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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I imagine we'll get a special edition Animal Crossing 3DS.
  2. Huge win today. Looks like on the last day of the season there may be as many as 5 teams trying to avoid relegation.
  3. Those screens are next gen surely?
  4. Yeah I did use it, and it was the only time I have done so. To be fair in that season Odwin had a sizeable lead and really shouldn't have thrown it away as I won on goal difference.
  5. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm struggling to think of a game that made inventive use of the select button apart from to bring up the map so it's not that big a loss. :hmm:That and a gesture on the touchpad could emulate the select button.
  6. For the enthusiast it's a shame that Microsoft look set to go down this route. There are concerns that having digital downloads might mean we might not be able to redownload titles in the future when the servers go down. So assuming that this always online is going to poll an Xbox server, it could mean that in 10 years time the 720 is going to be a useless box as the server to connect to might be offline. For the mainstream consumer this will probably not deter them too much from buying the new console. Either way, Microsoft must have something up their sleeve to allow them to get away with always online. My guess is a subscription contract with a low upfront fee ($/£99). Perhaps tied in with TV channels over the internet.
  7. Good derby with Inter. The game against Real Peeps next Friday is going to be huuuuuge.
  8. MAY 26TH 15 EPISODES Can't wait:bouncy: 2 days after I finish uni! http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2013/apr/04/arrested-development-netflix-may-26
  9. Relegation dogfight in the elite league getting interesting.
  10. Uncharted 2 fixes the controls and mechanics which are an issue to some in the 1st game. You'll be missing out on why people love the series if you don't try the sequel.
  11. While waiting for Okami I've tackled my backlog and did Infamous as evil. Going on a rampage on the evil missions are enjoyable and it's worth seeing how the game pans out after choosing the alternate decisions particularly near the end.
  12. Once again one of our goals was wrongly ruled out for offside. 5 mins later penalty to Odwin. Fairly certain the game is trying to get me relegated.
  13. If you don't fancy watching England then you can watch France v Spain on the Guardian website. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/mar/26/france-spain-live-mbm
  14. Super Mario Galaxy Infamous 2 Uncharted 2 Journey I really love Sleeping Dogs but the game wouldn't be what it is if Batman and GTA4 were never released.
  15. Man even though we won our performance was still iffy >_>
  16. Fantastic deal but like others have said the 2 games aren't really to my appeal. However hopefully the HMV price kickstarts competition from other retailers for more deals.
  17. Damn another decent month. Always wanted to play Okami as well. The Cave had a mixed reception but a great coup considering how recent it is. Virtue's Last Reward is another reason I should get a Vita..
  18. tonight's game between Italy and Brazil at 1930 is apparently on ITV4
  19. I certainly wasn't I played Uncharted 2 first buying it on a whim in a sale. Got wowed by it, hooked on the multiplayer. Then got Uncharted 1 to see the games roots and how it all began. There are also 1 or 2 elements in the original which is better than the second.
  20. Best order to play the Uncharted series is 2,1,3 imo. It's understandable being a little cautious after being recommended new IPs that you've never experienced of but there's been some seriously good games come out this gen on PS3 and multiplatform that you're so lucky to be in this position and have so much choice.
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