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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Yesterday evening was great. Invited 14 people over and we played a couple of Mafia games. Insanely fun
  2. So there was a "Ubisoft Blockbuster Sale" at a local store and I got this game for 24.99€ Still need to finish Revelations. Is it mandatory for the story, or can I start with the ACIII and go back to Revelations later? Would I miss anything?
  3. Contact Love it and I'm probably the only person in the world who likes every single second of that song. Yes, even the 'noise' in the end. And on my to do list is now: 3. Have sex to the song Touch
  4. Happy Birthday, Have a good one.
  5. Been that way for almost 18 years. I entered drama group when I was 18 (duh). It changed me. It made me come out of my shell and since then I never really think about what other people think of me. They need to accept who I am, what I do, how motherfucking crazy I can be. If they can't/don't want to, fine. There are others who do. My point isn't that you have to take part in a play and it will help you, my (and everyone's) point is that you have to be confident in who you are. Of course, all this is easy to say for us, and it's difficult to fully understand what you feel when you are with people, what it is that makes it so hard for you to be social. But reading through the last few pages, there are some of us who do understand at least a bit. Don't rush things. You said you used to be much worse, so there has been progress. Keep working on that. But! You will fail at one point or another. I posted the following in the Awesome Stuff Thread some time ago: There's nothing wrong with failing, you're gonna fail. Don't give up. Keep trying. Don't deny yourself your gift, and I'm not only talking about your passion for Pokémon.
  6. Ordered these: After reading The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow I need more about quantum physics/mechanics and everything related.
  7. If I owned Serebii.net I'd make myself a shirt. "The largest Pokémon website in the world isn't even the biggest thing I have."
  8. If this is real, it's awesome. Hilarious nonetheless TV, TV, TV, TV
  9. Will Smith is awesome but his son...annoying.
  10. Beer's in the fridge, my mood is great and later a couple of friends will come over to watch the CL final and play video games.
  11. If I attend the N-E Meet this year...everyone of you who'll be there...I will rape you.
  12. The Night Circus It's more than a novel, more than a book, more than a story. It is a dream, a dream expressed in words. I always thought it wouldn't be possible, it couldn't be done. But Erin Morgenstern did it. Never have I read a book so perfectly crafted as this one. Thanks again @Retro_Link
  13. One more day. The match of the year. I'm fucking nervous. We have to win. 3 finals in 4 years...no excuses. Tomorrow we have to defeat Dortmund.
  14. Super Stardust HD is giving me rage. And fucking @ReZourceman has 27million points in Endless.
  15. Fucking new Super Stardust on PS4? Hope this is true. Just started up SSDHD again. Holy cow this game is awesome.
  16. @ipaul Thank you for making me spend money Have only listened to the song you posted in the other thread but it made me want to get at least one album by Boards of Canada Edit: I forgot
  17. That was a 5 minute long journey. And it was awesome.
  18. I'm going to take that as a compliment :p
  19. Fuck, that's..there's nothing I can say... So sorry to hear
  20. So, there's this weird new app...Instagram, I think? Am I a professional photographer now?
  21. drahkon


    Not really, just watching an Episode every now and then.
  22. Am I the only one who thinks the 360 controller is the worst?
  23. drahkon


    Finished Season 5. Had a slow start but ended with a bit of a bang. Sooooo, onto the next season
  24. Played my first few Mafia games yesterday. Was incredibly fun : peace:
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