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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Could potentially kill off the rental game services that some companies offer too.
  2. Pretty much everything has already been said but 3rd party games are cheaper on Ps3/360 rather than Wii U. Combine with free games on PS+ (which is going from strength to strength) the only reason I'd get a Wii U is for Nintendo 1st party games.
  3. Is it fair to say the UK market is really bad at the moment? I find it amazing that Aliens can drop 84% but still be 5th. Or is this a common occurrence?
  4. Uncharted 3 multiplayer F2P looks certain to be dropping this week. Hopefully things like DLC will still work as I'll be happy to no longer have to change discs if I want to do a couple of quick matches.
  5. My 1st choice goalkeeper has conceded 10 goals in 2 matches. Yes I've been playing a 16-3 defender in all games for DV but I honestly did not expect results this bad.
  6. It's disappointing but not surprising given the architecture that PS3 games won't be directly compatible on the PS4 but in all honesty for myself personally once I get a new console I very rarely play the older games. I do however hope/expect that Gaikai streaming of such titles will be free (or at the very least part of PS+) for those that have a digital copy of the game.
  7. There is the potential that the Wii U version can be the definitive version with regard to the tablet which excites me. Is this game being primarily developed for current gen and boosted for PS4/Next Xbox or is it being developed for next gen but scaled down for current?
  8. Great read http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/02/21/infamous-second-son-announced-for-playstation-4/
  9. Hoping we see Infamous 3 and more Watch_dogs. Maybe we'll see Beyond Good & Evil 2. See you all in Chat as I'm going to ignore the gaming sites until 11!
  10. Deary me another bad performance. Think I've lost the dressing room.
  11. The RPG aspects in Mario Tennis GBC were fantastic, combined with unlocking exclusive extra courts on the N64 version it was a really great package. One of those rare but bliss moments where at the time I knew next to nothing about the game. The graphics for Mario Golf 3DS do look insanely good.
  12. Had another 2 rejection emails for a grad job (though technically one is with a company that's decided to no longer offer that particular grad scheme:indeed:) while the other was after one of those cognitive/IQ type tests though I should hear back the score of the test soon. Still waiting for feedback from an assessment day 3 weeks ago too. Tempted to post a 'Hall of Shame' of companies that have turned me down, or to start blogging my experiences anonymously but I'm concerned it may come back to bite me. Looking increasingly likely that I may do a Masters year.
  13. Release date for Animal Crossing would seem reasonable. Although to be honest I want Iwata to say 'WiiU be my Valentine?'
  14. Tempted by Arkham Asylum. Though not sure how much content it is missing compared to a GOTY edition. Also my backlog is getting increasingly bigger...
  15. Does anyone have their TV setup where it will automatically turn on and go to the PS3 input when it detects the PS3 turning on via HDMI control? If I have my PS3 set to automatic updates and backups in the middle of the night will it turn my TV on??
  16. £24 off an eBay listing. Bargain
  17. Maybe its because I haven't played a racing game for a number of years, last one probably Mario Kart Wii, or maybe its just because I've recently played games aimed at an older audience but F1 Race Stars is harmless fun and a good play. The mechanics are surprisingly solid and features like pit stops, no drifting and the kers boost differentiates it from other kart games. Only complaint is it's hard to figure out (and commit to memory) what icon represents each weapon/item in a race. @Retro_Link it's free on PS+ so I would recommend just buying a £8 3 month subscription while you can, save yourself from buying it fully.
  18. Sony could make downloadable titles backwards compatible but not discs as a way of pushing customers towards digital distribution. Speaking of digital distribution, is there any chance we might see 3rd parties selling download codes for titles off Playstation store? In an ideal world I should be able to walk into GAME/HMV or browse on Amazon and see the download code the same price or slightly cheaper than their disc counter part - including sales. Especially for the high street, this could be one of their very few options for remaining relevant, particularly if the no second hand games rumour is true.
  19. Good game with Aqui1a, well worth checking out on The Game.
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