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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Whoop, just seen this thread. If it's possible, I'd like to have my name changed to drahkon dr4hkon is from my older 1337 times back in 2006, and I've grown up. But seriously, the name change would be appreciated
  2. Watching the first video right now. I want this game Edit: Gonna stop watching. Need to experience this myself @nightwolf We need to team up if you buy the game :p
  3. Totally forgot about this game. Have been following it for a couple of months but kinda lost track some weeks ago. It is in paid beta now? Sweet. Will buy it
  4. "Listen" sucks. Turned it off before starting the game on hard. It's pretty cool in multiplayer, though. Never feels imbalanced.
  5. When you 'drew' the "4" it seemed like you realized "damn, the logo is starting to look good, let's fuck this up". But I am incorrect.
  6. Anybody heard of Spy Party? Currently in open beta (for 15$). Looks kinda cool
  7. "Unbutton lowest button". Will keep that in mind
  8. I'm going with the black jacket The white one was just a bonus :p Found it in my closet, didn't remember I had it...
  9. My outfit for the party I'm going to next Saturday; you know, the one where some 18 year old girls celebrate their 'German A-Level equivalent'. :p And I found a white Blazer in my closet Oo
  10. Hm, maybe I'll wait a little longer then. Especially when I should go for a more expensive PSU. Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E6850. So no Quad here. Edit: How difficult is it to connect all the stuff to the PSU? Might order one from Amazon instead of going to a local PC shop. Will save me the repair costs.
  11. Will ask this here instead of the "Tech Talk" forums. This is my motherboard. Since I'll be getting a new PSU, as my current one is fucked up, I decided to maybe get a new graphics card, as well. Right now my PC is equipped with this one. Don't want to play newer games with ultra high settings, but I'd like a bit more power. I have no clue what to look for, so I need help from you guys :p Willing to spend about 250€ for the card. Don't have a lot more money available because a PSU will probably cost me 60€-80€. What about this?
  12. If you're good, a lot. Playing on hard and fucking up the occasional area I had to fight my way through enemies. But you can always change fighting into stealth-ing again, which is almost always the better. This game keeps getting more amazing every second.
  13. :p Just kidding. Have added you
  14. 'ello.
  15. I..ah...
  16. PSN ID. Add me and the NE-Lot. The Last of Us multiplayer. Go!
  17. ReZ, you're weird. And awesome. I'm confused.
  18. This takes me back. So many memories. The first RPG that I played. It's been 12 years...
  19. Just read this thread...seen the thread "Forums are being hacked". I'm scared.
  20. So is there any information about SNES games for the 3DS eShop?
  21. Spyro Collection, MediEvil, Destruction Derby and Guilty Gears (always wanted to try it). Well, shit. More money spent.
  22. Maybe if I ever get back into PC gaming, I'll consider getting one of them. But right now I'm happy to make my PC run so I can surf the internet -.-
  23. Almost done with "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman" Great read. Sadly I forgot the book at home and cannot finish it until Friday. Currently reading The Jigsaw Man by Paul Britton. So far so good. Britton pretty much describes his work and how forensic psychology came to be more popular with investigations. Sometimes it seems that he really wants the reader to know how good he is at what he does, though. Feels odd. Still, it's very interesting. When I'm done with Feynman's book I might juggle The Jigsaw Man and one of these that I just ordered (see the What have you bought thread :p ): For the Love of Physics by Walter Lewin How to teach Quantum Physics to your dog by Chad Orzel Thirty years that shook Physics - The Story of Quantum Physics by George Gamow A Short Story of nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
  24. Edit: Whooohooo.
  25. Looks like it. Still waiting for Amazon.de to bring forward a sweet deal. You know, something like PS4 + Game for 450€.
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