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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I had fun playing it for a few weeks after getting it for free off PS+. Decent kart game that has some unique elements in the genre like the pit stops and modes like boosts last forever until you break, and whoevers in 1st place has their controls flipped. Tracks are ok but kinda generic/stereotypical. Items are a little uninspired and I wish the game overall took more advantage of the F1 license. The later tournaments are a bit frustrating as the AI is pretty unforgiving. Overall it's an ok game, but I wouldn't spend £20+ on it. Best wait for Mario Kart or stick with Sonic.
  2. What a generous offer to give episode 1 for free for everyone on top of the discounts. I got the platinum on Sleeping Dogs (my first ) yesterday so I've been looking for a new game to try. GTA4 is proving difficult to get back into although I'm close to the end. Shall give episode 1 a go and if I like it plump for the season pass. Heard a lot of great things about it from Giant Bomb.
  3. Hope you're having a nice birthday Haden!
  4. Good roundtable I didn't even realise the Mini doesn't have an SD slot either so you couldn't even transfer saves. There would be next to no point having the channels user interface. It might be better off just having 2 big buttons on the main screen - Launch Disc and Settings.
  5. It's a shame that reviews have to be scored at the end with numeric values. It's pretty hard to measure what the difference between a 70 out of 100 compared to an 80. I noticed in GT's review that they stopped breaking down their score into gameplay, presentation etc and now just give the single number. GT's review was quite positive but highlights the same issues that were mentioned in the Edge review. Viewing both I get the impression it's a light hearted Sleeping Dogs than GTA. Edge's review itself doesn't convey a 5/10 though so it might just be Edge trying to grab clicks. Or (less likely), Edge trying to dictate whether or not a developer deserves a bonus based on the Metacritic score.
  6. Rowan


    Used to dabble in football bets now and then, typically when an international tournament is round the corner. I do 1 line on the lottery every week but I'm expecting to ditch it and do more football bets once the lottery goes up to £2.
  7. What a steal. I'd buy one but mine doesn't expire until March 2014.
  8. Managed to log in but it seemingly died within a few minutes. Lot's of errors. tried to set my tactics for tomorrow...turns out my next game is not until the 22nd
  9. Found a list online of PS+ games given away since June. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmRRDLosxQLIdGJmcVJudmxhSzhsb1hkX19ZRWMxS0E#gid=0
  10. In a year you'll get 12-18 PS3 games, 12-18 PSN games plus loads of discounts for around the same price as a Dualshock 3. edit: try a 30 day trial of PS+ if you're still not sure. http://www.eurogamer.net/giveaways.php?id=87209&utm_source=eurogamer&utm_medium=header-promo&utm_campaign=Try+PS+Plus+free+for+30+days+in+the+UK The games available to download for free right now: Mass Effect 3 Dead of Alive 5 Joe Danger 2 God of War HD F1 Race Stars LittleBigPlanet 2 Mortal Kombat InFamous 2 Motorstorm Apocalypse Quantum Conundrum + Vita games like Uncharted. In the recent past I know we've had Sleeping Dogs, Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands, Deus Ex amongst others. I wish I had signed up sooner.
  11. You can check along the lines of Account Management, Transaction Management, Services List on the PS3 but honestly the web store is so much easier to access than the PS3 store.
  12. https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/home/games Sign in. Click Purchase History. Check the expiry date of a game you've downloaded with PS+
  13. Definitely recommend the Infamous (including the Festival of Blood PSN game) and Uncharted series. Worth trying LittleBigPlanet (either 1 or 2, but you should get the sequel for free on PS+). Journey is another must play.
  14. You think your team isn't performing? How do you think I feel?
  15. Finished the story on Sleeping Dogs. Highly enjoyable game and I'm probably going to wrap up the collectibles this weekend. After that I'll return to GTA4 to finish which may be hard to do having had a lot of fun with SD.
  16. winless team away to unbeaten team. this is going to be painful.
  17. This game is fixed. 2 injuries. One of which is to a player that was subbed on at half time.
  18. Harsh result tbh. Had a goal ruled out for doubtful offside.
  19. I'd be happy to see a return of the stage creator. Playing stages designed by friends/family were either really cool or hilariously intentionally bizarre/dumb but ultimately always fun.
  20. The only one I can remember when I was really young and was semi decent was Cybernet. It was on ITV at like 3am in the morning so we would record it on VHS:grin: There was no proper presenters just a voice over guy so the emphasis was on game footage, almost like an early day Gametrailers.
  21. Spotlight should be on us. We are the LOL team of Xpert 11:laughing:
  22. GoW HD is a nice bonus from Sony EU. Why buy games when you have PS+?
  23. My guess is Walking Dead - maybe just one episode. Reason I think is is that there's history of Telltale and PS+ (Back to the Future), I also found it weird we never got a discount on it at Christmas. Could be any game though.
  24. Infamous is a good example why more game companies should risk new IPs instead of just using their older characters in new situations because sales might be safer. I had never heard of the game when I got a PS3 (probably like many others) until it was given away for free after the hack. I didn't even know there was a sequel until Tretton mentioned it at E3 at release. However given the game's quality (particularly the second one which wows you in how polished it is from the start), given how much heart has been put into the game and given how it hasn't been whored out with yearly iterations it's become a series I'm deeply interested in and I can be damn sure that I'll buy a PS4 asap when Second Son is released.
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