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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I found Adventure Mode in Melee far more fun than Subspace Emissary. I've had to erase from my memory those horrendous looking enemies.
  2. Will take the win although we didn't play great. Couple of big games ahead in the bid to avoid the drop. Interestingly, it will be a year tomorrow since I managed to pull a win over Odwin.
  3. The 360 might be getting too much praise though for being UK best seller. People may have had to buy 2nd or 3rd Xboxs because of 3 red rings, lack of HDMI, no Wifi originally or even just flat out buying the redesign because it was quieter.
  4. Great quick look by Giant Bomb for Game & Wario. Puts the game in a positive light particularly if you were on the fence. http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-game-wario/2300-7642/
  5. Happy to take a draw but we need to get more wins to avoid relegation. Would be interesting to see one of the established top division team be relegated even if it is us.
  6. £340 on Toys R Us I'm thinking of holding out until Infamous is released. Though it would mean resisting Watch Dogs until new year too. GTA will probably keep me busy and the new PES is meant to be good....
  7. I just finished my 2nd playthrough of Infamous 2, it's definitely worth playing to see both endings. I think the powers you get on the evil side make some of the later enemies easier to kill.
  8. I'd disagree and say you're being too critical of Tahiti. The country has a population of less than 200k, around 7-9 members of the squad are unemployed while the manager convinced their football association to give them a 3 month professional contract to prepare for the tournament. Looking at their performance, they did the best of their ability, even managing to retain the ball on the counter for more than a few passes (I hope England were watching) as well as maintained a high backline to at least try and be on the offensive. Any other small nation like Andorra or San Marino would have just had their entire team camped just outside their penalty box. The reaction of the goalkeeper when he conceded or slipped up showed he really did care. Same with him pointing to the sky and lifting towards the crowd when Torres missed his pen. I wish England played with that much heart & passion.
  9. I really enjoyed how the character plots and jokes interleaved with each other between episodes but it was a shame that because of the cast's other commitments that new characters had to be introduced for a couple of episodes. Gob, Buster and the Fakeblock aspect of George Michael's story were my favorite episodes. Like others have said, I would have liked for there to be more interaction between the family; I was expecting the final episode to be more like the original seasons. However, with the limitations they had to work with, the writers have done a really good job. Also liked the small homages to the minor characters too such as the Richter brothers, Gene Parmesan & Annyong. My only complaint is they did the 'Mr.F' joke one too many times.
  10. Anyone know if the collectible trophys are confirmed to be returning?
  11. Glad if true (keeps Sony on their feet so that they don't get complacent). But it sort of shows a lack of leadership and belief from Microsoft in their own policies.
  12. It has both and are not behind a paywall.
  13. Another excellent month. Will give all 3 PS3 games a try.
  14. Got a 1st in my Computer Science BSc Trying to quickly weigh up my options whether to do a Masters or try and find a graduate job. Kinda leading towards the latter.
  15. How come LittleBigPlanet works fine for 4 player online multiplayer but not Mario 3D world?
  16. @Shorty You got to remember if the TV stuff is going to even work in Europe. Still no news yet about Sky / Virgin media support, or whether the European version of X1 will be modified to accept a digital terrestrial signal directly. Also apparently the interface that we saw in the May reveal was faked...http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=576505 That being said, I've been sceptical whether the screenshots of the interface released by Sony in February were faked too. (Always felt they were just more proof of concept)
  17. There are also games given away on Plus which you may have never heard of before or knew much about but once you try it are glad you got to play it. Things like Thomas Was Alone, Limbo, Vanquish, Ico HD for me.
  18. What if gamers had a choice between PS+ or paying an extra £/€/$10 for an individual game to access its online components? Like an online pass:D
  19. Whenever a friend is considering buying a PS3, the first thing I tell them to do is get PS+. It really shouldn't put you off buying a PS4 either. Posted it before but for less than the price of 1 game it's a no brainer. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmRRDLosxQLIdGJmcVJudmxhSzhsb1hkX19ZRWMxS0E#gid=0
  20. Sorry if already posted. http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/q9gg4y/super-smash-bros--e3-2013--mega-man-first-fight-gameplay--cam-
  21. I'd like to see Jett Rocket in the game somehow. Maybe not popular enough as a playable character but perhaps an assist trophy.
  22. The stars in 3D World look much more like the Yoshi Coins in Super Mario World or Star Coins in NSMB where they're just scattered throughout the level which you collect along the way to the flagpole. Nothing like exploring an entire level where gaining a single star is your end goal.
  23. Other point that was made about Second Son on Giant Bomb:
  24. Think it looks awesome. Love that the Infamous style climbing is still there but it was cool how Delsin could smoke through the air vents to instantly be on top of the building. Surprised by the blindfire shooting. Did most people blindfire most of the shooting in Infamous 2? Maybe my Uncharted habits made me always aim first...
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