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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Just want to say thanks for those saying that InFamous is a good game; I've given it another go and enjoying it. Still fairly early into the game (just unlocked the grenades) but really enjoying both the story and side missions. Hoping that missions don't become too repetitive.
  2. @Charlie The only sort of advice I can give is to consider what position were you in before landing your current job. If you were struggling for work at the time then it might be worth staying loyal to your current employer. Good luck with your decision.
  3. Rowan

    3DS XL

    The only reason why I think they could get away with not including a charger would be if they planned that you could charge it via a USB cable instead. But they didn't seem to make that claim so it's pretty baffling. The Vita was given a lot of stick as you had to have an SD card to do game saves, this situation is just as bad if not worse.
  4. All these draws I'm getting is throwing me back to my early days of Xpert11.
  5. In my eyes, we live in a current time where not everyone can afford to own multiple consoles, so it would be nice if the Nintendo console could cater to the unique Nintendo experiences as well as have the content that you get from Sony and Microsoft. That way you wouldn't need to consider buying a 2nd or 3rd console.
  6. Might give InFamous another try after hearing all the good stuff about it on here recently. I didn't get very far into the game before feeling really bored and gave up (the bit where the main guy is jumping on the frames underneath a bridge I think).
  7. myself and leeds still need lower league representation for the alliance.
  8. Going into the conference I had very little expectation and was just hoping that there would be something that would make me want to get one. It didn't happen so I won't be getting on either for a while until we see some proper games. Another New Super Mario and these minigame collections are not really what I'm looking for. Nintendo also didn't show why it's better to buy the multiplatform games on Wii U like AC3 rather than on 360/PS3. First time I can remember I'm not interested in a Nintendo home console in a long long while, maybe the console just isn't aimed at me. They also didn't reveal any future games coming out long term outside the launch window that could have convinced me to get one. As a quick comparision, I gave a quick scan over the E3 2006 Conference when the Wii was being given it's full reveal. Some of the games either formally announced or you could see elements of in the trailers are: Wii Sports, Wii Music, Excite Truck, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 Elements of Wii Sports Resort (Flying & table tennis), Wario Ware, Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem, Project Hammer (even if it did get cancelled). And those were just 1st party. It doesn't include 3rd party titles like Red Steel. Obviously back then E3 conferences were aimed at a different audience but it would have still been nice to see more of what the 1st party has to offer for Wii U.
  9. Looks immense! Easily the game I'm now looking forward to the most
  10. Looks immense! Easily the game I'm now looking forward to the most
  11. @Retro_Link e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/sony-e3/
  12. Well I watched the conference when I woke up this morning and thought it was alright! Didn't really know much about games like Far Cry going into the conference but it along with The Last of Us and Assassins Creed has certainly interested me. I was surprised they didn't push more the Cross-controller functionality.
  13. Java is definitely the way to go. If you're new to computer programming it's worth looking at this site: http://codeyear.com/ It's not specific to Java but one of the most important things in programming is learning about the actual structures and concepts behind them. Once you know the core concepts going from one language to another is far simpler.
  14. The support for a mobile browser to access your messages has potential. Obviously they could still announce partnerships but it would be a lot easier if we could just link our account with our Facebook account, and even with a mobile browser Nintendo would be missing a trick if they didn't release some sort of Nintendo Network app on iOS/Android - I'm sure I'm not the only one that use individual apps more than the web browser. Also not really sure why they are so keen on the TV button and general TV control. Seems a tad redundant to me so hopefully Nintendo can prove why it's useful. Otherwise it was generally a very nice warm up to the main conference which will hopefully now concentrate on the games.
  15. Fairly certain Gametrailers are streaming on iOS. One of their journalists mentioned it on one of their videos. Though you have to go via the mobile site and not via their app. (didnt even know GT has an app).
  16. Happy with a draw. Youth keeper played well considering it was his competitive debut
  17. Sounds good man. We just need a member from the lower league now. You're free to come up with an alliance name too.
  18. I need alliance members from lower and middle league. If any of you want me just tag me and I'll happily join.
  19. Very good point. With rumours of an Apple TV (which I presume will allow you to play games on) being developed it could be good competition too.
  20. Well done Inter on successfully defending the cup
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