. £120???? Fuck that. The Gamecube only cost a few quid more when it was released in the UK.
  11. Agreed..........
  12. Why spend all that money on a console you already have when you can just upgrade the HDD?
  13. I don't give a shit about the HDMI, I just want the bigger hard drive.
  14. Can't be done, the Wii isn't powerful enough. I know that may sound stupid considering the Wii can emulate N64 games, but I read on an emulation forum that Saturn games are very hard to emulate even on PCs because of their set up.
  15. I remember this game coming out on the Saturn. It never interested me back then, and it doesn't interest me now.
  16. It's happened to me before.
  17. What did he say exactly? I'm having problems playing back movie files at the moment, so I can't look for myself.
  18. The Xbox version is better than the Dreamcast one anyway.
  19. Shenmue 1 and 2 are good shit. I personally loved number 2 more than number one, but both are awesome.
  20. Only PS3 game which interests me in anyway, is Gran Turismo 5. By the time that comes out, the console will be around £250, haha.
  21. I'm far more pissed off by the fact the console is very hard to get a hold of after almost 4 months after release.
  22. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-Console-Premium-Version/dp/B0007SV734/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/203-7701865-9183157?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1174645758&sr=8-1 For anyone who is interested, you can still be guaranteed to get a PS3 tomorrow from Amazon.
  23. Sure, neg rep the little turd, hopefully he'd get banned and deservedly so. He called me a Nigger, and made fun of my accent, and the funny thing is though, I'm white!!! By the way, if you wanna play against some one who doesn't care about winning, and is crap, feel free to add me.
  24. Hahahaha, oh maaaaaaaaaan.
  25. I love GTA. Hope they bring a version of it to Wii. Some sort of triple pack including GTA3, GTA VC, and GTA SA with improved graphics, new controls, and new gameplay elements would be sweet. I don't see how it couldn't sell?
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