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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. If they ported the GC version, it'd have looked even better. Shame.
  2. GC graphics > PC graphics. The game is basically a cleaned up PS2 version in higher resolution.
  3. http://www.comet.co.uk/cometbrowse/product.do?sku=995996&cm_ven=Affiliatewindow&cm_cat=Affiliate&cm_pla=Affiliate&cm_ite=Affiliate http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11475&mid=330850
  4. No Mercy wasn't perfect either. It was too stiff and not fluent enough for my liking.
  5. Really, out of all of the games mentioned, why am I the only one who wants a version of Virtua Fighter?
  6. Halo 2 SP sucked ass. Only had like 1 or 2 good missions! Fucking level design and missions were boring as hell. Don't get me started on the messed up sens either. Look up and down was slower than looking from side to side? Very stupid. Halo 2 actually put me right off getting Halo 3. I've no interest in it because of Halo 2.
  7. Do they come with the covers too?
  8. lol, yes there was. The Smackdown games are still shallow as fuck, with plenty of control problems.
  9. Like what?
  10. After I get a new PC, a Wii will be the next thing I buy. My GC will last until then I'm sure. It's a random error that can sometimes happen 3 times in 3 days, then not happen again for weeks.
  11. I don't think it matters THAT much.
  12. http://www.sendit.com/game/item/6000000003919
  13. it's because Nintendo are making games FUN again. Games just went so long being just plan boring, and Nintendo are making people take an interest again.
  14. I still don't have a Wii myself. Buying a new PC first. I don't mind waiting a while.
  15. It was there when I posted it.
  16. http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.200-5745.aspx Can some one rename this thread to: "Wii available update thread" Cheers.
  17. Concerning the graphics - WOW, just WOW. It makes Resi 4 look average graphically. I hope they do a proper Resi game on the Wii with that graphics engine. That'd be amazing. It's just a shame I'm not in to on-the-rails shooters like this. All light gun games are shit I think.
  18. Instead of buying that, you should buy the Logitech wireless pad for the PS2. It's amazing. The dpad on the 360 pad really lets it down.
  19. Never played Halo 1, I heard it's supposed to be much better than Halo 2 though.
  20. You're not missing out on much, it's disgustingly overrated. Most overrated game I've EVER played. It only has 1 good level.
  21. I think it should be a sub forum on the Wii board.
  22. Forget what I said before about the GameCube being the best looking console ever. The Panasonic Q is the best looking console ever. Haha.
  23. Got a link, mate?
  24. Maybe I should pop her cherry?
  25. My launch day Cube is an online virgin.
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