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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. NE-Online Meetups confirmed.
  2. You are not, sir. I want this naow.
  3. I still don't have a problem with online play being part of PS+. But that's good to hear.
  4. YES! Thank god I have a 3DS XL now.
  5. Do we know if it needs a subscription to play?
  6. Well, maybe I just don't understand how money flows in the industry. I thought that selling more games on a console that seems to be selling a lot more in the future will make more money than developing for a console that restricts selling of used games.
  7. What I don't understand is, how can developers develop games for the XboxOne? Are they blinded by the money Microsoft seems to be giving them for exclusivity? Didn't they realize how the XboxOne has a huuuuge problem with all that allways-online DRM crap?
  8. Hm, controllers at 59€ (probably). Fuck that's expensive. So no local multiplayer games for me for some time, unless my mates get a PS4, too. Edit: Don't know if it's been posted: You can upgrade PS4's HDD
  9. Now the wait begins. I want this thing. NOW.
  10. PS4 looks so sexy.
  11. Pre-ordered. Can't wait. I'm excited.
  12. So many gifs inbound. SOOOO MAAAAANYYYYY.
  13. Love it! Nothing else I can say.
  14. Well I can see two 'tiers'. 1. Just the PS4 2. PS4 + PSVita bundle No idea on the price, though.
  15. I need someone with an eye. Not going to be easy.
  16. Probably. But for the next few hours I will be hoping it won't.
  17. I'm still impressed. Might be my huge bias for the MGS Series, but FUCK ME that trailer is amazing. And again: Sutherland can and will do it right. There will be hate, there will be people boycotting the game, but he will do a great job.
  18. Too pricey. Sony could win everything tonight, if they get the price right.
  19. The trailer from the Xbox conference...fucking awesome. And Sutherland can definitely pull it off!
  20. @Kaepora_Gaebora @Blade @dazzybee @flameboy @Happenstance @Katie @RedShell @Rummy Added you all
  21. I assume the NE-Chat will be full of people?
  22. Don't think you're unattractive. There are always people who find you attractive And I don't like going up to a lady who I don't know, too. I do have the courage/confidence to do it but I just don't like it. Yesterday I got rejected (I think ) by a girl a friend of mine knows. Wanted to buy her a drink in the club, but she declined and got one herself. Somehow I still got mixed signals from her, we danced a lot, talked a bit and in the next moment she turns away. The problem was that I got very drunk very fast so I just let it be, since I didn't want to make a fool out of myself I actually hope I'll see her again sometime, she's cute. Asked my mate to make sure she'll be coming when we go partying in two weeks.
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