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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. You do get better. I was total ass at it at first, and then I practically breezed through the game on normal difficulty.
  2. It hasn't locked up in the past few days, maybe it was only a temporary thing. I don't think I'll bother opening it up either to be honest. I'll just wait until I get a Wii probably.
  3. I did Resi 4 on normal mode, I tried professional and got owned pretty quickly. :s Is aiming with the wiimote usually good in games? (Still not played a Wii at all yet)
  4. Am I the only one who doesn't mind watching a normal DVD then?
  5. Yeah, it probably will. It was a good move from Capcom to re-release this. Wii is selling loads, the new comers to a Nintendo console will want this, and every one who loved Resi 4 on the GC will probably want this too.
  6. Resi 4 plays nothing like any other Resi Evil. It's like a totally different type of survival horror game. Get it.
  7. No way would I ever buy this. Most overrated game I have by an incredible distance.
  8. LOL, yes. I've completed RE4 3 times already, and I wanna play this.
  9. And do what after I've opened it?
  10. Virtua Fighter Wii. Come on, make it happen!
  11. Nah man, that trailer was so bad, it was good. Hahahaha.
  12. The woman looked a bit like Trish Stratus with short hair. Haha.
  13. When I first started watching it, I thought it was terrible, and then the zombies came!!! Haha. It was still pretty bad, but in a funny way
  14. Space Channel 5 sucked ass. I played it on my DC, and hated that fucking game man.
  15. Give us a version of Virtua Fighter, and I'll be happy. After seeing how awesome MK on the Wii controls, a VF game would be amazing.
  16. That sounds like an awful lot of work for someone who doesn't like to put a lot effort in to things..
  17. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Wii-Console-Sports/dp/B0007UATDG/ref=pd_ts_c_th_1/026-2866592-7614048?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=right-5&pf_rd_r=033TP8C8JVSNM0GRFWGR&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=132928791&pf_rd_i=468294 http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11475&mid=330850
  18. Gotta be honest, I've had my 360 since last November, and it hasn't interested me that much. I'm having a far funner time on my GC at the moment..
  19. http://www.sendit.com/game/item/6000000003913
  20. Can you even get lens cleaner which will work with Gamecubes?
  21. Only one game per franchise could make the list. It either had to be WW or TP. Both weren't allowed to make it.
  22. Where the fuck is my birthday Wii???
  23. If it dies completely, I'm going to hollow it out, and turn it in to a lunch box
  24. They'll update the emulator to get rid of those bugs for sure. But the dpad would still suck ass for the game.
  25. I've got an American Dreamcast which can play games from all regions. One of my coolest possessions. I'll see if I can find my thread about it. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7666 Forgot to tell you... Shenmue 2 on the 360 is terrible at the moment. Has graphical glitches, sound problems, and the 360 dpad makes the fighting a nightmare... Still may be worth it for you though, considering you're a fan.
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