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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Thanks, you reminded me that I actually have a copy of The Grand Design lying around somewhere. :D

    Will definitely read it.

  2. I have the book, but as you mentioned already in an earlier post, the first few pages are tough. I do know the English language quite well, but the 19th century language is probably harder to understand for me than it was for you. :p Maybe I'll give it another go, because you said the setting changes quite quickly. Don't worry. I actually was terrified that I spoilt it for you, but then I thought about it, and I'm pretty sure it's not that bad.
  3. When you've finished the game and you can sincerely say that I spoiled the ending for you, I am truly sorry. But to be honest, I don't think I spoiled that much. Only gave a slight hint about the theme of the game which will be revealed rather sooner than later, anyway. But still, sorry.
  4. I've had this game for I don't know how long, started it once, but stopped playing it after about an hour because of a lack of free time. Currently I have some free time, but can only play on weekends. I'm scared to start again. Should I?
  5. Pre-ordered: Ordered: And got this: To make Jell-O shots
  6. Ah, Super Mario World. The game that got me into gaming. First played it when I was 5 or 6 years old. My parents got us a SNES and my Dad and me did some serious gaming sessions. Good times. I bought it on the Wii VC as soon as it was released, but i recently got a SNES from ebay and I had to buy the game, too. I finish it at least once or twice a year. It is a masterpiece. And I still cannot understand why on earth Nintendo doesn't make another game like it.
  7. Wish I could play it more, it's really good. But currently I struggle to play a game for more than 30 minutes a day. No idea why -.-
  8. Did anyone say Super Hero President beating the shit out of aliens? Sounds ok, I guess. Enjoyed the third installment of the series, even though I never finished it.
  9. There are hardly any cutscenes in Bioshock Infinite. Whenever the story progresses you have full control of Booker (well, 90% of the time, I'd say). And a lot of the plot is actually conveyed via the art, voxphones, characters, little snippets of texts you an find on walls/posters, etc.
  10. People, I am happy. For the first time in months I am truly happy. I have work until the end of June, maybe the end of July and will go to university in October. More importantly, I now fully realize exactly what I have done. I mean, I know what I have done - you know: quit my job to do something else later this year. But I understand now what this decision has done to me. And it's very simple. Just look at the very first to lines of this post. I've gone through some shit this year. Still struggling with my father's death, being left by my ex, working at a job I didn't enjoy, doubting whether I was making the right choices in life. I was miserable, unhappy and not appreciating life itself. It changed, I changed. Hello world!
  11. I finish GTA games kinda quickly to get all the good stuff. After that it's rampage-mode. Don't like using cheats and Vice City and IV had good stories so it wasn't bad playing through them.
  12. Soul Sacrifice. Everybody has to buy Soul Sacrifice. NOW.
  13. Ha! Will have a four day weekend from Thursday 'til Sunday :p Probably going out to party on Wednesday, definitely going to a birthday party on Friday. There will be fun, people I like, food and booze I haz a happy.
  14. Iron ma 3? Fucking awesome! Drinking cocktails? Even more awesome! Dancing for 5 hours? Hell yeah! Good night.
  15. I can't stop laughing I'm a horrible person
  16. Cannot...stop...listening...So...awesome.
  17. That's a shame, really. Your art and work should be appreciated by a lot more people
  18. Looking forward to tomorrow night. Watching Iron Man 3 with some friends. After that going to a restaurant/bar-thingy to eat Nachos and drink cocktails. And then off to a disco with even more people. And my god, if the DJ doesn't play Get Lucky...there will be hell to pay.
  19. Headphones all the way. I use these and the sound quality is amazing.
  20. A couple of birthdays are coming up so I bought five lovely greeting cards from @Eenuh
  21. Some of the most inspiring words I've ever heard.
  22. Doing it nonstop. So much, in fact, that they told me to stop, because I annoy them I'm feeling much better now. Knowing that there are people who care about me and stand by me even in such a situation. I'm a very lucky guy.
  23. I've just got told that my mate called his mother's husband to ask him for help and to pick me up (before they had to call an ambulance). He didn't hesitate a second. I've known him since I met my mate, but we rarely see each other. I also got told that my mate's girlfriend asked her sister for help, but she said something like "No, I want to sleep." She actually was a good friend of mine. Now I know better.
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