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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Outclassed by Madpool today. I don't mind as it was a very admirable performance and they were due a win over us.
  2. Quite like London Streets as its a relatively small map despite all the alleyways so there's not really any camping. Old Quarter and Graveyard are also decent but need to get used to the map layout. Not had a chance with Oasis so far. Treasure Hunting in general is still a pain though.
  3. happy to be back to winning ways but not too confident about the away trip. Top league tustle is very tight.
  4. My internet went offline 7 days ago. Orange were utterlessly useless on the phone I must have had about 15 phone conversations with them. This afternoon my internet came back online less than 24 hours after telling Orange we were changing ISP. Anyway what this all means is that I've not been able to set tactics for the Eights United match but at least I'm still first. Not sure how Oddy can be complaining of not getting 3 points when you played ultra defensively :p Got to do damage limitation though incase my internet goes out again..
  5. Good ep! Did either of you guys play Zelda Skyward Sword? Be good to hear your thoughts if so
  6. Proud of my team today. Mcoy was unbeaten at home for a long while.
  7. Pleased you're doing these again. They're a great listen
  8. Found on their Facebook page:
  9. What a shame if they do go. Gamestation is the last remaining place in my local high street to buy games...Woolworths closed down, WHSmith ditched games and local Currys ditched them too. Can't see someone coming in with a last minute rescue bid.
  10. Well I finally finished this game (well the 1st run through) so I can finally enter the spoilers thread. The ending was nice and liked the bombshell regarding Impa/Grannie. Before chasing after Ghirahim back in time I decided to collect all crystals, goddess cubes + treasures, Hylian Shield and all heart pieces. However I wish I knew what Hero Mode did before doing so because after completing the game it saved over my file There are some real highlights in the game which has probably already been mentioned but they include the collecting the Triforce, the tadtones, as well as the personality of some of the different characters like Groose, Kikwis, & Beadle. The personalities are so much better than what I can remember in OOT and TP. The Tingle doll in Zelda's room was a nice easter egg. Probably not going to run through Hero Mode for a while, but its quite sad that I'm basically done with the Wii now. Great joke near the end: The Legend fo Groose:laughing: It was a bit of a shame that there weren't more significant islands in the game to explore though. Didn't like the trials either. I just watched the GT review, just wondering does anyone know what's going on at 6:15 in the video where Link is diving surrounded by something in a circle? Don't remember that bit. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-zelda-skyward/723946
  11. So that I can charge stuff without needing the computer on
  12. Delighted with another win. There's been some surprising results in the top league today.
  13. I'll have 14 please if its still free? I love the reports that people do here, so I'd appreciate it loads if someone took up the position for top division reports.
  14. Was just looking at the TV Guide and apparently the channel Challenge are showing highlights of the awards tomorrow at 11pm.
  15. Good win over The Sixty-Fourthers despite going a goal down in the first minute. Got this nagging feeling we're going to slip up against Leeds.
  16. Shades mode is incredibly boring. Don't waste your money on it if you don't have FHC.
  17. Came in here to discuss Marina to see it's already been talked about! I quite enjoy Homewrecker (which can be downloaded free and legally here (from her official site) and it's a shame Radioactive is only on the deluxe album though.
  18. Yup they do it in America and it works absolutely fine. But I guess with a name like mine which isn't particularly common it's unlikely the workers will confuse my order with someone elses.
  19. I have a launch slim and it's still working thankfully. Console is hardly on for more than 2-3 hours at a time and I've rarely ever moved the console (maybe only twice) so I'm hoping/expecting it continues to work.
  20. Really hard fought match against Phoenix, probably a draw would have been a fairer result but I'm already feeling the pressure from the fans to win every game. Wanna team up?
  21. GAME put on sale. Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/10-000-game-workers-may-lose-job-122313224.html
  22. Lower League should be an amazing watch with the majority of teams being at the same level.
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