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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I managed to have a 20 minute play just setting the game up and such last night, amazing watching the opening scenes and not having a clue about some of the characters in the game or the storyline Game is so far really colourful, bright and wonderful, no real issues with motion controls yet but at the beginning the pointer on screen (which I wasnt sure whether it was using the IR on the TV or using the motion plus controls) felt a little slow. Can't wait to have a proper session on it when I get home tonight!
  2. Well have decided to not play it until my coursework is done this evening, the gold wii remote looks gorgeous though Will it be better to play it on a 46" HD TV with component or on a 32" CRT with RGB Scart? Worried it might be too blurry on the HD TV, I remember games like Galaxy looking better on the CRT.
  3. OMg my package from Tesco has arrived today!! But I have 2 pieces of coursework to finish due tomorrow!!! Ahhhhhhhh!
  4. Tesco has dispatched. So should hopefully have it tomorrow or Friday
  5. Solid performance over Leeds which was a crucial game as it puts me 5 points clear of relegation with a game in hand. Aiming for a 5th place finish
  6. Little Boots is releasing her 1st new single in a while. I'm a big fan of hers and I know a few like her too here. The track is called 'Shake' and is out on Monday. I would say it's a bit more mainstream and less electro-pop than her album Hands but still a very enjoyable track with her unique touch
  7. Well once the game is released, we can still (if we want to) discuss in here whether we like the game and what we think of the fundamentals, WiiMotion+ and the Soundtrack CD. But anything related to the story, items etc would have to go into the spoiler topic. But I'm probably going to take my time with this game so it's going to be a while until I venture into the spoiler thread.
  8. Does anyone know if the N-Europe Podcast contains any spoilers for Skyward Sword? Want to listen to it but don't want to be spoiled
  9. Managed to have a session on the multiplayer on Saturday night with my friend which is when he got the game that evening. So we set up a dummy account to play with taking it in turns after 2 deaths. Multiplayer is really really fun, gunshots sound amazing and the general feel of the guns, running and overall mechanics feel great. Most games we were getting 10-15 kills and had a good few moments like a double BBQ with a propane canister on Highrise and Head Hunter on Chateau. Really like all the maps too. At the end of the session we reached level 21, with 267 kills and 268 deaths in the 4 or so hours that we played Most definitely going to be putting this game on the Xmas list if I don't see it going for £20-£25 before then. (Would have given into the Sainsburys deal but getting Zelda later in the month).
  10. Looks like I can't go in this thread until I get the game in a few weeks Have to resist until coursework done. Hope you're all enjoying it though:)
  11. Hi guys, have been listening to a few of your podcasts on my commute home and I really enjoy them Keep up the good work as I'll try to become a regular listener.
  12. Pretty annoyed that my backup goalie (who I bought just because my main goalkeeper is injured) has ended up injured as well. But on reflection I'm glad we at least got a point out of the match.
  13. Thanks for the heads up of the review score Really odd though that they complained about the lack of voice acting since the series has never had it and it's never been something to expect in a Zelda game. Bit like complaining that Mario games don't have guns in them.
  14. Same here. When the game reviews start flooding in, I don't mind reading what the individual scores are if they are posted here. But I rather whole written reviews or video reviews weren't posted. What does anyone else think?
  15. Not see too much either since the E3 videos. Unfortunately Gametrailers have just spoiled me by saying what item is in the game as one of their video titles. So GT is definitely a site I am going to have to avoid now until the games release. Feels like I may have to go on a full gaming media blackout (apart from N-Europe) the closer the game comes to release. Just wondering if SS is the last game people are buying for their Wii? For me it more than likely will be, kinda fitting because TP was my 1st Wii game purchase.
  16. Happy with the win, but not a convincing performance unfortunately. Lots of pressure to get 3 points in the next game.
  17. lol I accidentally posted in the wrong thread. Anyway 4 weeks to go Unfortunately will be knee deep in coursework when the game is released but will definitely have to find time to play it.
  18. Is the upload to Youtube feature any good? I get the nice BBQ or other moment in Uncharted 2 but it's a really long process for me to upload to Youtube so I don't bother
  19. Pre-orders of the standard version definitely comes with the soundtrack CD http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/15517982/The-Legend-Of-Zelda-Skyward-Sword-Soundtrack-Special-Edition/Product.html?searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=zelda&urlrefer=search
  20. Always pleased when we beat Bayern Our match record between each other is 4-1-4 now:o
  21. BBC2 will be showing the Spain v Scotland match tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7:30pm. Should be a good watch to see if Scotland pull off an unlikely win to reach the play offs
  22. Young Persons Railcard £25 NUS Extra Student card £11 My first electric shaver Philips HQ7390. £50 in Amazon vouchers.
  23. Played quite a weak team going forward so disappointed but not surprised at the narrow defeat. No need for panic yet.
  24. Czech Republic v Spain Euro 2012 qualifier live on ITV4 at 7:30pm tonight Spain have already qualified so could be a chance to see how some of the younger Spain players are doing and whether the country look set to dominate International football for years to come. Worth having it on in the background
  25. Someone please ban me from the Spoiler thread until release. I accidentally clicked on it, but luckily didn't take in what I read before realising I was in the spoiler topic. Lucky escape...
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