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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Yeah dude I recall it. I desperately wanted to come but I was still living in France at the time so it wasn't gonna happen I'm back now though, so there's plenty of possibilities from here on in!
  2. My day was incredibly tiring.... I won't go into boring details. Basically a bugger load of lectures which focussed on things that are way too complex for your standard fool like me to understand. Otherwise, I've had fun stressing over work that needs to be done etc. Really getting into Sin & Punishment at the moment and the housemate and I have picked up Mario Kart Wii and started dishing out the racing banterage over the net. Noel Edmonds (my friend's Mii of choice) and I managed to ruin a few people's games!
  3. Yeah sorry, I'm now back in Bath.... ....But if I'm home anytime soon then perhaps we could arrange something. Might be better to get a bigass London meet going with all the cool people (e.g. not our northern rivals *cough* Dan Dare and his posse *cough cough* losers *cough*) to make things more wholesome and perhaps a little less weird! We shall have to see!
  4. EDIT: I do believe the French are hooked onto some sort of MMO at the moment that isn't Warcraft, pretty sure it was French, if that's your cup of tea (and it actually exists) then could always have a go at that!
  5. First-hand experience here as I lived in France up until August this year! Everyone else is pretty much right though: you will not find much different, if at all. It's all the same stuff but in French packaging (my MK:Wii case is all in French!). Games will usually be around the same price, perhaps even a bit more. Good shops to try are GAME obviously and Micromania which stocks a bugger load of good stuff! If you want an incredibly impressive range of games, go to Virgin Megastores on the Champs Elysees as there's tonnes of stuff there, plus when a big game comes out they usually have some sort of opening event and/or propaganda for it all over the place. I call it propaganda purely because it's everywhere. The day Brawl came out I saw posters and what not for it wherever I went, to the point which I was almost crying because I was unable to buy it! How long are you going to Paris for out of interest?
  6. I'm another one of the "game for fun" lot and also I still game quite often, I probably don't do it as much as before though (my N64 days were my prime!). This generation I've only got a Wii as I just can't afford another console and even though 360's are dead cheap now, buying all the extra games and stuff is not, so I don't see much point in investing in one considering the fact that a new Xbox could be on its way very soon. Lately, I've gotten great pleasure from replaying older titles from my collection. I'm currently playing Body Harvest for N64 and am getting pretty hooked on it at the moment - never completed it before (this is the furthest I've ever got as I always got fed up and gave up early on the three times I tried before before) - and if I do manage to get to the end - it'll be the most well-spent and longest-lasting 6 pounds I ever spent on a game, seeing as I picked this up back in about 2001 from Gamestation. I think, as stated by someone else above, give your games a chance and try and get as far as you can, play them as much as you can before moving onto the next. Playing a variety of games at a time is good but I find just picking up loads in one go usually means you play one or two and leave the others and the excitement factor wears off or you just try playing everything at the same time and it's not as immersive. My buddy seems to pick up games almost weekly yet he never really seems to get very far into them as he just starts the next one and forgets all about it!
  7. I know I'm about to get gunned down for this song/band but I don't care, I like it! Sounds different from their previous stuff which is nice as Nickelback are renowned for being very samey! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I9-0ajRpQQ
  8. Um, I'm pretty sure people across the pond do vote for a party - they do so by electing a particular person to Congress/Senate from their respective states. If the presidential vote decided how many people in the party got into power then the Democratic party wouldn't currently hold a majority. Also, you need the Prime Minister to be weak - it's called checks and balances - the power is distributed across numerous structures so that everything is balanced and each area can keep check on the others. This structure is found in American Politics too - the President can veto a bill but I think something like 2/3 of Congress or Senate or whatever can prevent this from happening. I'm not going into specifics here, it's just a few inklings of what I remember!
  9. Body Harvest has some pretty good tunes but it just really lacks a variety of music - either way, it really does suit the atmosphere of the game. Otherwise, Perfect Dark is utterly amazing. However, crowning achievement goes to Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon. Absolutely bloody brilliant! A few samples: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EcpEKK1vPqA&feature=related http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=d_cajsZmWZI&feature=related
  10. First lecture of the day was a good'un - French Comedies. The topic itself is not particularly exciting but our awesome lecturer just helps to make it enjoyable, mainly because he's just so darn funny! Then had a huge break inbetween, helped a friend choose out a new laptop as his old one died, and went for a Chinese meal at lunch. Then back to Uni for Man, Nature and Technology lecture in German....subject is interesting but the lecturer is ever so slightly unexciting and when you have it for 2 hours at 4.15, concentrating is a very big challenge! Feel mean saying that as he's a very nice guy!
  11. I'm like Ganepark and shall not be voting in the next election - I've become too disillusioned with British Politics for me to really care - I prefer to observe it. If you want Labour out then I suggest you vote Conservative as Lib Dem will literally make no difference (plus they're lacking clout, just like in the last election, in which I stupidly voted for them!). What bothers me most with British Politics is the inability to have two votes - one for Prime Minister and one for party.
  12. Go to Gamestation - I did exactly the same thing as you and I got about 90 quid each tiime on trade in for my old Xbox and Gamecube games. Gamecube games funnily enough can reach a good price, depsite the fact that most in my opinion are utter shite. Also, Deathjam I'm pretty sure that Gamestation do still accept last gen games (although they're starting to get iffy about Xbox), I was told that trade-in goes as far back as Playstation 2. They'll still take older games for a very minimal amount and then basically "write them off" a.k.a probably sell them online for a stupid amount of money!
  13. Spooky, so am I, I have allergic-conjunctivitus, so dusty areas don't help and can make my eyes go all red and swollen - I look like a vampire or something when it happens - it's the bane of my life as many a time it can just flare up and ruin a good night out Day so far has been average - to be honest I haven't really done very much! Currently pondering over whether I should buy De Blob or Bomberman Blast tomorrow.
  14. Pookiablo

    De Blob

    Am tempted to get this game very soon - need to sell off Spore so i can get it! I've stuck along too traditional a line with Wii and this game looks like it could be a laugh - as stated above, I've no idea about what the game is actually about but I was very impressed by the trailer!
  15. Not been up to very much today - had work at 8am which is always fun (not!), only to then come home and have to clean my kitchen (which has now been messed up by my housemate!). Otherwise it's a been a day of Body Harvest for the N64 (getting quite far now, such a good game!) and Spore, which is turning into more hard work, so I'm thinking I may stop playing it as it's pretty poor anyways - what a waste of money! Just about to go do some weights and perhaps have some tea after that!
  16. Well I hope it your knee recovers nice and soon! Just as well there's no serious damage!
  17. Viva Pinata - An updated version of Fifa 08 (which was just an updated version of Fifa 07) does not merit a purchase in my opinion!
  18. Ehh, think of the Pook! I suppose I could go most places with enough warning and stuff - just don't make it so far up north that getting there takes me a billion hours! That or just choose somewhere really central! EDIT: But! If certain people wanted to do a London one then us Southerners could arrange our own little thingymajig surely?
  19. Well I'm glad to see that you guys all had a good time! T'was a shame I couldn't come to such an event but here's to hoping I can make the next one! More pictures please peeps! Whoever brought the frisbee is clearly a genius!
  20. Haha, awesome, I was playing this game last night and I agree with you - the sound effects are so hearty! I find it really hard to complete though, I clearly lack skills as the Dark Knight!
  21. I agree entirely with your comment regarding The Clone Wars on GC - I almost forgot about that game - t'was fuckin' awesome! Some of the missions really did give off that massive Star Wars-humongous-battle-feel, such as the missions on that last planet of which the name escapes me. Also, the co-op 4 player Geonosian arena mode was great fun, albeit a tad simple!
  22. Love the Spore one - the No/Noooooooooooooooooooo. bit made me chuckle! Really dicked off with that game at the mo!
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