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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I quite enjoyed watching the unboxing video. It had a personal touch that you don't usually see with the other companies. Think every Wii U should come with a pair of white gloves!
  2. Zell has got a good chance. Last season Coloccini pushed us right until the last minute for the cup despite us being favourites.
  3. Sale at Republic. £30 in total.
  4. I've had some pretty bad service from Comet over the years, that + them being pretty expensive it isn't exactly a surprise that they're in this position. Do feel sorry for some of the staff though.
  5. Brighton branch of GAME decided to tweet/leak a few new images. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-10-29-grand-theft-auto-5-release-date-spring-2013-leaked-artwork-suggests
  6. Moneyball DVD and book £4.50 ish. Meant to be good. @Ashley yeah the loyalty scheme on Red Spotted Hanky is a bit pants. I know if you go through both via their fb app you get double points. Personally I find most loyalty points a bit rubbish never more than the equivalent of 1% cashback.
  7. So what's the release date that are 'analysts' are suggesting now for a release? My guess is on March/April. But I'd love to see Rockstar have the guts to release it during E3 week.
  8. Looks like I'll grab the inFamous Festival of Blood dlc game for £3.99.
  9. Great step in the right direction. Hopefully the same philosophy will be applied to Wii U games. Also hoping we see automatic downloads of games you've pre-ordered so that it's ready and waiting when you get up:bowdown:
  10. I'd like to see Nintendo take a risk and try to launch a new IP with new characters to kick off another franchaise. I know people say that there's only x amount of Franchaise A per generation but I can only handle so much Mario, Smash Bros etc before I want to see something different. Edit: to be a bit more positive seeing a tease of Wave Race, F-Zero in HD would do no harm. Getting more 3rd party support as well - hopefully GTA 5 and Watch Dogs will make it to Wii U. There is so much potential with the Gamepad and the fact its the first HD machine by Nintendo but its the games which are the bread and butter of what makes a console great!
  11. Me and Zell should be good friendly.(First or second ever encounter?)
  12. It's quite laughable the amount of people sticking their iPad 3rd gen on eBay tonight.
  13. Damn looks like I just missed the draw. Sorry I missed it
  14. Seems to have gone under the radar but the new iMacs are the most interesting news to me today. They look rather sleek and I wonder if the absence of an optical drive could be the start of a new trend in PCs. Can't make my mind up on the iPad Mini. Does it have Retina Display? Though it's apparently LED - backlit. I don't have a tablet but I've been thinking of buying one to use at home and travelling but theres an increasingly number of choices to choose from.
  15. highlights for mine are youth goalie double jumping and general visible jumps from the rest of the youth. Low points is Clifford Hope wants to retire and anyone 33+ went visibly down.
  16. The background music is kinda inFamous-esque so let's hope so. Not long to find out.
  17. Congrats Ell on promotion. Back where you belong. Somehow we managed to end 5th which is a good achievement for us as we're in transition. My first ever signing Caskey signs off with an assist before retirement. I'm up for defending the cup.
  18. So Beta for PS+ members from tomorrow. A week later for everyone else. Still undecided about the game, when I tried it I didn't have that much fun, but there might be a good game deep inside. Some of the Game exclusive cover art look kinda nice too.
  19. Win over Bubbles leaves me set for another season in the top league. Pretty happy as the younger players have been given lots of match experience. Congrats to Inter on holding onto the title once again. Be good if @heroicjanitor logged on again though to set some tactics!
  20. The Nintendo mode looks incredibly fun and the original Tekken Tag was a very enjoyable game. How is the touch screen used here? If I get a Wii U this would be a game I'd be interested in. Mind you, I was always a Tekken Bowl rather than Tekken Ball kinda guy.
  21. I know it's tempting to just jump straight into games. But for the long term you're better off learning about concepts of programming first. If you have no prior programming experience I highly recommend CodeAcademy and do the Code Year course or alternatively learn Python or Java.
  22. Someone call the engraver, Silverdale Hotpot are going to be the future champions of the Middle League!!
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