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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. It's a British thing for sure. Here in the UK things are very expensive, and companies like Game love to try and get every single penny out of you even when it's unfair.
  2. - Yes, they may be a different company, but they're still using the Game brand to sell their goods, and Game aren't exactly forcing them to change it. - The policy changed since I tried to take it back, but it doesn't matter. It was Game I tried to take it back to, and they kicked up a big fuss about it. I don't need to ask about it. If they were offering just the console, they'd have it on the site available for purchase just like the bundles. As for the official complaint, hmm, I don't know. Either way, Game need to be brought down a peg or two for their scummy tactics. They're on my boycott list anyway. Hahaha, nice one..
  3. Yes, when I tried to return a game in perfect condition a few years ago, they had their policy of being able to return it with no fuss. When I tried that, they got really bitchy with me, and I had to bug them about it before I got my money back. Poor show, Game. Poor show.
  4. If you try and buy from Game's website, they're forcing you. There's no option of just getting one Wii and leaving it at that there. It's not really just my word against theirs either, the proof is on Game's website. When I bought my 360, I just bought the console, and then I got Graw second hand on the cheap like an hour later from another store.
  5. LOL. No way man, this has nothing to do with Ebayers. This just has everything to do with Game using scummy tactics. They're no better than the Ebay scalpers, in fact, I'd say they're WORSE for taking advantage when they can easily afford not to. I'm actually considering reporting them to trading standards and Nintendo myself even though I have no plans to buy a Wii from Game.
  6. Pre order your console, and if they try to make you have the bundle, threaten to report them to trading standards. I'd be trying to get a Wii now, but I need a PC before anything else..
  7. All they'd need to do is make some higher resolution textures, and add some anti aliasing, and it'd make the World of difference. I don't think they will though.
  8. http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11475&mid=330850 More rip off bundles.. http://www.dixons.co.uk/product.php?sku=067217
  9. http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=6958&cm_sp=Wii_-bundles-_-wk05 More rip off bundles from GAME.
  10. I hope Nintendo help Capcom nail the controls.
  11. I guess not, but it'd be nice. I'd settle for the GC graphics, and updated controls + extras. I'll be waiting for reviews before I buy it though, there's a good chance they'll skank the controls up. I think some sort of a 2 player mode where another player can control Ashley would be cool too.
  12. The graphics are an issue because the Wii is significantly more powerful than the GC. There's no reason they can't clean the graphics up even more.. Naw dude, it's because it's a scan I think. The graphics will at least be on par with the GC version for sure, err, I think.
  13. All they have to do is add some more anti aliasing, some anisotropic filtering, and heighten the resolution of the textures, and it'd look almost as good as a low end 360 game. Considering the Wii is basically a souped up GC, this port would take practically no time at all to port. I hope they at least put some effort in to it though.
  14. I'll get it if they improve the graphics even more, if the gameplay is improved with the Wiimote, there's proper wide screen. Otherwise, I'm OK with my GC version thanks..
  15. It's on the website!
  16. I can afford it, it's just that I REFUSE to buy them. If I only want the console, why can't I just buy that?
  17. Maybe we should complain to trading standards... These bullshit bundles put me off buying one, and I'm sure Nintendo won't be happy about that..
  18. Yeah, Game can fuck off to be honest. I'm boycotting them for using sleazy tactics like this.
  19. http://www.wiipreorder.co.uk/
  20. I'm not accepting graphics which are worse than a Cube game, when it's going to come out several years later, and on a more powerful system.
  21. They've already shown a video of the game in action. You have to use the wiimote to throw punches. The graphics looked shit by the way. Just like the PS2 games, and a big step down from DOR 2. http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/article/645/645924/wwe-day-of-reckoning-2-20050826060246676.jpg Remember these awesome graphics? Well it looks like they're porting from the PS2.
  22. Let's hope they use the DOR 2 graphics engine at least.
  23. I met about 4 cool people on Live today. I met some cocks, but some cool people also. What I'm doing now is just muting anyone I don't like.
  24. Hahahahaha.
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