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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Wash your mouth out. MK is awesome.
  2. Got a third party component lead for my Wii. Makes things a lot sexier. :p
  3. I disagree with almost every website/publication. I don't take much notice of what they have to say these days. I only use them as a general guide as for what may be good in the future.
  4. I'm stuck. I have a fishing rod, and I'm trying to catch a fish. I can never get a bite though. Any hints?
  5. Aiming looks tight. Almost as accurate as using a mouse!
  6. My copy came today, but I'm still waiting for my Wii to come. Think that'll be here tomorrow or something.
  7. Finally bought a Wii and TP today. It's coming tomorrow in the post. Can't fucking wait!
  8. They could make a game based on MGS4 for the Wii. It'd probably be very similar to the likes of MGS2 and 3.
  9. If it helps sales, it's welcome from me too, but after playing PES for years, I think it's very overrated.
  10. ISS on N64 > PES I have PES games for my PS2, so it's not a fanboy rant from me.
  11. Fuck PES. Resi 4 Wii Edition ftw.
  12. I shouldn't have to?
  13. Yep, still didn't work.
  14. Was looking forward to play Excitebike! Luckily I have roms of all those games, but it isn't quite the same.
  15. LMAO, nice one.
  16. Maybe, but when you use photomode well enough, it looks freakily realistic. I don't doubt GT4 has it's graphical weak points at times though. Some low res textures, aliasing, some moiring.
  17. So I go to an attic sale today, and spot an N64 and some games. I already have 2 N64's so I bought 5 of the games there. Excitebike, Pilotwings 64, WWF No Mercy, and Lylat Wars. I go home thinking I got a bargain at 5 quid for all 5, and I get home. NONE OF THEM WORK. I tried them on both of my N64's, and tried all of my N64 games which worked perfectly. I ended up throwing them out. I am furious!
  18. Gran Turismo 4 looks more convincing than Forza 2 most of the time.
  19. Oh how great. A remade PSOne game with PS2 graphics. *sigh*
  20. http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/pcrange.html?NEL I'm buying one of these soon. (The one on the right) What dya think?
  21. They should remake Shenmue 1 and 2 in the future for sure.
  22. Using MSN with the Xbox pad is painful. Can't wait for that type pad to be released.
  23. How in God's name is RE4 a port of a port? The game came out on the GC first, and it was ported to the PS2. They're not porting the PS2 version, they've basically just tweaked the GC version, and added content.
  24. Because every one hates GAME.
  25. I'm on VM. They better stop screwing us over, or I may leave.
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