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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. It was ok at the time, I just couldn't use it when I got my N64 out recently. Was uncomfortable, the stick feels sluggish, and uncomfortable. So much happier with the GC pad.
  2. Better than Mario 64. Completed BK 100% about 3 times, and I did Banjo Tooie 100% as well. I really hope it is as good as it was on the 360. If it isn't I'll be so disappointed.
  3. The controller is horrible by today's standards. After using the Gamecube, and Xbox pads for so long, going back to one of these is horrible. The analogue stick is terrible.
  4. Perfect Dark is better I reckon. Better missions, more variety, better graphics, and cool enemies. I played Goldeneye first, and then PD. PD didn't have the special feeling to it that Goldeneye had, but over all it was the better game. Goldeneye was awesome too mind. Haw, you didn't like the aliens? Man, I loved them.
  5. Naw, Rare's best days are behind them. I'm sorta glad they've gone to Microsoft. The last truly great Rare games were on the N64. Starfox was the perfect example of mediocrity for example.
  6. ONM was terrible the last time I read it 5 years ago. It felt like I was reading a children's magazine, not to mention it was biased as hell, and overrated games disgustingly.
  7. Gregg is ownage. Imagine if he had his own game, that'd be awesome. :p
  8. Ordered the remake, because I just can't stand to use that N64 pad any more. Should come in the next few days
  9. It's not the same. If you steal something physical, then shops lose the money it took to buy the product, the manufacturer loses money to make the product, and that's not mentioning other fees. Downloading a rom is not the same, it is not something physical, and it is duplicated - not taken away from a store or a manufacturer. And no, it isn't taking away a sale, it just isn't a sale gained. Downloading a rom is not the same as stealing food. It isn't the same legally, or ethically.
  10. I wish people like you would stop shoving your ethics down other's throats.
  11. Great deal, you totally ripped them off. Well done. Feel like getting my N64 out now to replay through this. [Edit]Got my old N64 out to play this game again. Loving it.
  12. Super Mario All Stars, Mario World, Mario Kart SNES, Mario Kart 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mortal Kombat 2, Wave Race 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Zelda ALTTP, Paper Mario. I'm sure there are loads more I want, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
  13. They used to wear out easily, and look nasty.
  14. So happy we don't have those nasty cardboard boxes now either. They were horrible.
  15. Adding Resident Evil 4 to my games list.
  16. Just download an emulator, and the roms.
  17. They'll stop playing it in a week, and you'll be stuck with a turd. Just wait a couple of days, and it'll be second hand every where, and you can buy it for like half the price. That way you'll still have the game, and you won't be encourging shit games to be made.
  18. If you buy it dude, you'll be encourging developers to make shit games.
  19. Sonic games = shit since SA1, which was flawed itself. People need to just accept all Sonic games will be shit, and give up on them. Nintendo should buy the Sonic brand, and make it good again.
  20. N64 - Ocarina of Time GameCube - Zelda Wind Waker Dreamcast - Shenmue 2 Xbox - Shenmue 2 Xbox 360 - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Gameboy Advance - Mario Kart PC - Quake 3 PS2 - Err, San Andreas probably, but I'm not sure I have a clear favourite on this console. It's my least fave system to play. =/
  21. Nintendo should buy Konami and Capcom. Yeah, totally. Although Miyamoto is responsible for some of the best games ever, it's not as if he's the only one who comes up with ideas. Plus, with someone else in the future, it'll bring in new ideas, and we'll still be able to get our Mario and Zeldas, just produced by someone else.
  22. Gaming hasn't gotten me truly excited since around the age of 17 except for some Nintendo games. Nintendo games still have the power to give me that rush of excitement and fun that I thought may have been lost forever. When I think about playing Twilight Princess next year on Wii, I just get a burst of excitement wanting to play it heaps :p
  23. Don't understand everybody's love of MM. I found it to be a more tedious version of OOT. It's a good game, but it doesn't feel like a full Zelda game like OOT, and WW do.
  24. Mine is Slobber23
  25. It's a good TV according to reviews I've seen of it.
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