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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Think it looks awesome. Love that the Infamous style climbing is still there but it was cool how Delsin could smoke through the air vents to instantly be on top of the building. Surprised by the blindfire shooting. Did most people blindfire most of the shooting in Infamous 2? Maybe my Uncharted habits made me always aim first...
  2. As long as a Galaxy/Mario 64 esque game is along the way and this game is just to tide things over in the meantime then it is somewhat acceptable. The direct feed trailers + screenshots certainly make this and Kart look a lot better than the live feed.
  3. Sony released statement after Tretton's comments which could have been misinterpreted. Apparently he was talking about DRM for online components for games. http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/11/sony-reiterates-any-drm-on-used-games-will-be-left-up-to-the-publisher/ So basically same system as PS3.
  4. they just said on GT that theres a Nintendo announcement in 15 mins. Maybe another game? Also Reggie said they'll be making more announcements over the coming days including more characters in Smash.
  5. Someone should tell Nintendo about Twitch. God the lag, buffering and jumps in that feed was embarrassing.
  6. How long has Iwata got? He said shareholders meeting next month? They can't be happy at all.
  7. Awful. Wind Waker looks basically the same. Mario Land isn't what I wanted. Just not feeling Mario Kart. Smash Bros looked nice but still underwhelming. All the same familar games. No new IPs or surprises. Retro being wasted. 3rd party stuff looks better on other consoles.
  8. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37405
  9. Yeah I had the same immediate impression: very ambitious but when we caught a glimpse of the world map it looked like there were 4-6 main areas / cities while more could potentially be opened up with DLC. Will keep an eye on it
  10. Infamous Watch Dogs The Crew Destiny Mirrors Edge 2 The Division Battlefield Going to be an incredible (and expensive!) 12 months!!:awesome:
  11. Just caught up with Ubisoft conference. Liking The Division! The UI /HUD elements looks immense Watch Dogs was good (tho the demo at Sony conference was better) and will probably get South Park at some point too. forgot to mention The Crew which looks incredible!
  12. Good game with Eights even though we lost at the end. Injury changed the game which isn't the 1st time that's happened to us.
  13. Must be, look how in the shot of the back of the box the strip is grey.
  14. @dazzybee, like you I was a little underwhelmed by the look of the box. But I think that was just down to the video feed. Just seen some press shots and it looks nice
  15. Still buzzing. Barely slept. £349 is a great price. Going to need a lot of self control to hold out until Infamous but we'll see. Any news on HDD size? USB Ports? Optical port? Dolby? Yeah that is surprising. Kaz made a brief comment when he was on CNBC about the yen being weak to the Euro at the moment so it makes sense at the very least that Europe is getting it this year.
  16. Xbox version of PS+ only lasts until November. http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/x360-xbox-360-e3-2013-reveal
  17. PS4 may not have the online check in requirements but it's almost certainly going to have the same limitations regarding DRM as the Xbox One has. Which is a shame.
  18. Excited to see 3D Mario and any surprises Nintendo reveals. More E3 rumours are appearing online so may avoid the web until each press conference! See you all in Chat
  19. How long is the Sony conference? Thinking I'll just wake up early that morning to watch a replay rather than watch it live.
  20. Haven't played a Sonic game since Sonic Advance 2. Seeing the IGN footage makes me want to jump back in
  21. Bet the Microsoft execs will still be happy to appear on the likes of CNBC, Bloomberg, Wired etc as they won't get the grilling about games.
  22. LBP Karting - tried the beta and thought it was ok. Might be willing to give it another try. XCOM - Giant Bomb seemed to love it and have heard praises from other places so willing to give it a go even though it's a genre that I don't typically play. Uncharted 3 - already have it. @Retro_Link The PS+ version of Uncharted 3 is the single player only. So it doesn't come with the full multiplayer that's available on disc. (Hope that softens the blow).
  23. It does sound like the publishers have pressured Microsoft to implement the selling games restrictions as the article seems to go out of its way to explain that Microsoft won't be receiving any money from trade ins. Does not bode well for PS4.
  24. Incase Konami's feed messes up it's also being shown on GameSpot (and on their Twitch channel) http://uk.gamespot.com/shows/gamespot-live/?event=konami-pre-e3-show-2013&tag=Topslot;Slot1 http://www.twitch.tv/gamespot
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